
hidden feelings

The young man walked out the pub and as he was walking to his car he saw a young woman. He thought she was maybe around 20 years old. He thought about the town they were in which at night it wasn't safe for any woman of any age to be out without a protector with them. Naturally he felt protective over any women he encountered because he would think that they have no man to protect them from the dangers of Seattle. He decided to walk up to her and ask if she was alright. When he asked the young woman if she was alright, she responded, "I'm not alone. My brother is coming to pick me up in a bit. So it might be best for you to leave before he gets here."  The young man was shocked with her response. Then he said,"Ok, I was just checking on you because it is dangerous for any woman to be out with no protection." "It's ok, not every man would look out for a girl they have never seen before." "Yea,I've been taught to look out for all women. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Tyler. What is your name?" "My name is Summer. I just moved here so that's why I'm by myself." 'Dang she's hot as heck. Maybe I should invite her to my house since she's alone.' "Well Summer you don't gotta be alone, I have an extra room in my house if you want it." "Thank you Tyler, but I couldn't trouble you." "It's no trouble at all. As long as you don't steal or do anything bad it's no trouble." "Oh, Tyler, I'm not like that at all. Well I used to steal all the time but I've changed because my brother told me that people wouldn't want to be around me if I didn't make a change in my lifestyle." 'I can't believe a smokin hot girl like her used to steal and do bad stuff. Im glad her brother told her to change her lifestyle.' Summer got a text from her brother, 'Hey Summer, I'm sorry but I can't due to the fact that my girlfriend is having a baby right now. If you go to someone's house let me know where to pick you up.' "Tyler is that offer still up because my brother can't make it because his baby is being born?" "Yea, it's always been up." "Thank you so much Tyler." 'Oh my god, why is this girl so beautiful, sweet, kind, and hot.' "It's no trouble Summer." "Hey so umm. Are we going to your house?" "Yea, follow me." "OK Tyler." 'Why is this girl so nice? She's going to be the death of me. She's too beautiful and nice. It's too much for me to handle especially since I invited her to my house and in my car.' "So Summer, tell me about your family." "Oh, well there's not much only that they want nothing to do with me." "How come?" "I refused to marry the man my parents picked out for me." "How come?" "Because he's rude and doesn't care about making me happy." "It sounds like you've already met the guy." "Yea he was my ex." "Oh wow." "Yea." 'Damnint I have to control myself better instead of wanting to fuck her.' 'I have to get to my room fast.' "Here we are Summer. This is my house." "It looks cute." "Thanks." I was shocked when she said my house looks cute but then I remembered that I had decorated it for a date but she never showed up. I have to make sure Summer doesn't realize that it's decorated romantically. But what if she doesn't care and continues the tour. I really want to ask her out. Maybe I can in a few more days if she is still here willing and wants to be around me.