
Chapter Eight

It took her few moments to register what had just happened; she had literally just given up her freedom for the next six months with no one on her side. She glanced at her mother, eyes full of rage expecting some sort of sympathy, empathy or whatever it was mother's had in their soul, but all she saw was a relieved soul which made Bella wonder if all these years she had been a burden to Miss Clarkson for she dared not call her mother. A real mother would fight or at the least negotiate, but this woman here had shown her nothing but disgust. 

"Let's go pack up Bella ", said Mickey. He had expected more from Miss Clarkson but then what do you expect from a desperate woman in need of the feel of a man. He pitied the young girl and wondered how she had been coping with a woman like this who showed nothing but hate. Bella gave him a 'thank you ' with her eyes as she turned on her heels. He nodded and and for once in their teasing filled life,step siblings seemed to communicate. 

"You know Bella this is all your fault. You could have asked for help", he started settling down on the bed. 

"Asked who for help. You? ", she smirked and he widened his eyes in desperate affirmative, "Don't even get me started on that Mike. You nothing but loathe my existence in your life. You keep making my life unbearable ", he felt stung and decided to iron out this issue. 

"For the record Bella, I don't hate you. I just felt like a new mother being imposed on me was heartless of my dad. You also know the feeling Bella ", and of course she did.  The first time her mother had introduced her to Anthony, she was enraged. She felt like he was coming in between their lives and felt the need for her birth dad although he never cared but at least, he was her dad.  "Besides, coupled with a haughty baggage of a daughter, I definitely was not going to play nice to some stubborn ass of a girl as my sister", she heard Mickey continue and this time, she felt need to be defensive. "I'm not haughty or stubborn. You're the one who's always been the ass here and if you not going to help me pack up, then get out ".

"I might as well keep you company ungrateful wench ", he said and reclined on the bed, picking up her teddy bear. He watched her pack frantically and he did not miss the sight of the pink dildo when she tried to hid it back in her closet. He smiled, so this was the reason he kept hearing the moaning sounds from her room most nights. He smirked and got up just as she finished packing. He brought the dildo, "You sure you wouldn't be needing this slave Bella?", She looked horrified, bead of sweat started forming on her forehead as she yanked if from him and threw it in her trash can, "I don't ever want to see it again ", but then she knew that the dildo was the least cause of her anger or frustration.  "Better option then, mom gets to see it when she throws the trash away and I wonder what kind of daughter she would think of you ". That was enough to hasten Bella back to the trash, she brought out the dildo and slide it into her backpack. 

Mickey smiled before drawing her into a warm embrace and whispered in her ears, "That dude ever hurt you, I'm one phone call away baby sis". Never had she felt such reassurance and then she snuggled deeper in his embrace with tear filled eyes. How she wished she had seen this side of Mickey these few weeks ago, she definitely would have played nice. He didn't deserve her teasing ; Oh wait a second, he did deserve it for being a troublesome ass to her and for keeping this aspect of him away from her. This would have never escalated if he had because she definitely would have told him from the onset. 

"Bella!!! "' her impatient mother called like she couldn't wait for her to be gone.

"Go", he told her and with a quick bye, she turned downstairs with her backpack. Mickey would definitely miss her teasing.