
The Mafia In My Heart

Chloe pledged her life to the man, who brought her up after her parent's death and became a spy as he wanted. She was ready to bring him anything he wanted without raising a single eyebrow. ***** She was sent to arrest the leader of the Mafia world- Dave, but she didn't expect to collide with her one-night stand, Frank. Frank, is the man she fell in love with at first sight, but her responsibility comes first, she again turned her eye to him. But, what if he turns out the soon-to-be Mafia King and her real target? Frank wants to become the Mafia King, for which he prepared himself for years and Chloe wants to kill the Mafias and ruin their business. He wants her to be his, he will do everything for her. But what if one day, he found her secret? Will he be able to love her again? Will she give up on her loyalty or become the reason for her love's fall?

World_of_someone · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hey! you stop right there", seeing the guard running towards her.

She looked around but no one was there, she brought her ring to her mouth.

"Aiden, where are you?"

"Look at the side", she saw him waving his hand from far on a boat.

"Why are you there?"

"Come fast, they are coming for you, I saw that woman calling for the guard"

She picked up his unconscious body from the floor and jumped into the river.

She grasped his hair and hauled him with her to swim the river, she swam to the boat.

Aider drew out his gun and shot the guard and the woman on the boat who saw her, then he started shooting who were coming for them.

She reached the boat, Aiden pulled Kirill's body onto the boat as he was still unconscious and then helped her to get on the boat.

"He is not dead, right?", he asked her seeing the man still unconscious.

"Fast, leave from here first, he's just unconscious", she said in between her breath.

"Yes", he went to start the motor to drive away from there.

Suddenly, he saw the guards pointing his gun in their direction. He turned around and shot the men aiming at them.

She turned her face in the direction where he shot the bullet. More men started to come out and started firing on them.

"Give me the gun and drive the boat, they can follow us with other boats"

"Don't worry, I made sure they want", he threw another gun at her and started the motor.

He drove away from there to the bank of the river where there were not many people. First, she stepped out of the boat, and then Aiden got out carrying Miller's body on his shoulder.

She can't see the yacht now.

"They are not following us", she dropped herself to the ground.

"Were not you too far from the yacht? You even know how heavy this hulk is."

"If I waited around the yacht, then I will be the one to shoot first then you. Don't be naggy", he replied to her in a sassy way.

"Ayy Aiden! How dare you call me naggy? Don't forget I am elder than you"

"We joined at the same time, it's just I was in a different department and I don't consider you one", he replied while pulling out her phone from his pocket.

"I am calling the headquarter", Aiden dialed a call on his phone and asked for a car at their location.

Soon a car arrived there, two-man got out of the car. They picked up Mr. Miller's body and put it in the car. He was about to sit in the same car when she stopped him.

"Our car is behind this one", he saw behind the car there was another black car standing behind.

"You are going to drive, I will change my clothes at the back", she took the keys from the driver and pass them to him.

"This is the one we came in right? do you have clothes to change it?", he asked her questionably thinking that she is just pushing the keys to him.

"I always carry an extra pair of clothes in my car", she sat in the back seat of the car and he sat in the driver seat.

"Don't try to peek here", she told him as she undressed in the car.

He didn't reply to her and drove to the headquarters in Russia.


They both entered the headquarter, she is now wearing a grey hoodie with jeans. Everyone greeted the two on their way. They reached their senior's office, a guard opened the door for them.

A man in his 40s was sitting behind the desk, the two greeted him.

"Thank you, for your help Agent Chloe and Agent Aiden. We will make sure to repay your kindness.", the man spoke with full courtesy.

The girl who brought Miller and was with Aiden now is Chloe, the two are spy's in Federal American Investigation. They both were sent there by the agency to work with Russians in a collaborative project to eradicate the drug mafia, Kirill Miller was one of the big names among them.

"We didn't help you, we are just following our orders", she replied.

"Your part is done now, we will handle things from here"

"If everything is done I would like to leave."

They two left the room.

"Are we going to return right now? in the night?"

"Mr. Patrick called me last night and he wants me to return earlier, that's why I pushed everything so that I can return. You are going to stay here, submit a report here and in our agency too", she told him leaving the headquarters.

"You are leaving me here for paperwork.", he said with a frustrated look on his face.

"You know this is the most important part", she said patting his back, "I have a flight soon. Return soon."

She left with the car from there and went back in.

---- In Canada's Headquarters ----

After returning from Canada, It was morning now. She took a taxi from the airport and reached the agency's office there.

She entered Mr. Patrick's office.

"You should've rested for at least a day before coming to the office.", he said in a calm voice, eyes on the files in front of him.

She didn't say a word and remain stood there. Although she is cheerful in her personality, she never says anything in front of him if not needed. It's not, she is afraid of him but she respects him too much. He was the man who brought her up all these years even though he wasn't her father or any relative.

"Now, If you are here, let's get to work.", he closed the file and threw it toward her.

"This is going to be your first solo mission, all the information you needed is in this file."

"Dave Castello, the famous Castello family", she said in an astonished voice.

"I know you were investigating the Castello family, so I thought you would be the best agent for this beside he is not some easy mafia anyone can deal with, I need someone whom I can trust and capable of it."

"I will make sure to give you a fruitful result", she replied to him with confidence.

"He is going to cut a deal with the Asian mafia for drugs, you have to stop the deal and found concrete evidence against him."

She went to her office.


She spends two days in her office searching for all the information about the Castello family.

She was keeping a track of all the members of the Castello Family, they were mafias from four generations and the ones who set the rules in the mafia world. The rules were there, the law was there and the entire business was there.

After two days of finding a lead on Dave, she received a tip from the agency that Dave Castello will meet someone in a nightclub.

"Mr. Dave Castello, it feels like a piece is missing. Don't worry I will find that soon and then you will be behind bars because now I am going to enter your life", she said to herself staring at the board where she pasted personal information found on the Castello Family.