
The Mafia Boss's Bride

Ibrahim Rahman, a notorious mafia boss in the hearts of Kuala Lumpur. In the underground world, his influence extended into the darkest corners of the city. At the age of 35, he was feared and respected, a man who commanded loyalty and never took 'no' for an answer. On the other hand, Ava Lim, a 23-year-old University student, is a world away from his dark realm. She is a shy and innocent girl. Their paths converged at a wedding. Ibrahim's eyes locked onto Ava from the moment she stepped into the wedding. From that instant, he knew that he wanted her, and he was determined to make her his, no matter the cost. As the days turned into weeks, Ava couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the eerie sensation that someone was tracking her every move. Her world was rapidly changing, and she had no idea why. She was blissfully unaware of the darkness that lurked in the shadows, the world she was about to be thrust into. One fateful night, Ibrahim orchestrated her kidnapping from the quiet neighborhood she called home. Will Ibrahim make Ava fall in love with him or Ava will try to to choose the path of revenge?

the_glow · Urban
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170 Chs

Chapter 38 : A Sudden Proposal.

Ibrahim traced a finger on her jawline, deliberately aiming to make her uncomfortable. "Just say yes, Ava."

 Ava reluctantly whispered, "Fine, I'll go to your stupid party."

Ibrahim won this time too. He satisfied. Stepping a back with her triumph smile, he told. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Ibrahim went towards the bed and sat on it. He saw Ava straightened herself against the wall and her eyes shooting daggers at him.

Unable to contain her frustration, mocked him, "Hope you are happy now."

Ibrahim, without missing a beat, replied, "Ecstatic."

Ava clenched her fists in anger. The urge of burning this new room was again popped in her mind. She shook her head and walked towards the door and forcefully slammed it shut, the sound echoing her frustration.

Heading down the stairs, Ava intended to find solace on the rooftop, away from Ibrahim's presence. But she stopped when someone called her name, "Ava." 

Ava turned and saw Aliya busy setting the dinner table with Aziza and Yasmeen, the maids.

Aliya approached Ava, "How are you?"

Ava forced a smile, responding, "I'm good." She couldn't let her inner anger show, especially not to Aliya, who had always shown her care. 

"When did you come?" Aliya inquired. 

Ava replied, "Just half an hour ago."

Aliya suggested, "Let's have dinner; it's getting late."


The Rahman family gathered at the dining table – Aliya, Samir, Ibrahim, and Ava. The table was adorned with the finest Malaysian dishes.

"I hope you're enjoying the food, Ava." Aliya told. 

On the other hand, Ava was not eating. She was playing the food with spoon. She only responded Aliya with a nod. 

Not only Aliya noticed Ava's reaction, Samir too. They both glanced each other. It wasn't knew for them to see her reaction. They thought Ava would be used to in Rahman Mansion. But it wasn't. 

"So, Ava, about tomorrow's party," Samir began, "any specific theme you have in mind?"

Ava looked up briefly, her gaze meeting Samir's. She replied with a simple "No."

"I was thinking about a vintage theme. What do you think, Mom?" Samir asked. 

 "Oh, that sounds wonderful! Vintage can be elegant and stylish with sophistication." Aliya responded. 

Samir continued, "And Ava, what about you? Do you like the idea?"

Ava, not looking up from her plate, responded, "Sure."

Ibrahim noticed her lack of interest. He focused on his food. Sometimes he also joined conversation. But Ava hardly say two or three words. He didn't force her though. It will take time but she'll get used to. He looked at Ava's plate. She had not eaten much. She was playing with her food with spoon. She twirled the pieces of chicken in her plate with the spoon from right to left, up to down. Ibrahim shook his head. He really married a kid. 

He prepared a bowl of chicken soup and extended the bowl toward her. Ava stopped playing and looked at him with death glare. She shot him a gaze that could freeze time. Unfazed, Ibrahim avoided eye contact, letting the bowl hover in her direction.

She took it from his hands, her fingers brushing against his momentarily. And Ibrahim smiled slightly. On the other hand, Samir and Aliya were busy in their gossip.


The door of the lift slid open, and Elara stepped onto his floor. The hallway was quiet, the dim lights casting a soft glow on the polished tiles. As he approached his apartment, he noticed a figure sitting on the stairs, bathed in the faint light streaming from the corridor.

To his surprise, it was Farah. She was leaning against the wall, her eyes closed, seemingly lost in sleep. Oh no. She was waiting for him here ! They have plan to outside in the evening. But Elara got busy and he forgot about their plan. God knows how many hours she might have spent here waiting for him. 

Elara gently reached out and shook her shoulder. Farah stirred, her eyes fluttering open to meet his.

"Finally, he comes," she said, a playful half-smile forming on her lips.

Elara sighed, "Sorry for making you wait. Let's get you home. We will go outside another day." 

Farah, however, seemed undeterred by the late hour. "Earlier, we talked about going out. It's still evening," she suggested.

Elara chuckled, "It's midnight Farah. Going out at this hour isn't a good idea."

"Then I want to stay with you tonight," she declared.

Elara furrowed his brow. "Farah, that's nonsense. Ava isn't here, and we can't stay under the same roof."

Farah's expression shifted from playful to frustration as she grabbed the collar of Elara's shirt, her eyes demanding an explanation.

"Do you have any idea how many hours I've been waiting for you? You can message or call if you are getting late. But you didn't. My legs are aching, and I'm hungry. And why we can't stay together? You always say you see me as a sister, so what's the problem? You never see me as a woman. Now What? I love you, Elara. I really love you. Let me stay with this night. Please." 

Elara was literally surprised by Farah's sudden outburst. He was blankly looked at her. 

"We can go inside," Elara finally conceded, gesturing toward his apartment door. He couldn't deny the evident fatigue in Farah's eyes and the strain in her voice.

Elara unlocked the door, and they entered the apartment. The lights flickered to life as Elara switched them on. He gestured for Farah to sit on the couch, taking a seat beside her.

Leaning back, Elara began a lecture, "Farah, in our society, there are certain expectations and norms. While I want to respect your independence and freedom, we must also be mindful of the perceptions that others may hold. Unmarried men and women sharing the same living space, especially overnight, can sometimes be misunderstood. It's not about restricting personal choices; rather, it's acknowledging the reality of societal judgments."

He continued, "There are diverse intentions and perspectives out there. By adhering to these norms, we create a protective shield, ensuring that we're not inviting gossip or unnecessary scrutiny. It's not a judgment on your character or mine, but a recognition of the world we live in."

Elara emphasized, "I care deeply for you, Farah. I want to protect you from any potential backlash or judgments. Our relationship is valuable, and I want to preserve it with respect and understanding. Sometimes, going through these societal expectations helps us maintain harmony and avoid unnecessary complications in our life."

Elara didn't stop here, "I'm not saying this to limit anyone's choices. It's about being aware of the environment we live in. We must consider the implications and be mindful of how our actions might be perceived by those around us. In this day and age, there are individuals with ulterior motives. You see, not every man out there has noble intentions. There are those who might take advantage of situations like this. I don't want you, or any woman, to fall prey to such deceit. It's about protecting ourselves from the potential harm that might arise. It's about safeguarding not just our reputations but also our well-being."

Farah listened to Elara's whole conversation only to fall in love with him more, "Let's get married." 

Farah's sudden proposal left Elara in a state of surprise. He was teaching her about something serious and this girl was proposing him, "Are you okay Farah? I think you are just hungry. I'll make something to eat." 

Farah held his hand firmly, "No, I'm not hungry. I'm serious. Let's get married. You know how much I like you. Let's get married."

"Farah, it's not that simple. Marrying someone is a significant decision. You need more time to think about studies, not about marriage." 

Elara stood up. He was going towards kitchen. But Farah came infront of him. "Why not date for a month? Give it a chance, Elara. I can wait, and if, by the end of the month, you don't feel the same way, we can part ways amicably."

Elara took a deep breath, "Farah, you were upset because I came home late. You know about my job. I'm bound to have late nights due to my work. And there is no schedule for my shift. If we get married, how can you handle it?" 

"I'll wait, Elara. I'll be a good wife. I promise. Let's give us a chance for one month. Then we can decide...?" Farah told with a smile.

Elara sighed, realizing that Farah was genuinely serious about this proposal. "Okay, Farah. Let me think about it." 

Farah's smile widened. She saw Elara went to the kitchen. But little did they know. A big storm was coming in their lives.