

Walking into the garden was my exact defination of peace. I brought up a purple flower up tp my nose and suddenly I felt my chest tighten.

             I reached for my inhaler and panicked, I realized I dropped it on the way hear, oh God , was I going to die "lookig gor this ?"

            I turned to see Axcel ,the most attractive and feared mafia boos in the world . We went to the same middle achool and high school together and no one knew if he was rich or poor cause he brings a  huge amount of money to school and walks home .Weird, rigjt ?

          He never talked to anyone and always sat at the back rool of the class with a hoodie and black mask but this time his fave was evident and a black cool shirt with black  jeans. His hair was half pack. The upper part was packed into a donut and the remaining was left down to flow.

           He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd and his walks makes people fear.

       He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face.

     His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words.

        Often, you could see a hint of pain in his sparkling eyes, which would disappear as suddenly as it emerged.

He sometimes spoke too fast, which perhaps revealed how much agony he concealed within himself.

         Above all was his frame and his stature.

     He was not extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs or 16 cm biceps. However, he could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself. Perhaps he was the kind who had girls swooning over him.

    But he was simple and looked innocent, but a devil when in his mafia side. He was perhaps, just one in a million, who was "nothing special, but all the same unique"

           It was the first time  he had ever talked to me and I was lost in his beautiful I forgot I was struggling to breath.

I stood up immediately and said "Oh thank God ( struggling to breath) give me that ,please " . He gave me my inhaler and  I began taking some huffs .

         As I was taking some puffs ,he kept looking at me and it made me feel worst. I looked away to continue calming myself down and when I turned he was gone.

         This boy is so mysterious when we were in school and now He's getting worst .

           Hi, my name is Olivia Flora Benson and I have a chronic breathing condition called Asthma and I wasn't allowed to do any active sports, play or activity. My life was kind of boring back in my infant ages but now am living the best out ofit.

         I live with my self made billionaire parents and am a famous  teen actress and a model , but that not all . I still have a little secret. If you want to hear it keep reading

           I  quickly ran out of the garden and straight to my mansion. I ran true the stairs and straight to my room locking the door from behind.  I flew on my bed a bit shaken.  What was he doing here? and why did he turn out to be so hot. Even though I have never seen his face.

       I didn't know how I was able to recognize him but he looks so hot and handsome and when our eyes met, I felt something I have never felt before.  SPARKS BABY!, SPARKS WAS ALL I FELT. But am not the kind if girl who believes in true love or whatever. If not for my best friend I would jave being a boy hater.

       I stood up and took my phone which was on a table next to my bed.

       I dailed my high bestfriend who is now in Chicago for  college.

     She came from a poor background and didn't have enough luxury that I have . We were both the smartest in our class and till now, no one knows who is the smartest among us. We are like sisters and I really wished she was my sister.


TORI: Hey bestie, how you doing?

OLIVIA: (SAD EXPRESSION)Fine bff, but not too fine.

TORI: Why? did anything happen ?


TORI: ( SIGNS) You saw a cute boy ?

OLIVIA: Well, technically you're right, but who?

TORI: Am out of ideas.


TORI : (SHOCKED EXPRESSION) What ?, you're Joking? it has to bee a joke, right?

OLIVIA:(GIGGLES) No Tori and he his so hot . I was able to see his real face with no mask. I didn't know how I was able to recognize him . He looks so hot and his hair was black raven.  half side of his hair was packed into a doughnut and the other side was left down to flow. His golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. He was tall and looks like a demi god , and , and ...

TORI; Slow down Oli, you're getting me confused with the way you describe him and by the way , what was he doing in your house?

OLIVIA: I don't know Tori but he's still the mysterious guy ( winking )

TORI: Whatever, but weren't you dating Liam , the USA actor who does action film and a producer and also your model partner and less I forget your boyfriend in the moving your still shooting " My one true love "

OLIVIA:  ( ROLLS HER EYES ). Oh Tori, you're so old school and besides I have broken up with that jerk but my fans and his fans says were still dating because our chemistry in " my one true love " is on fire and strong. and the movie was out three days a go. I was deeply inlove with him but he cheated on me and i just had to break up with him .

TORI: You guys broke up ? and you didn't tell me!

OLIVIA: I forgot and besides he as been asking fir your number (CHUCKLES) .

TORI: Don't you dare give him my number , I  hate and don't date  players. I don't even have the strength to deal with them.

OLIVIA: Trust me , I won't .

TORI: well it's a good thing you called because am coming to LA next wek


TORI: Why don't you piece my ear with a knife instead of screaming? ouch.

OLIVIA: (TALKING FAST) Am so sorry, it's just that my best friend is finally coming back home and I can finally beat you in chess and golf .

TORI: ( CHUCKLES) in your dreams sister( GIGGLES) Maybe I'll have a rich boyfriend

OLIVIA:  I wonder what he was doing here ?

TORI: who ?

OLIVIA: Axcel of course , who else?

TORI: Just be calm, he might be here for a businessmeeting and besides he's grown up

OLIVIA: I don't think so

         Knock, Knock, Knock, " who is it"  I asked " The buttler, you are been called by your father" " ok thanks "  i shouted

OLIVIA: I have to go.


OLIVIA: You know when the buttler arrives , something important is given,essentially if it's from my dad.

TORI: youre rigjt.

OLIVIA: Hmmm, don't worry I'll video vhat you tomorrow, I don't thinkgoing to bed would be easy today .

TORI: Ok dear, bye

OLIVIA: bye .


            I stood up from my bed and quickly changed into a white crop top which was exposing my abbs and a and a white crazy jeans which cuved my hips wonderfully well and so as my but which wasn't slaging.

           I packed my long brown hair which reaches my but into a ponytail.I wore a black boot which matched perfectly well with my dressing.

         I took my phone and my car key and went outside locking the door from outside  and drop the key at my door step and went down satirs.

           I  got to the last floor and saw my dad and Axcel talking at the corridor and  I wondered why but I couldn't focus cause I was lost in his dreamy eyes but it was cut short when my dad opend his mouth to speak " Honey, you're hear" my father said and smiled at me gesturing me to and I walked slowly to them with no hit of expression but a normal one cause I was cut short of Axcel eyes ." What's going on hear?"  I said looking at my father and then Axcel who abruptly turned to my father . What the hell. Do I look bad ?.

           " well you remember  Axcel your class mate who's father is the richest man in LA " my dad said with a  bright smile. " yeah what about him." " From both family we decide that you and Axcel would date for  a year and we would observe if you two would fall inlove it would be a great match and it just a contract of being his girlfriend but only for a year. If you guys fall inlove the contract would be broken and you could get married or continue dating till your ready"

             I looked at Axcel whose face was emotionally down and my father who had a smile on his face and I burst out laughing.The way he said we would date for a year was so funny. I laughed harder and couldn't stop laughing I almost fell on the floor " wait a minute, laughs, you think, laughs,  we would date for a year , laughs harder, and fall inlove ".

              I couldn't stop laughing anf when I saw my dad glaringat me I tried my best to stop but it was too funny " Am serious about what I said and he's willing to try because his fatjer is tired of his cold attitude and heart . Axcel  purposely choosed you cause you were at his school and it might be easy for him " . I looked at Axcel with a questioning look but he didn't reply " well , breaking news to you two , am not accepting , never and ever. There are other girls you could try out that went to the same school as us so go look gor someone else but not me "

             " it's too late , I have already signed the contract so as my parents and your parentand your the only one left so do it if u know what's best for you Flora. I don't have time to deal with pighead people " How did he know my name and secondly was he threatene me. Dud he call me a pighead person. He can speak in a manarless and cold way but it isn't me he talks that way to and no one calls me a pighead person .

I walked forward to the idiot infront of me and gave him a tight hard deserving slap.


Anyone far away could hear it.

             " Olivia, how dare you ?" my father shouted but I ignore.  I knew Axcel was a feard Mafia boss who had all the authority but he doesn't know who his dealing with " if you think you can frighten me or make me scared for a second back there then you're wrong. Am more dangerous than you and you don't want to mess with me "

                 The shock on Axcel's face was evident in my eyes and not to others. I walked out and herd my dad calling me but I didnt care. My body guard opened the door and I walked out. He wanted to follow me, but I stoped and told him to go home

                  I entered my car and the gate was opened and I drove out immediately.  I drove in high speed  and went to the middle of a park. I picked up my phone and dailled a number

and said " (COLDLY) Tell everyone to come right away before 4 pm, you know what will happen if you all come after 4pm. punishment 492.

                 I cut the call and thought of the first day I became a ' MAFIA  QUEEN ', how I was first an  Assassin and became a well known MAFIA QUEEN called " Mask girl"

               I was just three years old when an old man came to visit me one night


" little girl, wake up" the old man said whispering into three years old Olivia's ear.  Olivia woke up blink slowly and robbing her eyes countless time and saw the old man.

               She was frightened but had a little courage and asked" Who are u" .

Next chapter