
Chapter One hundred and thirty-seven

Jay was more than happy when Charlie called him back. He had finally come up with a plan that would help Jay with going to bring back Bella. He reminded Jay of his restaurant in the area which his nephew Jonathan was managing. He had decided to work out something through that link. According to him, all they had do was to make a social function which would definitely require Jay's presence, that way, he could get there Unsuspected. Jay listened to him and thought about it for a while, I then he saw the loopholes in the arrangement and pointed them out to Charlie. If they were to go to the area for a function, that  would require Stella coming with him as he knew her and what she was capable of. She could very well create a scene that would make him oblige her. Up next was looking for Bella, if he left the function, then it would breed suspicions in the mind of everyone especially if he was out for too long. Another problem was that a social gathering could also create problems for Bella. What if the wrong eyes saw her and tried to harm her. It was not going to make any sense if she turned out dead. Stella was a dangerous woman, he could not risk it. 

However, he had a much better idea. Charlie asked him to shoot. Jay was a man known for buying big enterprises, and this would help them better. All they needed to do was for Charlie to create a fake memo declaring his interest for Jay to become partners with him at the running of the restaurant. Now, all Jay needed do was to show his interest and want to go see the restaurant for himself. He would insist on seeing it to know whether it was worth it and then, the next phase of the plan. Jay was more than proud of his own solution and waited for Charlie to say something. 

"You know man, the way you come up with these ideas marvels me, but then I hope this is not going to end up with me loosing my restaurant cause I would haunt you down ", Charlie said. 

Jay lauged it out as he knew that this was Charlie's way of saying yes to his suggestion. He assured him though that no one was going to loose anything except of course, Charlie wanted to gift him the restaurant. 

"In your fucked up dreams ", Charlie said to him. 

Jay was glad as they reached an agreement to act accordingly. It was at this point that Jay asked after Jonathan. He had not heard about him in a long while and he missed his vibes really. Charlie explained to him that the lad had been doing excellently well. 

"He even called me few days ago, he's ready to settle down unlike some idiots I know ", Charlie added. 

Jay could not believe his ears, here he was, drowning in his life as a bachelor when the youth he was way older than was thinking of settling down. He could not wait to find Bella as he planned settling down immediately with her to escape loosing her again. 

"Well I was actually planning on settling down Charlie, only that my bride ran away ", he said in defense. 

"She ran away, or you chased her out you pathetic cheat? ", Charlie teased him. 

"I'll get your tongue for that ", Jay promised him jovially. 

"Threaten me once again and I'll go sleep ", Charlie said. 

Jay lauged and assured him that even if he tried to sleep, he was going to be haunted by his presence. It had really been a while and sincerely, he missed this vibe with Charlie. The guy was simply everything he wanted and more. They ended the call just as Jay's telephone ran. He picked it up and his secretary informed him that someone was there to see him. He asked whom it was.

"It's Mr Diego sir ", the girl said. 

Jay's face turned into a frown immediately. He asked that she sent him in as he wondered what the backstabber wanted from him. He braced himself, he just would never like that guy no matter how hard he tried pushing himself into his life. Something about him just did not sit right and he was going to find out soon enough. 




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Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

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