
Chapter Eighty-six

That morning, Bella woke up quite early and spent a lot of time staring at the ceiling, she from time to time would toss on her bed as her mind kept on wandering everywhere. She stared for a very long time until she began to crave flakes, so she went downstairs to the kitchen and made herself some. Was her life over? questions upon questions without answers racing through her mind, to an extent of not noticing when Mikey came down. "Morning sis ",he said coming in, he looked like he was bearing the weight of the world already, did he sleep at all, she wondered. "Looks like you barely slept ", he said as if trying to reverse her minds underdealings, she looked up at him and smiled, he did not understand her plight yet. He told her she had dark circles which eventually made her mother owl. Mikey always found a way to tease her into smiling, she giggled and told him what a big racoon he was, these siblings seemed to always have an edge over unpleasant atmospheres, "You already eating, I bet you going to use your baby to express your gluttony ",he further teased while taking a spoon to join her, she snickered funnily, "Who's the glutton now? ",she asked amused. They laughed over and over, this took her mind off her worries a little, and by the time they were done, she was feeling better and sleepy. She layed on the sofa, Mikey promising to wake her up once he was done with some personal stuff, he and she would then head to the hospital. She was pleased and layed down, in less than a minute or more, she was already sleeping peacefully. Mikey watched her for a while before turning heels and headed upstairs, he had missed that part of his sister. While asleep, after a period of one hour twenty minutes, Bella woke up with a start, she looked quite jumpy. She had dreamt something horrifying to her, in her dream, the woman from the picture, Jay's ex-wife was trying to strangle her while some other people in the background laughed. She could not remember their faces although they felt familiar, but that's not even the worst of it all, Jay had been there, like a puppet he stood without defending her. He actually was watching everything without moving an inch or do she say, he did not recognize her. What was happening, she woke up just as Mikey was coming down. He just got off the phone with his dad who had asked that they hurried as Miss Clarkson was becoming reckless. He rushed to Bella when he saw her frightened self and tried soothing her, she was breathing heavily. He was trying to reassure her when she suddenly asked him the big question, "Tell me Mikey, is something up with Jay? Is he going to abandon me? ",she asked him mounting pressure on him. He tried hushing her up, telling her it was all alright and that everything would be fine, all he was asking was that she calmed down, "Do not tell me to calm down Mikey. Since yesterday, everyone has been asking me to calm down, what in heaven's name am I missing Mikey? If there's something I need to know, you can tell me, I'll deal with it ",she said with a raised voice. One thing Mikey never knew how to deal with was female drama, they seemed to play a big drawback on his cool, so he rose up suddenly, running his hands through his hair. "Yes Bella, there is something you need to know and it is about your baby daddy", he said and watched her eyes widened and ears prick up in curiosity, he wanted to tell her really but then, he did not want to see what the ends of her hysterical self leads to, "But then, I cannot tell you right now, except if my dad and Diego are present. They'll explain better Bella ",he said. "Wait a minute, which Diego? ",she asked and he replied, "My boss, I told you about him ". Bella began getting scared again, she hoped it did not turn out to be the Diego she knew because there seemed to be a drawback in his relationship with Jay Martins.