
The Mafia Boss's Bride

Ibrahim Rahman, a notorious mafia boss in the hearts of Kuala Lumpur. In the underground world, his influence extended into the darkest corners of the city. At the age of 35, he was feared and respected, a man who commanded loyalty and never took 'no' for an answer. On the other hand, Ava Lim, a 23-year-old University student, is a world away from his dark realm. She is a shy and innocent girl. Their paths converged at a wedding. Ibrahim's eyes locked onto Ava from the moment she stepped into the wedding. From that instant, he knew that he wanted her, and he was determined to make her his, no matter the cost. As the days turned into weeks, Ava couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the eerie sensation that someone was tracking her every move. Her world was rapidly changing, and she had no idea why. She was blissfully unaware of the darkness that lurked in the shadows, the world she was about to be thrust into. One fateful night, Ibrahim orchestrated her kidnapping from the quiet neighborhood she called home. Will Ibrahim make Ava fall in love with him or Ava will try to to choose the path of revenge?

the_glow · Urban
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170 Chs

Chapter 125 : There's no escape from me, Ava.

The clock on the bedside table glowed a 10:20 AM. Ibrahim, awake for over an hour already, watched Ava sleep beside him. His gaze lingered on her features, softened by the morning light. Her stillness was like a captured butterfly, delicate and captivating. The morning light kissed her face, highlighting the soft curve of her cheek and the gentle rise and fall of her breath.

The previous night had been a comedy of errors, orchestrated solely by Ibrahim. He'd feigned discomfort, his coughs growing progressively louder throughout the night, each one a calculated ploy to wake Ava and have her fetch him water. Her protests, met with feigned groans and exaggerated winces, only served to fuel his amusement. Ibrahim loved to see Ava flustered.

And everytime Ava had sprung out of bed like a startled fawn, rushing to quench his nonexistent thirst. He wouldn't admit it to her, but the sight of her bleary-eyed confusion had been strangely endearing.

Now, Ibrahim let out a theatrical cough, a masterpiece of phlegm and drama. Ava stirred with a groan. This was the fifth cough in rapid succession, and her patience, like her sleep, was wearing thin. She turned towards him, her sleep-tousled hair a halo around her sleepy eyes.

"What now, Mr. Needy?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep and irritation.

Ibrahim feigned innocence, his eyes twinkling. "Just reminding you, baby girl, your class starts at eleven."

Ava's eyes flew open, landing on the clock with a jolt. Panic flooded her face. "10:20? Oh my god, I'm going to be late!"

She shot him a glare. "And you," she accused, "didn't let me sleep the whole night! I'm still exhausted!"

Despite her grumbling, she sat up with a determined sigh. Ibrahim, unable to resist a tease, reached out and placed a soft kiss on her hand. 

"Just helping you stay awake." he winked, his voice a low rumble.

Ava narrowed her eyes, "Helping me stay awake? For what?"

Ibrahim raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. He turned his head, gazing at the ceiling with a playful grin, "Well, let's just say I wouldn't want you sleeping through a very important activity."

Ava's mouth gaped open. "A very important activity?"

"Precisely" Ibrahim began, his voice dropping to a suggestive whisper. "An activity that involves… thrusting… and would be quite enjoyable if I could hear your sweet voice calling out my name. So I can make you see heaven." 

Ava's mouth dropped open, then a blush crept up her cheeks. "Your hand is injured, Ibrahim!" she sputtered, "And yet, that's all you can think about?"

"Just wait till it heals. Then you'll see what this I can do." Ibrahim Smirked. 

Ava couldn't help but laugh, his teasing words sending a flutter to her heart. "Shameless man," she muttered, shaking her head in mock disapproval. "Do you even know the meaning of shame?"

Ibrahim chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He sat up, wincing slightly as a sharp pain shot through his left hand. He leaned back against the headboard, careful not to jostle the bandage.

"Come closer, baby girl," he beckoned, his voice husky with desire.

Ava, unable to resist his invitation, leaned towards him. Ibrahim, with a practiced swiftness, pulled her more closer, his fingers digging gently into the small of her back. And their faces were mere inches apart, 

"I know many things," he drawled, "Many things that will make you forget all about shame. When it comes to you my shame drowns even deeper in the ocean of my obsession."

Ava decided to tease him. "What if one day," she began, "you wake up in the morning and find me gone from this mansion? What then, Ibrahim? What if I run away?"

His smile vanished, replaced by a frown that etched deep lines on his forehead. His grip on her waist tightened, the playful glint in his eyes replaced by a chilling intensity and his jaw clenched.

"Running away from me?" Ibrahim's voice was low, deep and dangerous. "There's no escape from me, Ava. Every path you take leads you back to me. My name is etched on your soul, an indelible mark that will forever bind you to me. I am your hero, your protector, and if need be, your villain. Don't even dare contemplate running away, baby girl. Love me with the same ferocious passion that consumes me. You belong to me, only me. Mine to cherish, to love…" his voice trailed off, 

"and yes, MINE to ruin if necessary. You are mine. So never, ever think of leaving. I won't hesitate to burn the whole world down for you, just to keep you by my side."

Ava's breath hitched. She swallowed hard. His were spoken with such intensity and possessiveness, sent a wave of both fear and tension through her. She had always known of his obsession, the way he devoured her with his eyes, the way he claimed her as his own. But she had never truly understood the depth of it. Her playful teasing had taken a dangerous turn, leaving her speechless. She had been playing with fire, and now she felt the heat singeing her skin.

Sensing her fear, Ibrahim's grip loosened slightly. A smile, albeit a strained one, returned to his face. "Just teasing, my love," he said, his voice softer now.

Ava, still shaken, murmured, "You scared me." 

Ibrahim traced his fingertips down her back, sending sparks of awareness dancing across her skin. His brown eyes never left hers. 

 "Then don't even think about such things," he murmured in a husky voice, "No one knows when the monster within awakens, not even me. Never put me in a situation where I can show you how heartless I can be."

"I ... I was just teasing you. Didn't know you'll be that serious," Ava said. 

Ibrahim smirked. "You have every right to tease me. But not in ways that pierce my heart. You could even tease me with a knife... I wouldn't complain."

His hand moved to her lips, tracing their outline with a light touch, "But teasing like that, I won't tolerate it. This kind of teasing is forbidden."

Ava stared into his eyes, a mix of fear and fascination swirling within her. "You're unbelievable, Ibrahim," she murmured. 

"Of course I am," Ibrahim replied, "Now go, get ready, my love. You don't want to be late."


Sunlight streamed through the university cafeteria windows, casting warm squares of light onto the bustling tables. At one such table, Zeba, Mahi, Noor, Farah, and Ava huddled around a circular booth.

Farah announced, "I'm giving you all a party."

Surprise painted their faces. Mahi quipped, "Did you win the lottery, Farah?"

Farah chuckled. "No, no, just throwing a little party with my hard-earned money."

Zeba, intrigued, pressed for more. "A party? What's the occasion?"

Farah's smile turned enigmatic. "Let's just say I recently done a work, I never thought I could. Karma wasn't cooperating, so I gave it a little nudge. Someone opened the book and and I'm writing the final chapter."

Silence descended upon the table, thick with unspoken questions. Confused glances were exchanged among the girls. What exactly did she mean? Ava, sensing the tension, asked gently, "Did something bad happen, Farah?"

"Can you be more specific?" Zeba probed. 

Farah's expression hardened for a moment before softening into a steely resolve. "Yeah...something bad did happen. But now, justice has been served. "

"But Farah, can't you forgive the person? Isn't that more powerful than revenge?" Ava asked. 

Farah shook her head, "Forgiveness is for the divine, Ava. I'm just human, and I couldn't let go...Forgiveness can be a long journey and sometimes it feels impossible to even consider. But don't worry you all are tensed like I killed someone.... Enough about me! Let's order."

"If it's a celebration, let's make it one!" Ava said, "Our cafeteria food is great, but a restaurant would be even better, wouldn't it?"

Farah's smile faltered. "I appreciate the sentiment, Ava, but my budget isn't exactly five-star restaurant material. Remember, I'm your best friend. Don't do this with me."

Zeba chimed in, "Don't worry, Farah! We can definitely find a nice restaurant within your budget. And hey, Ava's car is here, so no need for a cab!"

Farah stared at her friends, their expectant faces filled with playful teasing, she knew resistance was futile. With a resigned sigh, she conceded, "Alright, alright, you win. But if I can't even pay my rent next month I will go crying to you, Ava. You have to pay for me." 

Ava laughed. "Okay, okay, BFF duties in action. You treat us to lunch, and I will take care of your house rent. Deal?"