
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · Games
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187 Chs

Undine's Confidence

The members looked at her with varying gazes such as fear, adoration, and reverence.

The woman goes by the name Violet, she's the most mysterious among the group, often providing crucial information to their group from time to time.

The pieces of information she gives to them were extremely difficult to obtain by normal means, even the higher-ups would have a hard time obtaining that particular information.

The members had no idea where she acquired these classified informations, but they knew for themselves that she had provided great help to them.

Red calmly looked at Violet, his face indifferent and emotionless, as if he treated her beauty like thin air. He opened his mouth and said.

"What Violet said is true. Fortunately, a talent of ours had managed to discover her in time or this would've spelled trouble if she left the notice of our radar."

He took the black crystal ball out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

He snapped his fingers, they could then hear the nervous voice of a man talking.

[ H-hello sir, this is codename S-soaring Fleeting Clouds, I urgently request backup... I had witnessed Undine breaking out of her seal... Someone had helped her he... ]

The voice of Aaron did not continue as it got mysteriously interrupted by a sharp static noise.

It was obvious to everyone that the message was tampered with in the last second and the most likely suspect for this is Undine herself.

The members were all silent before an impatient yet dignified voice of a man sounded.

"Undine's temple is just so near us so why aren't you deploying us when you know for yourself that the situation is urgent?"

Red shot a glance at the member who had talked.

The man was called Blue, he was a handsome man in his 30's, he had short blonde hair, sharp sword-like eyebrows, and a tall nose, he also had a pair of unusual eyes, one red and the other gold.

He was unlike the other members who emit a dangerous aura all over them as he possessed the heroic bearing only heroes would have, but one could still feel a fierce aura hiding inside him.

His heroic aura might seem strange to other irrelevant organization members but to those who know of his full history would think otherwise.

Blue was a hero before he became corrupted by the Blood Organization, he was renowned and revered by the people for his heroic acts and achievements in the past.

But now.. he had become increasingly twisted in his ways, this was the adverse effect that the brainwash that the organization had done to him.

He was only an experiment subject by the organization and held no extra hopes of their experiment from succeeding, but who would've thought that a hero known for their tough and firm will had easily succumbed to his dark heart?

The fickleness of his heart resulted in a brief awkward state before ultimately accepting their easily achieved success.

They accepted him as their member as he was rather strong back when he was still a hero, he would probably receive an accelerated growth in strength now that he had converted to their side.

He might even surpass the heroes written in history just by joining their organization, this exciting prospect made the higher-ups feel enthusiastic about grooming this said 'hero', they had given him countless resources for him to increase his strength.

This incited extreme jealousy and envy among the members.


The higher-ups' expensive nurturing had not come to naught, Blue had proved them of his talent as a Hero.

He had grown stronger and had come to possess terrifyingly powerful raw strength second to none.

Even Red would adopt a cautious approach when dealing with Blue, his strength in close combat was just too terrifying, he would get flayed alive if he would let Blue get close to him.

Those who had underestimated Blue's strength were severely trashed around like a ping-pong ball.

His terrifying strength incited the curiosity of the members, they wanted to see who was stronger between Blue and Red, but due to their difference in occupation, Blue would often froth in his mouth before he could even get close to Red.

Red was extremely slippery and scheming that he had managed to get out of his grasp every time he thought he had him.

He would often use dirty schemes to lure him into a corner, Red even had the audacity to kite him, he gnashed his teeth in hate, his attacks intensified as time passed by.

He would often see Red breathing heavily after long amounts of time had passed, one could easily see the difference in their stamina with this.

But ultimately, Red is a Psychic who can attack his mind and interrupt his thought processes, he was also using dirty tactics to avoid himself from getting caught in his hands.

In the end, it was still the one who uses his brains the most that would win the fight, it was useless for one to have great strength but use it without thinking.

Red being able to easily kite and defeat Blue immediately became the hot topic of the group at that time.

Each member had differing opinions to themselves.

Some think that Red was too 'cowardly', while some thought otherwise, some think that his victory was well deserved, as it was indeed appropriate to use guerilla tactics when it comes to dealing with opponents who wield great strength in close combat.

Red was quite surprised that Blue had suddenly become rational, the man who often opposes his decision was now asking him to dispatch members to deal with the enemy, who wouldn't be surprised by that?

It would've been normal if he suggested for them to wait and see as that wasn't in line with Red's way of thinking, but now he had suggested an idea that's in line with him.

He thought that it was suspicious but he did not have the time to think of these things as it was indeed urgent to deal with the matter at hand.

He thought of various ideas on how to deal with this matter effectively.

He remained silent for a short while before he opened his mouth and said.

"Hm. I agree with what Blue had suggested, we will send 3 extremity members to deal with this threat, hmm, I'll also dispatch one hundred men responsible for scouting. Does anyone have objections to these arrangements?"

He said this while exuding a solemn and dignified aura.

Yellow spoke first and said in a cheerful voice.

"I agree with the arrangements!

After her, followed the series of agreements from the other members, each of them has various emotions such as excitement, bloodthirst, and intense battle intent.

Red lightly sighed seeing his members' enthusiastic attitude towards this operation.

He did not delay any further and chose the members that are to be dispatched on this operation.


Meanwhile, Inside the Water Spirit Temple.

Qianna had just finished recounting the experiences that she had gone through to Undine, she nervously looked at the silent Undine.

She hastily added another sentence while shamefully lowering her head.

[ That... I didn't really mean to kill an innocent bystander... I just thought that he's another assassin and misunderstood his identity as part of that organization. ]

Undine perfunctorily gave a reply.

[ Hmm. Yeah, I see that. ]

Qianna felt embarrassed by this and replied with indignation in her voice.

[ Miss I am not lying! I am telling the truth! ]

Undine just nodded faintly and changed to another topic.

[ I have felt you walking about in my temple, did you steal something off my possession? ]

She gave Qianna a threatening gaze that made her shudder violently, she nervously replied.

[ That... Miss, I did not steal anything, I had only moved things to make the temple more beautiful, as I was only here to seek shelter in the first place... I didn't know that... ]

Her voice trailed off by the time she had transmitted those last words.

Undine did not care about her rambling and reasoning as she only wanted to distract the child from thinking anything as she felt quite worried about something.

Earlier, she had felt a transmission signal being sent to the outside and she did not know who had sent that.

She had managed to destroy the part of that signal but the majority of those signals still flew out of her grasps.

She also suspected Qianna to be the one who had sent it but ultimately discarded this thought as she was indeed honest with her all this time.

The one who was the most likely culprit behind this was the assassin, she glanced in his direction and saw him rooted in place while anxiously looking around.

She immediately knew that it was him who had sent that signal away.

She did not know where he sent the signal but she wasn't that worried as she could still beat people even though she just got released from her seal. This is what people call an Expert's Confidence.