Feng Xuan opened her eyes only saw darkness. After having nightmares for the past few weeks, she already knew when she was already in one. It felt weird to feel her own body moving and yet all decisions were not up to her.
She heard something crackling behind her, the heat hovering at her backside. She turned and saw a burning shack. The wood was collapsing and the flames threatened to lick the leaves of the trees. She raised her hand to cover her nose as the smoke rose up to the sky.
She found a cut along her arm, dripping rich red blood. What happened? she asked in her head. Where am I?
Feng Xuan was no stranger to dreams, she knew that most of them happened in places she had been and have the capacity to transport her to another country if it would want. But she had never seen this place before. She was never the outdoorsy type and was sure had never hiked a hill in her life. So why was she in a forest?