
The Mafia Boss's Ineffable Need

Ethan Mondragon, aka "Storm" lost faith in love as it was the reason that he lost his perfect life and family, turning him into a heartless monster that killed everyone getting his way without mercy. He swore to never submit to love. It wasn't until Julia Natividad came crashing into his life like a fireball— melting his icy heart and awakening his ineffable desire. Julia Natividad came to his life for one purpose— to redeem her sister's blood debt.

Skyra_Lee · Realistic
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16 Chs

Wrong Answer

Through the backdoor, we brought Skinny into the dungeon of the Enchanting Club, and the reliable duo carefully tied him up on a steel armchair.

After that, Marcus dragged over a leather chair from a corner and made it reserved for me.

I elegantly took the seat and crossed my legs with my eyes lying coldly yet intimidatingly to the subject that was only a meter away from me.

Skinny had his head hung low, I could tell he was hesitant to look into my eyes. If he did, my cold gaze alone that was creepier than Hell was enough to scare him out.

Skinny couldn't sit still on the chair. He perspired beads of sweat and constantly gulped as he could sense my eyes fixed on him.

I softly tapped my finger on my lap, somewhat rhythmical, and that ignited his fear.

I was not in a rush. So the room remained silent, as no one dared to initiate a talk before me. That silence added the tension that I caused with just my presence.

Neither the duo nor Skinny even dared to breathe louder.

Until Skinny couldn't take it anymore and boldly spoke in a shivering voice, "Storm, you can't do this to me."

My hand paused and cast him a more emptier look. "Of course, Skinny, I can.", I softly replied.

Skinny raised his head and questioned me, "I never break your rules. What did I do wrong?"

I tilted my head, "Do you think you're not guilty?"

"Of course, I-I'm not. I always worship you. I fear you.", says Skinny, stuttering. "Even if I have a million guts, I won't dare to oppose you." 

An eerie chuckle escaped my mouth. "Is that so?"

"Yes. Of course, of course."

I shut Reynald a look and the latter got what I meant. He nodded and immediately walked to Skinny. 

Reynald gritted his teeth and threw a punch on Skinny's nose, "Bastard, spill it out!"

Reynald put much force on that punch, and so, blood burst from Skinny's mouth, his lips got swollen.

Skinny groaned and looked at me, "Storm, I didn't do wrong! Release me!"

I lightly shook my head, and said, "Reynald, you're too lenient."

Marcus laughed and teased Reynald. "Come on, that was such a sissy punch. Why don't you let me do it?"

Reynald glared at Marcus, but eventually gave way to the latter who came over. 

Marcus put a hand on Reynald's shoulder and arrogantly said, "My dear, you should not be merciful on your enemy. Watch me. This is how you should make him speak."

Marcus cracked his head from side to side. He went behind the subject and whispered, "Mr Skinny, don't make things hard for us. Trust me, Storm will reward you handsomely if you cooperate."

Skinny panicked as he tried to look back. "What are you trying to do?"

"Nothing. Just want to tickle you." That said, Marcus slid his hands from Skinny's shoulders down to his hands and broke his five fingers one after another, making Skinny scream.

"Now, speak! Who is he?, asked Marcus.

Skinny cried and asked in return, "Who do you mean who? I don't understand why you're doing this to me! Let me go!"

"Bullshit! Stop wasting our time." Marcus broke another hand of the subject, this time, his scream resonated longer than the first one.

"Storm, why?", asked Skinny as he cried in agony.

I beckoned them to stop with a flick of my finger and they stepped aside.

Then I rose elegantly. I slid my right hand inside my jean's pocket and pulled out a nipper that I always carried with me.

I began cutting my nail that was already cut-clean as I sauntered intimidatingly towards the subject.

I stopped right before him and casually asked, "Skinny, are your nails dirty?"

"Storm, let me go." Skinny begged. "I believed… I- I never offended you."

I shook my head. "Wrong. That's not the answer."


"Make it clear."

Skinny cried. "No, Storm. I mean, my nails are clean. It's always clean."

I stopped cutting my nail with a click created from clashing cutters. I managed to catch a glimpse of how he jolted from the sound.

I glanced at his broken fingers, and let out an audible smirk, "Skinny, you're lying."

I crouched next to him and proposed, "Will you clean your nails yourself or want me to help you?"

If Skinny panicked when Marcus tried to intimidate him, his reaction to my cold approach couldn't be described by words. He struggled on his seat and huddled as if he could scoot away from me, causing the floor to squeak from feet of the chair scraping it.

He was like a fish wriggling on a chopping board.

Skinny shook his head violently and stammered, "No, no, Storm. I– I don't need it."

"Wrong again. For that, you have to be punished." With just a brief gaze to the duo, they clutched Skinny together by both his shoulders and head, to give me free access to his mouth.

I leaned forward a little and squeezed his cheeks as I aimed to cut the tip of his tongue. 

Horrified, Skinny kept on resisting as he tried to avoid the cutter from his mouth. He also tried to close his lips, but only ignited my enthusiasm to torture him.

"No, Storm. Please, I- I beg you. Don't!" Skinny begged.

With the duo's hands, I didn't need to exert a lot of effort to be able to achieve my goal.

I eventually managed to nip the cutter on the edge of his tongue and let it stuck there.

I released my hand and dusted the invisible germs on my palms, somehow, disgusted by Skinny's ugly look and smell.

I rose upright and asked, "Does this thing feel familiar? What does it feel to beg for your life, huh? Just like how you torture that girl earlier?"

Skinny mumbled something as he bawled, while giving me a begging look. Not long after the cutter stayed on his tongue, cloudy liquid in amber color burst under the seat as if some liquid sickening juice just exploded, flooding my floor.

I was wearing a mask, but bloody Hell, I could still sniff that awful smell of urine, and it was even more nasty as I noticed his crotch got wet. 

Damn it! 

I had a sudden urge to kill.

"Gross, he peed!", exclaimed Marcus as he and Reynald scrunched up their noses.

I finally lost interest in playing, and so, I hauled the cutter out of the blue, along with the piece of his tongue being nipped.

Blood burst his mouth almost instantly, soaking his ragged clothes.

Tears, snot, sweat, and blood stained all over his shirt and jeans.

It was not that enough to appease me from losing interest in the game. I wanted to see more.

I raised that piece of tongue, stayed nip on the cutter, and spoke calmly, but in a warning tone, "I now lost the mood to play. I will count one to three. Before I cut that nauseating tongue of yours completely, you better give me the answer that I want."

I let loose the cutter file and that small slice of tongue fell on the floor, making Skinny's eyes to round exceptionally wide in horror.

I started counting with pressuring emphasis, "Three… Two… One!"

With a strong killing intent exuding my body, I once again reached out for him as the duo got ready to give me a hand. 

"Snake in Snake Island!", spilled Skinny before I could cut his bleeding tongue.

I froze and stood upright, giving him a final cold look.

"Are you kidding us? What is Snake on Snake Island?" Marcus rephrased. "Storm, I think this man needs more."

"No, Storm. I'm saying the—"

"Untie him." I ordered instead, cutting Skinny's irritating speech.

"What?" Marcus was shocked. "Storm, are you kidding me as well?"

Reynald knocked Marcus on his head. The latter turned to him displeasedly, "Why did you hit me?"

"Enough being a chatterbox. Just do it."

Sulking, Marcus did what he asked together withReynald.

"Storm, thank you.! Thank you for sparing my life." Skinny said as I was about to leave the room, causing me to stop on my pace abruptly.

I cast him an indifferent glimpse. "Don't thank me too fast. It depends how strong you are. When you're done cleaning your mess here, you go deal with my ferocious dog."

"What do you mean?" 

I shifted my gaze to Marcus, and instructed him, "Make him lick the floor dry. When he is done, tie him to the pole next to Brownie in the West gate."

"Noted!" Marcus saluted me with ecstasy but I just left without responding to him.

Reynald tailed me.

As I came out of the dungeon, Dominic met me instantly, "Storm."

I simply nodded at him as an acknowledgement of his presence.

"Where is the stuff?", asked Dominic. "The village badly needs it already."

"Extract the fund in my personal bank account." I casually said.

"What?" Reynald and Dominic were astonished. "Why?"

"Didn't we rob some earlier? And that woman's necklace, I'm sure it will cost a decent amount of money if we sell it." Reynald said. "You don't need to touch your own money."

"No questions are allowed." I gave them a warning cold look. "Just do what I say."

"Alright." Dominic nodded and sighed. "I'll go get it done now."

Dominic was about to leave when something crossed my mind, so I stopped him again with another order, "By the way Dominic, tell everyone to stop robbing from now on. Those who disobey it will be punished horribly."

"What?" My order once again stupefied the two. I could read from their faces the confusion. They wanted to voice out their opinion or to be exact their disapproval, but a mere look from me made them forget the idea.

"Alright. I'm off." Dominic left, somewhat unsettled by my sudden choice.

As for me, I headed back to my private suite, with Reynald following me silently like a tail.

He made a stop a few meters away when we finally reached my room.

After I opened my room, I shut him a sidelong glance, and said, "Since you're already here, mind coming inside and have a drink with me?"

Reynald did not stand for a ceremony. Since I offered him to enter, he walked past me and went inside before me.

Exactly as I shut the door close, he immediately posed a query to me as I turned, "So, you returned it to her?"