When Wuming and Qing Lok were finally back upstairs, Qing Chen sat down in front of the man. "Are you sure this is what you want to do? There's so much more to living. Don't you want to get revenge for your family. Get closure?"
Mr. Ola shook his head furiously. "The only closure that I need is that I know I would be with them once again. I can't lose them. I refuse to live without them. If you're not going to do it, I'm going to do it to myself."
"Why don't you take a few minutes?" Qing Chen asked. "Think about it some more? I'll wait."
"No. No waiting needed. My wife and son would be waiting for me. They are waiting for me. Please, just do it."
Qing Chen had met a lot of people in the first quarter of his life. He was even convinced that he had met every kind of person he could possibly meet. He had definitely knew people like Mr. Ola. Family meant everything to them.