Feng Xuan could no longer hear the beat of her heart. After the screen went black, everything had been too loud. Senator Chang Yan was barking orders like a mad dog, spit flying out of his mouth as he raised his voice louder and louder as if the men around him were deaf.
Among all the fear in her chest there was joy. It was Qing Chen. It could only be him. Who else would come to her rescue apart from her husband and father? Or was it the police? Over the crowd of her feelings, she found that she was laughing. "Oh no, you're dead," she said to the pacing senator.
Sweat had made his shirt stuck to his back and his face was glittering with it. Gun still in his hand, he pressed the heels to his eyes whispering to himself.
Feng Xuan heard more gunshots and winced. Surely, it was not her husband who was firing them, right?