
The Mafia Prince is my boss!

A mafia negotiation goes wrong! Somehow, Ashley manages to be in the middle of it all. A woman hunt is set in motion What are the stakes when Ashley gets to meet her indirect enemy who happens to be her boss or what are the stakes if he first gets to meet her? War? Or love? ___________ Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by This is my first book and also my entry for the WSA2022 Spirity Spring Contest Please show your support Thank you!

_Marvel · Urban
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CHAPTER THREE: Settling in – Part 2

Of course, she had! But it was always a scanty revelation whenever the topic was raised back in college among her peers. On the internet, she'd sought to do her research then, but was constantly met with a Waterloo. Whoever the founder of such an illicit organisation was, he must be very powerful to the extent he could outrightly influence the media.

Ashley was still eagerly waiting for Tom to spill some more juice about the talk. But all he did was simply cut her a smile before looking back on the road.

He drove for another ten minutes straight when Ashley spotted them. She perceived he'd slowed the car down on purpose.

"God! What are they doing to him?"

Ashley exclaimed with her gut in her throat because of what she was seeing. Three men were physically assaulting another man. Kicking him left, right, and centre with their hefty boots while the victim held both hands over his face. The next minute, one of the men took out a rifle—a motherfucking gargantuan-looking projectile!

Ashley sank back in her seat as she saw the man sprawling on the tarred floor. He was in pain yet there were passersby, all seemingly ignorant of this.

Her adrenaline pump shot up as she saw the man peel his pistol close to the man's skull. Her heart ached.

"Take me home, Tom. I don't want to see this."

Tom obliged her pleas and jerked the car out of there.

"What did you have to show me that for?"

"You seemed like you could handle finding out the truth, so I thought to myself. Why not?"

"Why not?" Ashley barked hysterically at him. "That— right there, almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry about that. But they weren't going to end him though."

"How can you be so sure?"

"This is my hood, remember? Besides, if they wanted to, they would have decided to do things a little more privately. Possibly torture him in front of his family before wasting them all. Worst case scenario? The news goes crazy with the gruesome deaths for a while. Just as long, to keep the populace aware of who actually runs the state."

"The mafia does."

"The mafia does."

Ashley and Tom muttered concurrently and dropped the topic altogether.

Ashley did not know how to feel about the news, but she somehow managed to suck it all in as the simple bungalow of the Hatton's residence came into view.

"Welcome to our sweet little home, cuz!" Tom announced and in a dart, he walked over to the back to get the bags off the trunk.

"Seems you packed a lot for your stay, cuz!" Tom exclaimed when he held onto the other bag which seemed a ton heavier than the second one. Why hadn't he noticed this anomaly the first time?

By the time he sauntered over to the front, Ashley had already descended the car and was standing some paces in front of the car, waiting for him.

"Thanks for the aid," She said the instant he got close enough, "but I think I can handle it from here. Let me have my bags back."

"What? No way, I'm going to let you wear your shoulders out. You look too fragile for it."

Ashley ignored him as he walked past her. She simply walked behind him, eyes up and about the place. She'd missed this house but not much renovation had been done on the property since her last visit. She guessed the garage workshop at the back was probably the same way it had always been. But she may be wrong about that as well.

Sliding her hands inside the back pockets of her All-American jeans, she trotted towards the patio, letting Tom take the lead as he should.

They entered through the front door.

"Sweet Jesus! Ashley, is that you?"

A slightly pretty woman wound her way to the front, sprinting mildly. Ashley could not have forgotten... She could never forget the glossy and brilliant curls on her head—red burgundy hair. Not could she forget her ever-smiling eyes and easily approachable personality.

Meryl reached her in no time. Picking her off the ground, she hurled her around while laughing childishly. She sure had a lot of strength for a slender-looking woman.

"My sweet little Jasmine!" the woman happily exclaimed. "You've grown to become very beautiful." She let her be and Ashley spared the moment to catch her breath. She smiled back at the cheerful woman.

"I've missed you too, Auntie."

"Have you? Then you should have visited me since the last time your parents visited. Right, you were barely eight at that time. Oh well, it is a good decision for you to come after graduation. Come, come on up to your room," Meryl declared as she led her up the stairway which was just at the adjoining passage from the dense sitting room they had stood in just now.

"I prepared this really fancy corner for you, Ash. There's not much in it save for a few items of furniture and a comfortable bed but you will like it I am sure."

"Of course, I will " Ashley smiled through her eyes though her Aunt could not see her do it.

When she turned to look behind, she saw Tom carrying the bags all up the stairs.

Tom winked at her playfully, and Ashley turned toward her aunt instead.

They walked inside a mildly spacious bedroom.

"Here it is, honey!" Aunt Meryl announced first, before darting her eyes toward the window side. "My God! Who let down those drapes!"

Ashley watched her pull the curtains far apart, using a ribbon to make them stay.

She felt good watching her aunt put in so much effort to make her space a perfect haven, however little.

Tom already dropped her baggage and began flexing his muscles.

Were the bags really that heavy or his huge biceps were all just for nothing?

"There! Now your room is perfect and properly aerated, Love. I chose this room for you because it can afford you a view of the yard and some three blocks from here." The woman smiled.

"That is so thoughtful of you, Auntie. How about Phil... And Eva?"

"Phil stepped out to help with some groceries. Though he should be back soon. Eva is at her friend's house which is just a couple of blocks away. But I'm going to reach her and inform her of your arrival. Ah! My girl is going to be super pumped with joy once she finds you."

"Haha, I bet she will. I've really missed those big eyes of hers."

"They look a lot like yours, don't they? I always say it that you both are perfect as sisters. Tom, thank you for bringing her safely."

"Yeah, anytime. Didn't know such a cute little thing existed as my cousin anyway."

"Yea, she is cute alright. You, go ahead while I help her unpack."

Ashley thanked her aunt, telling her she didn't have to do so much.

"It's nothing, honey," Meryl replied. "Besides you just got back from a long trip, don't you need to relieve yourself or something?"

"Oh, that. I'm glad you reminded me. I've been holding in my pee for too long obviously."

"So what are you waiting for? Hurry! Go!"

Ashley started towards the restroom but looked back at the woman who was already zipping open her bag.

"Hey! You seriously don't need to do that Auntie. I will be out shortly, please."

Ashley padded into the washroom, leaving behind her Aunt who was still pretty invested in her stuff.

"Let's see... What do we have here? Cosmetics, more cosmetics and even more cosmetics. Oh, there's her documents as well.

"What else do we have? Certainly, she brought along some clothes, no? Let me see the other bag..."

The instant Meryl zipped open the second bag, her mouth dropped and her eyes popped wide open because of what she saw…