
The Mafia Boss's Bride

Ibrahim Rahman, a notorious mafia boss in the hearts of Kuala Lumpur. In the underground world, his influence extended into the darkest corners of the city. At the age of 35, he was feared and respected, a man who commanded loyalty and never took 'no' for an answer. On the other hand, Ava Lim, a 23-year-old University student, is a world away from his dark realm. She is a shy and innocent girl. Their paths converged at a wedding. Ibrahim's eyes locked onto Ava from the moment she stepped into the wedding. From that instant, he knew that he wanted her, and he was determined to make her his, no matter the cost. As the days turned into weeks, Ava couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the eerie sensation that someone was tracking her every move. Her world was rapidly changing, and she had no idea why. She was blissfully unaware of the darkness that lurked in the shadows, the world she was about to be thrust into. One fateful night, Ibrahim orchestrated her kidnapping from the quiet neighborhood she called home. Will Ibrahim make Ava fall in love with him or Ava will try to to choose the path of revenge?

the_glow · Urban
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170 Chs

Chapter 2 : A look in Ava's World.

Ava Lim returned home after the joyous celebrations of Mia's wedding, her heart warmed by the sisterly bond she shared with her senior from university. Mia had been like a guiding light during Ava's academic journey, and the connection they had formed was more than just friendship. 

As she entered their cozy apartment, Ava noticed that her brother's room was locked. Elara, her older brother, was a dedicated police officer, often working late into the night. Ava's parents had tragically lost their lives in a car accident when she was just ten years old, leaving her and Elara to face the world alone. Elara had stepped into the role of both a guardian and a parent, ensuring Ava had everything she needed.

Sighing softly, Ava retreated to her own room. Her room was decorated in soothing blue and white hues. Stuffed teddy bears, many of them gifts from her protective older brother, adorned her room, lending it a comforting and cozy ambiance. Photographs of cherished memories with her parents were lovingly displayed on the wall, a reminder of the love and support she had received once.

She decided to change into comfortable pajamas, shedding the elegant bottle green dress she had worn to the wedding. After a quick visit to the bathroom to freshen up, Ava changed into her comfortable night attire. It was well into the late hours of the night, and the apartment building was quiet.

Ava had a habit of reading a novel before drifting off to sleep. She approached her bookshelf, filled with a collection of novels and selected one that caught her fancy. With the room now bathed in the warm glow of her desk lamp, Ava climbed into her neatly made bed ready to get lost in the world of words.

Just as she was getting engrossed in the novel, a sudden, unexpected sound broke the silence of her apartment – the doorbell rang. 

Her heart skipped a beat in the quiet of the night. Who could be at her door at this hour? She set her novel aside, a sense of unease settling in as she made her way to the front door. She peered through the peephole before unlocking it. To her surprise, there stood a delivery boy holding a beautiful bouquet of white roses.

She opened the door and accepted the bouquet. She asked the delivery boy, "Who sent these flowers?"

The young delivery boy shook his head with a friendly smile. "I'm sorry, miss. I don't know. I was given the bouquet for delivery, but there's no sender information."

Ava's curiosity deepened as she thanked the delivery boy and watched him leave. She returned to her room and sat back on her bed, still holding the bouquet of white roses. As she examined the delicate petals and inhaled their sweet fragrance, she noticed a small, folded note hidden among the blooms. Ava carefully unfolded the note, her eyes scanning the words written in elegant script.

"Dear Ava,

May these white roses symbolize the purity of your heart. I hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding. Until our paths cross, cherish the beauty in each moment.


A Stranger"

Ava was taken aback by the message. Who could have sent such a poetic and mysterious note to her? It was clear that this person knew she had attended the wedding, which meant they might have been present there as well.

The next day in Kuala Lumpur was a rainy one, and the city was transformed by the soothing embrace of the rain. Thick, gray clouds stretched across the sky, and the sound of raindrops tapping against windows filled the air. The streets glistened with puddles, and the scent of rain-kissed earth wafted through the city.

In their cozy apartment, Elara was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for himself and his younger sister, Ava. The morning routine was a familiar one for the siblings. He would soon have to leave for the police station, and Ava had her classes at the university to attend.

Elara and Ava had a significant age gap, with 12 years between them, but their bond was a special one. Elara had taken on the role of both brother and guardian after their parents' tragic accident. He had raised Ava with love and care, treating her as if she were his own daughter.

As he cooked, the fragrant aroma of traditional Malay breakfast dishes filled the apartment. Elara was preparing "Nasi Lemak," a classic Malaysian dish consisting of fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk, accompanied by sambal (spicy chili paste), anchovies, boiled eggs, and fresh cucumber slices. The rich and savory flavors blended together in a mouthwatering symphony of tastes.

Elara completed the morning cooking. After removing the apron, he stepped into the dining area and set the steaming dishes on the table. As he arranged the plates and noticed the clock on the wall. "9 a.m. already? Time flies," Elara mused to himself. 

The next item on his morning checklist was to awaken Ava from her sleep. Elara went towards her room, lightly knocking on the door. A quiet moment passed, and then he opened the door. Elara approached her bedside and whispered tenderly, "Ava, it's time to wake up, little sister. You'll be late for your classes."

Ava stirred with a gentle sigh. Her sleep not yet ready to release its hold. Elara tried once more, "Ava, come on, sleepyhead. Rise and shine."

Ava's response was a drowsy murmur, "Just a few more minutes, Elara." Elara couldn't resist a soft chuckle. He moved to the nearby washroom and filled a glass with water, then returned to his sister's bedside. With a playful flick of his fingers, he sprinkled a few droplets of cool water onto Ava's face.

The sudden sensation startled Ava awake with a gasp. Elara couldn't resist a teasing tone as he said, "Ava, you really can't sleep through everything, can you?"

Ava, still wiping the water from her face, responded with a groggy laugh, "You and your wake-up calls, Elara. I'm up, I'm up." She finally stirred to life, her sleep-drenched eyes adjusting to the sunlight and propped herself up in bed. 

 "You and your 'splash of cold water' always effective though." Ava said. 

 "It's the tried-and-true method for the sleepiest of sleepers, Ava." Elara replied with a smile.

Ava swung her legs out of bed and onto the floor, "What time is it, anyway?"

Elara glanced at his watch and responded, "It's nearly 9:30. You've got a bit of a rush." 

Ava's eyebrows shot up in alarm. She scrambled to her feet and hastily made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. 

Elara's chuckle echoed through the apartment as he teased, "Don't worry, Ava. You'll make it in time." Then he went to his room.