
Chapter Fifty-one

The sex in the kitchen was mind blowing or probably it lied with the fact that it was her first time. He had taken his time to pleasure her and right now as she sat in the bath tub, she could still feel his presence. He had excused himself when they had finally taken the food at the dinning. They had been left exhausted and she, worn out. Her pussy lips were even swollen and she could bet a million pounds if she had it that she was practically screaming during the process. She reclined in the tub, soaking herself in and holding her breath that all she heard was the peaceful quietness which the water brought. After her number count she rose up, only to dip herself in again. This time, she rose and felt strong hands on her shoulders, Jay was behind her. "Having trouble keeping your hands to yourself?", she asked jovially as she felt him massaging the flesh of her shoulders. He leaned forward and closer to her ears, "Not really, just having trouble waiting for hours before you get out of the bathroom ", he said and she chuckled. Turning around she met his gaze, so close and hot, did she mention hot as in hot hot?.  He swallowed and so did she, earlier on, he had taken her so hard in the kitchen, from the counter to the floor, it was wild. They were both savages in their former world definitely. He took the sponge and helped wash her up, what a man. After that he dried her and nudged her to the bedroom area. He himself, took his time to bath. The night was peaceful and quiet and all she heard was the chirping of the crickets and other all nighters having their meeting. She dressed up in a simple night gown, she could not risk him ruining any other clothing. They slept that night in each other arms. It was all kisses and cuddles with them both. What this man did to her, no one seemed to have that capability. 

It was early that morning but not as early as he used to wake up for when Bella woke up, Jay was deep asleep. It was unlike him so she leaned in close to kiss him. He seemed to be having difficulty breathing not to mention that his breath was hot. Touching his head, it was very hot and so was his body. She became alarmed, she quickly tried to slip off the bed but he suddenly held her hand, "Please, stay with me ", he whispered even though he was practically stammering and shivering. What happened suddenly, they were good yesterday so what happened today. "I'll be right back, let me get you something to help with your fever, you're burning up Jay ", she said but he was not paying attention, instead he tugged at her hand, it was a deaths grip. He wanted her close to him, but that's not the issue. Jay Martins was a man who constituted fear to others, he loved the respect he was getting and hated being seen as weak by anyone. He was the boss after all and at such would rather die than have his staff reel him off as sick. All he needed was her presence around him and he was going to be fine but it seemed Bella had the upper hand this morning. "As much as I would enjoy lying in bed with you Jay, I'm not going to be part of your death when it comes, so you stay here and I'll ask the maids to assist in either getting you to the hospital or getting you a doctor. Your choice mister ", she said with finality. "Doctor would be fine ", he said slowly and she nodded. Giving him a peck on the cheek, she slipped out of bed to Theresa. They discussed on how to get his doctor to the house.