
Future- Part 1

I take a deep breath sitting in what used to be my Father's chair. I spin the chair glancing outside the window that was facing the city.

My city. The city I worked so hard to conquer these past few years. I had finally one. I lost a few people, but in the end it was all worth it.

I leaned back suddenly thinking how proud my Dad would be. He had moved to some other estate somewhere we weren't supposed to know, he hadnt called in two years but I was used to that. He said he didn't want to see any of us until his funeral. Which at the time he was very drunk, but we still promised him anyway. It was for his own safety, if anyone knew where he was they would go to him likely carrying a gun.

There was a knock on the door making me lose my thoughts. I turned the chair around, "Come in."

One of my five brothers, Matt, walked. He was tall with a fit build like most of them. He had light brown hair and blue eyes that we all shared from our mother.

"What is it, Matt?" I looked him up and down waiting. I had wanted some peace in my office for at least a few hours.

He cleared his throaght, "We found him sis."

My eyes widened and I jumped out of my chair. "What?"

"We found him hiding out in Canada, under a fake name and all too," he said confidently.

I walked over to him looking him straight in the eyes, "This isnt a joke right? Because Matt I swear to God if this is a joke I will hit where it hurts." I meant that in many ways.

He shook his head, "I wouldn't lie about this G." I believed him.

I took a step back, thinking after all these years we finally got him.

After a few seconds I looked at my brother again, "Bring him in."

He nodded going to the door and leaving.

I took deep breaths calming my nerves.

I mean can you blame me.I only had a few minutes to prepare myself to see the one person on this earth that I hate.