
Chapter one

It was all new to Bella.... A new school, a new state and a new dad. It might have as well as been a new her but then, it has always been just her, nerdy Bella who's world was wrapped up around her imagination. It must have been creepy how vivid her imagination might have been and the things she does but then, Bella would always be Bella.

As she walked towards the gates of the school which would mean her last days in highschool, she could feel her shy gait creep in so she pushed off her mind everything and imagined herself as a queen walking proudly towards the gates of her bedroom which had within it the most beautiful man as her king,  little did she know she laid in wait for her cause she had happened to bump into someone; waking from her half daydream, she was shocked as two broad cold shoulders greeted her,  Bella was barely 4'7 but standing in front of her was a huge 6'2 frame and by all ramifications endowed.  When he turned to face her,  Bella could feel herself wet in the pants, damn... The man was simply beautiful and hot. She nearly slipped back to her day dreaming when his thunderous voice brought her back to normality. 

He had this serious angry glint in his wicked eyes "Eyes I hope would be filled of naughty imaginations of what to do with me,  snap out of it Bella... He's obviously pissed", she found herself thinking.  Bella muttered a sorry excuse for her mistake but the man was definitely not buying it and then he simply took off his suit jacket which was stained with her red lipstick.  Red lipstick on a white suit!!!  No wonder her mind was not at peace when she chose that color but then she giggled which clearly infuriated him the more, "Think it's funny huh,  very well then....", he bent closer, pulled her name tag and said "I'll be keeping this miss, get this jacket cleaned and organized by the morning and get it to me. Here's my card", she was getting ready to blast him but then he turned and said, " Don't even think of running away, cause I would find you, I'll be hanging on to this ", he waved her tag and was a short smile turned and left. Gosh, she'll kill for that smile but then reality dawned on her, she stared at the card, it had his name and address. Including his phone number but then again, how could she get in trouble on her first day at school, worse still, this suit was not any ordinary one, this was one obviously expensive, Bella broke down crying silently but then got up, picked up the suit and card and headed home. 

The name on the card read, 'JAY MARTIN ' definitely not someone she wanted to find out what he'll do to her,  not with all the power he yielded except something of the naughty sort. 

"Oh snap out of it Bella !!!" she told herself.