
Chapter Fifty-eight

Bella still could not believe her ears, a private tutor at this age, seriously. What was Jay hinting, she began thinking about her grades at school. Was it because she dropped in math, did the principal call him up or something. She looked him with her stubborn chin raised up. "Did the principal say something to you? ", she asked calmly, and he smiled. For some moment, his earlier hardened features softened, "Did you do something I should know about Bella ", he said with a snicker. "Of course not ", she said beginning to draw away, he suddenly hugged her from behind, "I don't want to loose you Bella. It's just for your own safety ", he said and placed a kiss on her cheek. He let her go free and watched her undress. She was still shy around him obviously so he decided to give her some space. "I'll be in the study okay, got something to check on. Meet me there with your answer ", he said and started walking out. She smiled as he left, he was serious about the tutor. But what about her exams, would she take it here as well? she very much would prefer an online organized class. But now, she just needed one thing, a really cold shower and then a nap after she had taken lunch. She went into the bathroom. 

One hour, forty-six minutes exactly was what it had taken Bella to get to his study, she looked fresh as she peeked in. She was acting polite which is unlike her, so Jay eyed her suspiciously, she smiled and entered. "Had lunch? ", he asked her as she came in and before she could speak, her rumbling stomach spoke for her and she smiled, shifting form one feet to the other shyly. "I decided to wait before someone would accuse me of eating before him ", she said and continued, "Besides I want this issue of a private tutor to be done and over with. Jay, why do you want to get me a private tutor, I'm no kindergarten remember? ", she reeled out like she was an already recorded audio tape. Nice speech Bella. "Issues? How's a private tutor an issue Bella? ", he asked her and when he noticed her shifting her weight, he added, "You do realize I have seats in my study right? ", he asked and she chuckled nervously. She took a seat, she already had beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Bella, what a lady, trying to prove all James Bond. She was speaking "....besides I do my best always at school ", he had missed the first part of her sentence, "You were saying? ", he asked innocently, "You were not listening to me, were you Jay? ",she looked vexed. "How could I listen when I was engrossed with your sexy lips Bella, you turning me on ", he said rising and she visibly shrunk in her seat. She was hungry and exhausted, he came around the table to half sit on the edge. He looked at her so intently that she quickly spurted out, "Be serious Jay and stop messing around ", she said and he smiled. "Are we getting the private tutor or not Bella? ", he asked with his gaze fixed upon her intently. She shifted in her seat, "Jay, does this have anything to do with Pablo.? Answer me honestly and I promise to give a favourable answer ", she said placing her palm over his hand. She wanted the truth, then damn well he was going to give her the truth, "I cannot tell you per say what everything is all about ", he began taking her hands, "But what I can do is give you a hint. I'm a dangerous person Bella but then not everyone fears me. Pablo is bad news and I feel he has contacted a long time foe. She is the demon I'm protecting you from, so yes, the private tutor is necessary to keep you safe ", he said to her. Bella took in the words he had voiced out, he was serious enough about it and she could tell he was not joking or chasing his personal benefits. "And my exams? ", she asked him, "Would be arranged with your principal. I just need you to approve so I proceed with the arrangements", he said to her. He began looking at her waiting for an answer while she contemplated.