

Olivia, a young most dangerous Mafia Queen in the entire world and got tangled up with the most feared Mafia Boss in the whole world in a contract relationship. She is the daughter of a self made billionaire parents. No one knew who she was cause she was always wearing a mask and she was named Mask girl. "little girl, wake up" an old man said whispering into three years old Olivia's ear.  Olivia woke up blink slowly and rubbed her eyes countless time and saw the old man.                She was frightened but had a little courage and asked" Who are you ?" Olivia said as she stares at the old man blue eyes. He wore tattered cloth and was sitting next to her bed and his walking stick laying on the wall.                His white hair was as long as Olivia's brown hair and he looks like is young but people could tell his old due to his character.  " I am your  old friend and am here to teach you on how to become a Mafia queen and I see the potential" when the old man spoke, little Olivia gasp. she never knew there were mafia queens cause she has only heared of mafia bosses but not mafia  queens .                " How can I become one , Old friend ? " Olivia said with a bright smile.  she was already interested to be a mafia queen no matter what it takes. " We will be going to tour garden every night for practice and very soon you will be great " The old man replied ro her question and she was at all smiles and since that day on , as been trainied to be a mafia queen but was first an assassin.                   The old man thought her  marchial art and thought her how to aim and kill with no soft feeling but hard. At first she was scared and afraid of guns but after some month she became a natural.         " You need to aim harder and don't be afraid.  no soft feeling but hard "the old man said with coldness. Olivia was asked to shoot two robbers who were caught entring into Olivia house.      She killed them with a  bullet after the old man said she should think of what makes  her angry and she thought of her little kitten who was killed by a car and she hates that person and the car that the driver drove.         She always wear a black mask that as a snake tattoo  on het right neck side , a black or white crop top . Skinny jeans which curved her liitle hip well and a black boit to go with it. Her hair is always packed into a ponytail. Her signature clothes         She became a certified mafia queen who everyone feared and has her own group called "SNAKE EMPIRE" . Everyone in the group has a snake tattoo on their right  side of their neck . She was known as mask girl because she always had a mask on. When she was thirteen years she told her parents to change her room all to all  black. Even her toilet and and bathroom was black. she only wears colourful cloth on occasion but wears black and white cloth when she going for business or to kill.         She behaves like a snake, devices like a snake to those working for her except her group , she trust no body except from her fifteen company  which her parents doesn't know about.          She is a god when it comes to bussiness and her account her always filled with high money . From each company  fifty billion dollars is brought up to her account and she shares her workers salary who were being paid every three weeks or everyday.              The group had lasted for four years and anyone who lives the group would would either die or get their memory erased.  Axcel, a feared Mafia Boss who everyone had feared since after the death of his sister. He was Ruthless and his bad side never showed but his good side was only for Olivia and no one else. He always cared for his little sister until but after her death, he became more heartless, Ruthless and never have any friend except his best friend who is a  doctor. He fell inlove with Olivia during high school and never had any feelings for any girl except Oliva.

Wasiu_Bello · Action
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



Tiger, Fox, Jessica, Alica, Hunter, Blade, Striker and Ivy were at their destination were Diseal is ment to come out. They waited for about five minutes which was very annoying and so of Diseal " where's that idiot ?" Alica said in anger. She and Diseal never liked each other because of what happened in the past between them since when they joined the Snake Empire and he keeps teasimg her saying she likes him.

" Calm down Alica, he would soon be here " Hunter said. Suddenly a scrtching sound come from the bushes that was eight cm far a way from them " who's there ?" Tiger shouted, but there was no answer.

Alica pulled her pistol out ready to kill any bastard that there's to walk in the middle of the park at night . " Diseal, is that you ?" Ivy said , but no response. Tiger went forward with his gun and was pointing it at the bushes. He walked forward slowly making sure not to make any sound. "ouch!" Diseal shouted .

He came out from the bush rubbing his head. He looked shocked as everyone's gun was pointing at him " are you guys trying to murder me ?" he said with a confused face " nah bro, we thought you were an introuder ". Tiger said with a smirk but Alica was ready to attack him " they might not have want to muder you, but I was ready to bring your head to boss"

Everyone turned to Alica who was putting in twelve bullet in her pistol. Diseal smirked and knew how to get to Alice's nerves " ok, cutie pie, I know you love me, but don't make it obvious that u love me and you're missing me already , but don't worry your love is hear" Everyone chuckled except from Alica who was about to pull the trigger of her pistol at Diseal's leg but was stopped by Jessica who held her had .

" Enough time wasting and tell us were the president is, we've already wasted ten minutes " Blade said " I agree , boss won't be happy if we don't bring her treat" Jessica said in fear as she recall the mark Oliva had given her for doing the wrong thing at the right time.

" sorry guys, but the president excaped" Diseal said with a sad expression " What? How is that possible? " Tiger shouted " well am sure Diseal doesn't know how to handle him " Alica said with disgust. she was ready to get to his nerve " Hey, you better watch it or else you..." " Or else what?" Alica said with coldness and darkness in her eyes. everyone knew that only Olivia could threaten her but no one else " o-or else , we might kiss".

He smirked and Alica looked at Diseal in schok but the anger came back " ok, that's it !" She ran towards Diseal but Ivy and Jessica held her back. she was too strong for them and almost breakthrough but Tiger held her " let him go, you can muder him later". Alica let him go once but when she saw him smirk, she took a small stone beside her and threw it at him " ouch!" Diseal shouted and fell back . " Don't cross the line again" and she went into the bush and straight to the led Diseal came out and went in shutting it for everyone to hear.

Everyone turned to Diseal who had a pinkish shape of the stone on the side of his head " That's what u get for picking on Alica" Tiger said and helped Diseal up. " Let's just go back to base, we already have five minutes remaining"

Hunter, Blade, Striker and Ivy went into the bushes opened the led and went in .Fox and Jessica followed then Tiger turned to Diseal and said " I think you should ask her out since youre troubling her" " what? no, besides am still having fun troubling her " . They both walked into the bushes and entered into the led.

__________TOTURE ROOM_________

_______OLIVIA'S POV______.

Now am sitting down on a black wooden chair, drinking a glass of an expensive red wine which is worth sixty million dollars and enjoying myself as I waited patiently for Liam to wake up.

Bellatrix on the other hand was working on her laptop cause I told her to look into Liam's relationship with The US president.

Todays event was still schocking but, it was enjoyable. " Find anything interesting ? " I asked in the quiet sound proof room in a dark tone. " not yet boss, but I still need a few minutes left to gain asses into his brain. It looks like his brain is being protected "

Bellatrix as been trying to get into Liam's brain with a memory wiping cap which had caples and was pluged into her laptop.

I was getting bored but noticed Liam regaing conscious " Shut it down , when am gone you can continue " I said darkly. She removed the cap and shut down her laptop hidding it away from Liam.

" it looks like my love is awake" I said in the sweetest voice I could form. He looked at me schoked and said " I I thought you were ment to be dead ?" I raised a brown and looked at him and a smirk grew crawled on my face .

I realised he was talking about the war that just happened and I swear I almost laughed "Oh Don't worry , am not dead but am planning on taking your dead body to the president and I'll have you replaced immediately but I'll let you go because of your sister" .

He looked at me with schok in his eyes, I gusee he never thought I'll let him go.

" BANG!" I looked back and saw Tiger, Fox, Jessica, Alica, Hunter, Blade, Striker and Ivy coming in . " show me your snake mark" and they all tured their neck to their right and showed me . " were is he ?" I asked and took a sip of my wine " He ran away when the battle began leaving the rest to die" Tiger spoke first and I threw my glass cup in Liam's head " Ahhh!" .

I stood up and felt angry. I was ready to kill that good for nothing bitch and now he's gone. " Alica, Bellatrix, Striker, Diseal, Ivy, Tiger and Blade. You all should make him talk and record it , send it to me. Bellatrix, erase all memory except for the memory of his sister and his real mom . Are my orders clear" " Yes ma!" They all said union" Hunter tell the rest to go home and Jessica, You're coming home with me so make some calls." and I walked out


Finally, am back home and so exhausted. I spotted one of the my maid and shouted her name " Mary!". She came running and bowed " good evening Miss Olivia , how can I help you?".

Mary is an eighteen years old girl who was born from a poor back ground. Her parents died when she was just sixteen and had three younger sibblings to take care of and because if that , I give her a hundred thousand dollars every week and pay for her siblings shool expenses. Me and Her have been very close but only when we were alone " Get a room for my guest and bring her food to our room ." I said " What about yours ma ? " she asked politely " am not eating" "no problem ma. follow me miss" Jessica followed Mary , while I sluggishly went up the stairs.

I wad so tired and week , I could faint anytime soon. My head was banging like crazy and I didn't want to speak with anyone till my meeting with Tori and Jessica by twelve am , but when I checked my watch it was already twelve. I gusse the meeting starts tomorrow . Though our time was different from ours but we could still make up " Honey , your back ." . I herd my mom and I looked up only to see her beautiful smiling face and she was looking jolly as usual. Her long brow her which I got from her was packed into a bun and she was wearing her night wear. " Am tired mom and I don't have time for any conversations "I said lazily as a slot but she didn't give up.

" That doesn't mean I won't talk to my baby " She giggled and took my head and it made my situation worst.

She took me down the stairs so fast I didn't even know when we entered the sitting room. " sit, sit. we have a lot to talk about " . I reluctantly sat down and my head was pounding and throbbing in pain.


Mrs Hazel- So, how was your day. Your manager calles and told me you didn't come for your shoot in your next magazine and he wasn't pleased.

Olivia - I decided to take a day break and I had some issues to take care of and jas for my manager, I had already called him and told him e I'll be there tomorrow.

Mrs Hazel - Okay , It means your day was wonderful right .

Olivia- yeah, and Nice

Mrs Hazel - Now to the main point of the discussion ( Having a serious face) What happened between you and Axcel.

Olivia- ( I rolled my eyes thinking about what had happened hours ago. I have already forgotten about it and she had to bring it up )

He threatened me and I slapped him.

Mrs Hazel- But, was that the right thing to do.

she gave me a stren look which ment " is that how I raised you

Olivia- Mom, I don't have time for any boy friend and am a very busy person and I don't want him to feel like I don't have time enough time mom.

Mrs Hazel - Honey, you need to stop all this . weren't you the same person that dated Liam for a year and both of you were deeply inlove.

Olivia - ( sitting up and shout's) first of all the only reason we dated was because we were partnars and we had enough time and secondly, he is a cheat and he isn't loyal and besides he has been missing since three weeks after the relase of our movie we both did which took a year and two months.

Mrs Hazel - What ? How come ?

Olivia - well, I hear Mask girl took him. It as been in the news for two weeks now.

Mrs Hazel - That girl is really up to something and she'salready getting to my nerves.

I smirked at the sight of fear in my mom's eyes . She really hated Mask girl which is me.

Mrs - Hazel - Are you smirking?

Olivia - No !

I quickly put a smile on my face and her jolly face came back

Mrs Hazel - The point is , Just date him amd u don't even know when you would fall in love. This is just like me and your father but we were both locked up in a house and forced to get along and at the end of the day we fell inlove and now we are living happily.

Olivia - So, you think forcing us together like what your parents and dad's parent did is going to get us anywhere?

Mrs Hazel - ( bright face) Yes, it will

Olivia - sorry mom, but this is 2023 and not 1954.

I stood up and walked out of the room but she followed " Don't you dare walk out on me Olivia Flora Benson. " I stopped in my tracks and she came in front of me.

Her face was already red in anger and she looked like she would bust in any minute. " Fistly, when ever we are having a discussion, don't u dare walk out on me or I will show you my other side and secondly take." she handed over an envelope to me and I reluctantly took it " read this and sign everything before tomorrow and don't make me angry "


she climed the stairs angrilyand I stared at the envelope. "Thre was no way am reading this. " I said aloud. " You better do or u might get hurt " I looked to my left and saw Axcel who was drenched and soaked with water " what the hell happened to you ?". He looked like someone who fell into a pit filled with dirty water. " well, I ran through the rain while taking a stroll and the door was locked for some minutes only for me to find out the the spare key was under the rug."

I didn't even know it was raining outside and everywhere was so quite but I didn't care " your problem not mine" and I walked out. " You do know we would be locked inside a house if i don't sign that contract" I didn't listean to him and just went upstairs.

No one wouldn't even notice whem am gone. I went to my bed and it was cool. The A.C was on and I was reliefed . I didn't even bother to have my bath and jumped on my bed and before you know it , I was taken away by sleep