

Gianni had returned from Rome a week after Vallea had returned home Luca had filed in the gaps where he could and Alora was a little reserved to tell her daughter of their three way marriage prenup. Now all was left was Gianni’s version of events: how worse could this fucked up family really get?

Now sitting in the lounge Gianni sat opposite her, a still very attractive almost sixty year old Italian man he had aged well considering his role in the Mafia. He’d gave up his status as the Mafia king when Metteo had turned twenty one seen as he was in no rush to leave education he wanted to be a good business man first do he had the know how in the business world he and Alora were both proud of his decision he’d calmed down a lot since his teenage days. He had finally got his head screwed on Gianni had taught him all there was to know about the Mafia world and what was expected of him when he finally took over the role of the Mafia king alongside his elder brother.