
The Mafia Girl

The mafia girl is out for vengeance! After her mother was murdered in her front, she had sworn to kill those who killed her mother. She becomes the don of the family at 18 but she is a girl and young at that matter but who cares? She is ruthless and a devil! Matt Spencer, a lone wolf and a leader of the Spencer mafia family. For the past twelve years, his father was nowhere to be found and he knows that his father is still alive but is with the Steele family. After much warning to release his fat her, the Steele family refuses. A war would break out. But what happens when Matt Spencer's and Summer Steele's path cross. What happens when the two can't resist each other? Would love prevail? Would love be enough? Read now to find out

GlobalGift · Urban
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9 Chs

Family meeting

David sighed while going through the record of the Spencer family. For the past twelve years, he had been trying hard not to put the death of his wife on the whole Spencer family.

"Boss, you would be late for the family meeting today." Kelvin told him.

David grumbled internally. He was tired of all this whole work and couldn't wait for his retirement.

David only stood up and left his office with his assistant.

Daniel was the one who called for this meeting and he intentionally added that it was an order for everyone to be there.

The meeting was to be held at the base's hall. It must be of something important that Daniel summoned them else David wouldn't spare him.

It was a long drive from David's workplace to the base.

The Jeep pulled up in the garage and David alighted. He made his way into the main building.

His father and daughter were conversing when he arrived while other members of their large family were seated on their own, minding their business.

"David, you are late, we have been waiting for you." Daniel complained, earning a hiss from David.

"You simply could have gone ahead with the meeting without me." David retorted.

"But you are the Don of the family, we can't start a meeting without you." Roman told him and earned a glare from David.

"Granduncle Roman, before you talk, think thoroughly. Maybe next time when a family meeting is called, old men without senses should not be invited." Summer said without an ounce of fear.

Hazel bit her lips hard to prevent the laughter that was threatening to escape her lips.

"Laugh if you want to Hazel, it's not like any of them can lay a finger on you." Summer said.

That did it!

"Who the heck do you think you are? Who gave you the audacity to insult my grandfather?" Elle asked.

"Oh shut up Elle, you are nothing but a talkative!" Summer yelled back at her.

"You lack manners, how dare you?" Elle asked, feeling insulted, she was a year older than Summer!

"Grandpa, next time you summon us do not invite kids." Summer told her grandfather.

"I am older than you young lady." Elle yelled.

"Ah, yes you are but I am way more mature and respected than you." Summer retorted and Hazel burst into laughter.

"Enough you kids!" Caroline; Hazel's mother yelled at them.

"Manners young ladies!" She added.

"That is enough for now. We can now start the meeting in peace." Daniel added.

David, who was busy with his phone while Summer and Elle exchanged words, looked up at them.

"Are you guys done?" He asked.

"Seriously David? This is the reason why your daughter is so spoiled." Louisa; Elle's mother stated.

"Hey, hold it right there Louisa. If I am spoilt, what do you have to say about your prostitute daughter who keeps jumping from one man to another?" Summer asked, her eyes burning with intensity.

"My private life is none of your business." Elle yelled.

"So jumping from one man's bed to another is your private life. What a reputation?" Summer sassed.

"It's enough!!" Daniel got sick of their arguments. David let out a long sigh, this was a regular occurrence whenever a family meeting was being held.

"Today's meeting is about the next Don of the family." Daniel started as all the eligible males in the hall sat up right.

'Idiots!' Summer muttered internally.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so all the males in the house anticipated it.

"We can say that ever since David assumed the position of the Don of the family, he had been trying his best for us. It wasn't easy for him, especially when he lost his wife to the cold hands of death." Daniel added and silence filled the entire room.

"His retirement date is approaching gradually and we need to know our next Don of the family. Does anyone have any suggestions?" Daniel intentionally threw the ball in their court.

Roman was the first to speak. "I am the oldest son of my late father and the position of the Don of the family was meant to be given to me but then my father chose Daniel." There was much hatred in his voice as he spoke.

"So I think it's high time power returned to my lineage, so I suggest that Lucas; my grandson, should be the next Don of the family." Roman added.

"I support his idea." Bernard; Lucas' father supported his father's idea.

Elle smiled, at least her brother would be given the position of the Don of the family and then she would exercise her power over Summer.

"So just because my grandfather handed the power over to uncle Daniel, you want power to return to your lineage?" Caroline asked.

"Quiet woman, you know nothing about this." Bernard fired.

"Can't you guys have a peaceful conversation without argument?" David yelled and the whole place became silent.

"My grandson; Moses, would do a good job as the next Don of the family." It was Adam's turn to speak.

"I don't want my son to be the next Don of the family, it's a risky position for him." Samuel; Moses' father who was the calmest among the family finally spoke up.

"I support my brother, father, I don't think it's a good idea for Moses." Caroline supported her brother.

"Let's hear from Moses then." Daniel said.

"I really don't want anything to do with the underworld. I just want to live a normal life." Moses spoke calmly.

"He is a weakling, period!" Elle said without caring about the consequences.

"Would you just shut up, you little brat!" Summer yelled at her.

"You two are banned from speaking." David told the duo who had been quarrelling from the start.

"So Lucas it is." Bernard pronounced proudly.

"I am sorry but we have a little problem here." Daniel told Bernard as his face turned to a scowl.

"Summer Eva Steele is going to be our next Don of the family." Daniel stated.


I know that our FL is bossy and rude but that's her personality. if you haven't dropped a review, consider dropping one

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