
Chapter Eighty

The preparations had been made that morning, they would go see Miss Clarkson later in the day. Bella had been fidgeting with almost everything, he noticed how nervous she was and calculated the way he had noticed the sour relationship between mother and daughter. It was almost like they were strangers and he wished he could help her through the stress. But then, this was her own fight with her emotions. He did not like seeing her pack up her backpack with few clothes, somehow it felt like she was not going to come back and he detested the feeling he was getting. He tried to remain calm as a man by going to his study, but he could not make out anything from it, so he rested his head on his desk and sought sleep. He dozed off at a time but woke with a start, he dreamt. He had seen Bella being pulled away by the wind and he was trying to reach out to her, he tried his best but it seemed impossible, so he woke up. Sweating profusely, he tried to dismiss the thought of his by telling himself that it was a mere dream and a reflection of his own anxiety. He got up and went out of the study to the garden, it had been ages since he went there and he knew just not, why he was troubled. "It's just for few days ",she had told him, but the few days was beginning to seem like ages to come. 

It was also hard for Bella, she had to play strong but deep inside, she felt unstable like a waving flag. But this was a necessity and she had to do it, at least use this opportunity to get a proper pregnancy test and know her stance. She needed also to make amends with her mother and this was the more reason she was granted this opportunity. Putting in her things, she could sense his restlessness and how he was reacting but she could not help him. The least she could do for him was hid her emotions, weakness and All;  and keep mute. She had to dial her brother too and let him know they were coming, so he could make arrangements for the test. 

As soon as Mikey got the call that she was coming that day, he felt this excitement. He, his father and boss had prepared a place for Bella in a country yet disclosed by his boss. Diego had come up with the place and promised to give them all his necessary assistance as he could not let Bella suffer in the hands of the tyrant animal, Jay Martins. His father also had assisted with everything and all that was left was convincing Bella on what Jay Martins really was, not even who. Then conduct the test, if positive Mikey had suggested that they eliminate but Diego was strongly against the thought of murdering an innocent one, so they agreed to keep the baby although Mikey was not cool with it. Miss Clarkson had barely a month to live, she was all bones already and all she wanted was to see her daughter. You could imagine her reaction when Mikey told her Bella was coming, the ghoulish looking woman smiled, for a long time she had not smiled. But now, she did, Mikey could not help but feel a pang of pity for her. She did not deserve this, she had explained when she found out she had cancer and was secretly taking treatment, hoping to get better and had not even told Anthony. She did not want anyone worrying about her and when she had eventually taken ill, Anthony could not accept the fact she was leaving him. He loved her, but she cared less about him, she was also going to leave. Probably being close to a woman was not his thing. Day and night, he would sit watching her labour with breathing, taking in her last hours on earth, and he wondered what he had done to God to deserve a lonely life.