
The Mafia Lord's good bad girl

What could possibly go wrong with a little night party in the club? Everything! Especially when you have a one night stand with a stranger. Verena had a one night stand with a stranger and ran away from him the next morning only to meet him in the bakery she works in. She found out that the was stalking her and also the man she has failed to kill three years ago. Now she was being held captive against her will and she doesn't know exactly what he wants revenge or her. Cassio had been looking for the little redhead that had tried to kill him years ago, now she was right in front of him, in his bed. That was before she ran thinking she could escape him again but she could never be more wrong. He is going to make her pay for trying to assassinate him but it wasn't revenge plans that were in his head when he finally kidnapped her. He was going to break her and make her his even if he kills people to do that. Actually that was the easiest way to get her

Zielle_strawberry · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Skinning dipper

She had the dream again, she would have actually loved to forget but it kept coming back to hunt her. The only person she had loved in that depraved world, she couldn't protect. She still had to fight off some of Dominic's men which was why Emma must have started crying at the sight of a red haired lady in blood.

She sighed, why the heck was she reminded of Ava a night after she had almost forgotten to pretend to like Cassio's kiss. Probably a warning. If she wanted to have a normal life, she should be done with the deal and leave the man.

She frowned, as she got up from the bed. She was dreaming too much of the damned man probably because she had been doing any serious training these days. First, she was going to swim. She had noted Cassio's schedule and on Tuesdays which was today, he was going to be out with his men doing whatever. She doesn't care about that. Oh wait! She did care, just that she hadn't had the time to dig that out yet. Now to the pool.

She got lost again twice! Swearing to the owner of the house on why he had built such a ducking large house, she decided to steal the blueprint of the mansion as she opened the door to the pool house.

She slipped into the pool house and shrugged off her robe. Now she finally had the place to herself, she could do a little bit of exploring and see if she was going to find any weapon in case she was attacked by that devilish blond man. She knew the workings of the gang, there was gun everywhere. So she searched, and she found one in a secret compartment in one of the drawers. She should have stolen some food before she came here. She sat at the edge of the pool, dipping her toes into the water as a memory flashed. She had been daring Ava to get into the pool but Ava was having none of her begging, she thought she was just shy until Ava had take off her bikini and dove into the water naked. Feeling nostalgic, she wanted to do the same.

So she slipped out of her bikini and into the pool, she felt the force of the water as she dove in. The water was cool and refreshing, and she swam laps, enjoying the fact that no one was there. She had always loved swimming, and since she was taught by her favorite person in the world it became one of her favorite hobbies to relax.

But her peace was short-lived. Just as she was getting out of the pool, she heard the door open and someone entered the room. Her eyes glanced in horror at her bikini streaked on the floor.

"What about the shipment, Diego?" Cassio voice echoed.


"It is going to arrive tonight sir" a voice she didn't recognize said.

"Good, I want everything to go on smoothly"

"Of course, boss".

By the sound of those footsteps, Verena knew that it wasn't only one man that was with Cassio. Her heart literally missed a beat as she glanced down and realized she was naked.

How the heck could she forget that.

Thank goodness she was hiding behind a rack of towels so she plucked one on wrapped it around her body but the towel was obviously meant for a little child because it didn't cover anything so she held it with her hands as her bikini lay on the floor, out of reach.

Peeking from behind the towel she saw Cassie pick up the bikini and she knew it was game over.

Why? Why hadn't she just stayed up in her room? She mentally cried.

He began to walk towards her hiding spot.

No! No! No! There is no one here.

But of course she couldn't warn his instincts and he moved closer to her. She tried to make herself smaller but he got to the rack and parted the towels looking down at her with a scowl on his face.

His eyes locked onto hers, and she felt a flush rise to her cheeks. She knew she had been caught red-handed, or rather, red-bodied.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Verena?" He growled, but his eyes betrayed a hint of amusement. He seemed to be enjoying the fact that she was embarrassed to death.

Verena cleared her throat standing up as she pulled at the ends of the short towel to cover herself but it was just too small. "I just wanted to go for a swim," she stammered, trying to sound innocent.

Cassio raised an eyebrow. "Without your swimsuit?" He took a step closer to her, his eyes roaming over her body.

Verena's face grew hotter as she shifted backwards.

"If you would excuse me" she said as she tried to make a run for it, but her foot slipped on the wet floor, causing her to cry out in surprise. The sound echoed through the room, and Cassio's men turned to look at her. Cassio's expression darkened, and his eyes flashed with anger.

"Out!" he barked at his men. "Now!"

They quickly filed out of the pool house, leaving Verena alone with Cassio. He strode over to her, his eyes blazing with....Was this what Ava called lust?.

"You shouldn't have come here," he growled, his voice low.

Verena tried to back away, but Cassio was too quick. He grabbed her waist, his grip like a vice. She felt a surge of fear mixed with excitement as he dragged her closer to him.

"I'm sorry, okay. I should have stayed away," she said, trying to give an excuse sohe wouldn't kill her.

But Cassio just laughed, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Too late for apologies," he said, his voice dripping with possessiveness. "You're mine now."

As Cassio held her close, his eyes burning with that same look, Verena felt hot all over. Was this how it was going to be everytime this man touched her. But before things could escalate further, one of his men rushed back into the pool house, looking frantic.

"Cassio, we're under attack!" he exclaimed.

Cassio's grip on Verena's waist tightened, and he growled, "Stay here."

Verena was not one to be commanded. She wriggled free from his grasp and followed him out of the pool house, determined to see what was happening.

As they burst out of the pool house, Verena's heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation. She scanned the grounds, trying to assess the situation. The mansion's alarms were blaring, and she could hear the distant sound of gunfire. Cassio's men were already engaged in a fierce firefight with a group of unknown assailants.

Cassio turned to her, his face a mask of fury. "Verena, I told you to stay back!"

Ignoring him, she walked into the gunfire as if she weren't clad in a towel, and grabbed a weapon from a nearby guard's belt. "I'm not staying behind while you're out here fighting. I can help."

Cassio's eyes flashed with frustration. "I will handle you after this, just stay close to me."

Verena rolled her eyes,"yes Dad". She noted the attackers were well-organized and heavily armed. Whoever they were, they had planned this assault well.

Cassio's voice was commanding as he shouted orders to his men, and it was no surprise at his skill in using guns. They dodged bullets and took cover behind the mansion's pillars. And for the first time she was glad that Emma was in school.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rocked the grounds, and Verena was thrown to the ground. Her ears rang, and she struggled to regain her bearings. Through the smoke and debris, she saw Cassio pulling her up.

"Are you okay?" he shouted over the din.

"I'm fine," she replied, though her body ached from the impact.

They continued their advance, taking down attackers with precision. Verena's training kicked in, her movements fluid and deadly.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the gunfire began to subside. The remaining attackers were retreated. The grounds were littered with the bodies of men but that wasn't new to her.

Cassio's men began securing the area, and he turned to Verena, his expression unreadable again. Why was it so hard to read this man.

"What are you doing here?!," he asked furiously

Verena shrugged, "Just doing my part."

He stepped closer, his eyes locking onto hers. "I meant what I said before. You shouldn't have been out here."

"And I meant what I said," she replied, meeting his gaze defiantly. "I'm not going to stand by and do nothing."

Cassio sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You never listen, do you?"

"Not when it comes to your ridiculous commands," she shot back, a smile tugging at her lips.

He shook his head, but there was a hint of smile in his eyes. "You're impossible."