
The Mafia's Pillow Bride

Adwoanovels · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Jealous Mafia


^^^ E̶a̶g̶l̶e̶ C̶H̶A̶M̶B̶E̶R̶^^^^

Enzo kept his stares low key not to be too noticed . But who can hide their feelings from Don ? Nope nobody ?

" What do you want to say " Grey tighten his tie around his neck .

He had a meeting with his gangs members.

" Sir your dad ..... had a heart attack and was confirmed to be gone " Enzo stummered.

Grey sharply glared at Enzo before turning back to his expressionless attitude.

The old man was never there for Grey . He always treated Grey like an outcast . At age 13 Grey was sent off to fight with a gang. He was almost beaten to death.

That when Grey started to hate him.

" Don , you are expected to take over the other empire in Country B . I have booked a ticket for you . Your flight is in an hour from now " Enzo added typing something on his iPad.

" The girl l clash with at the bar , send me her details " .

" Don , your dad has stat....ed that ..... " Enzo sweat trailed from his forehead to his lips.

" Say it or l cut your tongue Enzo " Grey threaten.

Enzo had become like a friend to Grey , he was with him on his first mission when he was 13 . Enzo took a bullet for him leaving a scar at his back .

" It stated that your dad's bought wife has been legally transfered to you . In the law of court you are legally married" Enzo didn't flip anymore.

" Dissolve it . Let me speak to that freaking lawyer put him on the call " Grey left to his room

" Dissolve it " Enzo placed his hand on his mouth .

Father just gave his wife to his son?


♥︎♥︎♥︎G̶R̶E̶Y̶'S̶ R̶O̶O̶M̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎

Grey sat on the chair looking like nothing happened.

Do you expect the marriage to worry him ?

Some who doesn't believe in love what would you expect from him.

What was on his mind right now was Valentina.

She really had captivated his mind all day long , it was had to get her off Grey's mind.

" You have tamed a Mafia " Grey had his finger's in his hair.

His phone started buzzing.

" Dissolve the marriage" Grey said hanging up .

He needed not to be told who it was . It was the lawyer and he knew that .

" Guess my sperms will be working in your womb now . Two sperms are fighting to get into your womb " Grey raised his eye brow.

He got into the shower draining his tired body in the cold shower.

He joined Enzo in the Rolls Royce .


The car drove to the airport. Been one of the wealthiest people in Country X and a Mafia brought eyes to Grey.

They are on their way to Grey's airport. Grey hates been around people, his face is always hidden under his black mask.

Yep, his . A manufacturing company delivers a box of this type of mask everyday to Enzo .

Eagle Chamber is a hidden place in a scared area

" The number one talked topic right now in Country X is you and Miss Remi Green . Hashtag Gremi " Enzo read the update he came across from the entertainment industry.

" Bring down the post and sue the company with 18 billion. Sack every worker in that industry " Grey said looking outside the car .

" Don we are been followed " the driver said .

He noticed a white Benz following them since the time they hit the road.

" Get them missing" Grey looked else where .

" Got that boss " the driver hit on the gas.

A chase soon persuaded each car drove faster . The white car knew of Grey's driver intention . He used all the driving skills to catch up with the Roll Royce .

Soon Grey's driver lost hold of the stirring wheel sending the car to the skies .


The car flipped over to the other side.

The driver of the Benz stopped the car a few inches away from the accident scene.

He got down from the car moving closer to the car with an unconcerned look.

His hand moved inside his pocket removing out his phone. He placed a quick call to an unknown number.

" Sir , job done and dusted " the driver said on the line.


♥︎♥︎♥︎ P̶R̶I̶V̶A̶T̶E̶ H̶O̶S̶P̶I̶T̶A̶L̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎

Grey laid on the bed oxygen all around him to help him breathe . He had fallen into a coma.

Luckily he was revived after an hour of CPR by the doctors. When he was brought to the hospital his breathing had stopped but the doctors performed a CPR to revive him .

" Get intacted to one of the patient family members. And yes stop the reporters from getting into Mr. Rain's room " the doctor placed his sethsc in his pocket .

" Okay doc " the nurse replied.


^^^^ Few Hours Later ^^^^^

The whole nurse where in awe upon seeing a lady slay into the hospital.

She wore a pink lace fitting shift dress .

Gosh so beautiful.

" Isn't that Remi "

" Yes, it is the same person on the internet. "

" She is so lucky to be close to Don "

" I envy her "

The nurse whispered trying not to let Remi know she was the topic of their discussion. But she knew it and really loved it.

She continued slaying to Grey's ward room. She was stopped from getting in by one of Grey's bodyguard.

" Ma you aren't allowed to visit Don " the bodyguard placed his hand at the door .

" Who are you to tell me what l can do and what l can't. A mere loser. Don't you know who l am " Remi became furious.

" Sorry but ma that the rules " the bodyguard said.

" Let her in she is my uncle's wife " a male voice instructed.

" But Sir " the bodyguard tried to say something.

" It an order Theo " the male voice ordered.

The bodyguard had no other choice but to allow Remi in.

The man and Remi entered Grey's ward.


♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ I̶N̶S̶I̶D̶E̶ G̶R̶E̶Y̶'S̶ W̶A̶R̶D̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎

" What do you want with him Remi " the male voice asked.

Remi took a sit on the chair beside Grey.

" So what will you do " Remi rolled her eyes.

The male voice belonged to no other than Luis Clark . He is Grey's nephew which makes Grey his uncle.

His dad too was an underground Lord but he decided to quit right after Luis came into their life.

Luis been Luis wants the title as Don Eagle after know how much the title holds.

" Am interested in this uncle of yours . Never knew you where related . He is well of a man than you " Remi hand moved to Grey's chest feeling it broadness.

" Would you stop been a slut " Luis looked angry.

" Chill yo. So how far with Natalie. I know you too have been together way before you dated the dirty girl . That reminds me she slept with him " Remi eyes fell on Grey.

" You know you should be a comedian" Luis giggled.

From the look of things he saw that Remi was serious about what you said.

" Where is she " Luis asked.

" On the streets where she belongs " Remi blinked.

Luis left the ward not before telling the bodyguards not to disturb the two inside.

" Oh it a pity you didn't taste me raw . But don't worry am sticking with this dick you have " Remi sighted Grey's trousers.



♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ F̶O̶X̶ H̶O̶S̶P̶I̶T̶A̶L̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎

Valentina eyes was on her tummy patiently waiting for the arrival of the doctor. The samples of her urine was taken for a quick test.

Ever since she came to this new house in country Y she would vomit every morning and have lost of appetite.

After Ariel found out that the Greens had forcefully thrown out Valentina from the mansion she flew with Valentina to the Seoul Entertainment for auditions .

" Bestie cool down your heart. I don't think you are pregnant. You are a virgin " Ariel brushed Valentina cheeks.

" About that l slept ...." Valentina began to stummer.

" With ..." Ariel asked.

" Congrats Valentina you are 2 months pregnant" the doctor joyful said.

Seeing Valentina age and stuffs she knew Valentina was a teenager but had the mind of a matured being.

" What " they said in unison.

Ariel was mostly shocked than Valentina she literally didn't expect to hear such a news from the doctor.

" I want an abortion doctor" Valentina placed her hand on her belly.

" But Len " a shocked Ariel felt even mpre shocked.

" Please doctor" Valentina pleaded.



A lady in a yellow kimono dress got down from the plane . Her heels made noise in the airport as people's attention drifted towards her.

She looked just gorgeous like an angel dropped from heaven.

Very curvaceous giving the guys a great view to die for as they took photos of the ass shaking.

Not only the guys but the girls where envious of her.

" Can l have your autograph my daughter has been meaning to talk to you really " a middle aged woman came forward to the lady.

" Sure . Call her on video call " the lady took the book given to her by the middle aged women putting her signature at the front page.

" OMG that is Actress Summer "

" Wait l almost forgot it her . She isn't putting on make up "

" God blessed her with beauty truly. She looks beautiful without make up "

" Who is the little kid beside her "

" It her son . Truly he is blessed he is super cute . He is the model of Kiddo's Brand . It a clothing brand very expensive"

" The same kiddo brand owned by Actress Summer "

" Same dear "

It didn't take long for the people in the airport to recongise who she is . They circled around her trying to get a picture with her plus an autograph.

The middle age woman's daughter face was on the phone.

" Mom where are you l miss you " her daughter said .

" Guess who is here with me Emma " the middle age woman handed her phone to Summer.

" Hey pretty . Seems you have been wanting to see me " Summer looked into the camera.

" OMG it you . My idol . Am not dreaming right"

" You aren't dear it me . Hope you have been a good girl " Summer smiled

" Yep l have . OMG " Emma almost dropped her phone.

" Need to go princess Bye " Summer waved.

The call was cut.

" Thank you Summer " the middle age woman felt like crying

" It nothing ma " Summer continued her journey holding onto a little boy's hand.

" Enzo is the documents ready to be presented " Grey asked walking

" Yes Don " Enzo said.

" No informality Enzo " Grey stopped . Enzo head hit Grey's back

" Sorry , forgot Grey " Enzo apologized.

" Mummy " the little boy stopped walking.

Summer looked back at him. Grey passed by them .

They both didn't see each other .

" Dad " the little boy said.

" Rhett " Summer called.

" I saw dad " Rhett repeated.

Summer looked back at where Rhett her son was pointing but she saw the back of a man in a black suit leaving the airport entrance.

He was gone .

Her heart skipped a beat .

" Let get home , your aunties are waiting for you teddy bear " Summer kissed her son cheeks.

Rhett wasn't a fun of hugging and stuffs . He had that attitude at birth . Always the strong headed person never crying or anything.

When he was born he never made a fuss . That made Summer work easy as a new mom.


♥︎♥︎♥︎ E̶M̶P̶I̶R̶E̶ M̶A̶N̶S̶I̶O̶N̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎

The car parked at the mansion as Grey made his way out of the car . Behind him was Enzo and his bodyguards.

A little boy run to Grey hugging him.

" Daddy August missed you over the months " the little boy August said.

Yes he really did miss Grey . He had to talk to his dad via video call. Which he hated because of the bad network.

Grey picked up his son carry him on his neck.

" Sorry frimps . Daddy has been busy . Don't worry l won't leave you again " Grey said.

August shaked his head .

" That what daddy always says but he leaves me "

" I wouldn't next time " Grey brought down August from his neck.

" Is that a promise daddy " August did a puppy eyes.

" Yes it is frimps " Grey tickled him.

" Seems that am not needed anymore. Welcome back honey l missed you " Remi leaned in for a kiss.

But had none since Grey avoid it .

" Daddy why do you avoid kissing mom " August asked.

" It nothing frimps " Grey replied .

" Then kiss mommy " August brought Remi closer to Grey .

Remi took the chance to plant a kiss on Grey's mouth.

" Daddy l want someone to play with . A sibling" August pouted.

" Very soon honey " Remi bit her lips looking at Grey's direction.

Every since Grey woke up from the coma four years ago he had to deal with Remi . The day he woke up he was met with a sleeping Remi.

Remi claimed to be his wife but he didn't believe it until she brought the video the reporters took of them in the hotel .

He had amnesia

Grey lost his memory due to the accident which made it hard to remember the occasion of things that too placed recently.

He left to Country H some months after Remi brought baby August to him.

August is just a carbon copy of Grey so he agreed to allow Remi stay with them .

" Let go " Remi took Grey's hand.

He immediately removed his hand walking to the dinner table.

" It won't be soon Grey for you to be mine " Remi walked behind the father and son.


♥︎♥︎♥︎ H̶I̶G̶H̶ S̶T̶R̶E̶E̶T̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎

Della sat at the passengers sit in her lastest model blue Lamborghini.

He driver was driving her to her company.

Her dad died three years ago leaving the Smith Groups Of Companies in her hands to handle . Matthew left behind everything he had to Della.

Including the house , estates , cars , business everything in question.

The blue Lamborghini was circled by three Land Rover blocking the passage way.

Della stepped down from her car moving to the car .

All drivers got down from the car meeting Della. They where body guards dressed in all white suit.

" Miss Smith my boss wants to see you " one bodyguard said.

" Who " Della asked .

" Mrs Sanchez ." the bodyguard said making way for Della to get into the car .

" I will se her later l have a business meeting"

" Sorry Miss Smith but it an urgent meeting she has with you . " the bodyguard softly said not to get their young Miss angry .

" Okay l will follow you in my car " Della got into her car following the Land Rovers


♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ S̶M̶I̶T̶H̶'S̶ P̶L̶U̶S̶H̶ M̶A̶S̶I̶O̶N̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎

Della was escorted into the mansion by the body guards as she was led into a dark room.

She sat down on the chair she could find. She wasn't scared of the dark but her heart was pounding for no reason.

" Hey daughter in-law. Looks like you have forgotten you are married" Mrs Smith said.

" Ahem Aunty Caroline " Della stood up from the sit .

" Call me mother inlaw we are family remember" Mrs Caroline took a sit .

" But Aunty " Della objected.

" You are married. Seems you have forgotten just in five years . So here is the thing Calvin fell into a coma some months ago " Mrs Caroline started to tear up.

Calvin met with an accident a month ago .

" So sorry Aunty " Della sympathized.

" As his wife , it has been my wish to watch my son become a dad ."

" I don't get you Aunty . I don't even agree to this marriage"

" As a youngster you don't know what is good for you "

" You are going to be inseminated with Calvin sperms to be able to conceive his baby " Mrs Caroline tapped her hands .

A document was placed on the table .

" I.V.F Aunty am not going to do that " Della got up from the chair .

" l give you three days . Take this document and this ...."

Mrs. Caroline removed a tap recorder from her purse pushing it closer to the Della .

She stood up leaving the room. Della starred at the recorder and the document before taking it .


♥︎♥︎♥︎S̶U̶M̶M̶M̶E̶T̶S̶ M̶A̶N̶S̶I̶O̶N̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎

Ariel held a champagne in hand smiling as Summer and Rhett came into the house.

" Welcome back . Missed you two " Ariel hugged Rhett.

Rhett had an expressionless look worn on .

" Haven't you missed me baby Rhett " Ariel ruffled his brown curly hair.

" 55 out of 100 "

" You are even rating it " Ariel laughed .

" Am here remember" Summer opened her arms for a hug .

Ariel embraced her.

" Summer suits you " Ariel said.

" Call me by my real name " Summer replied .

" I missed you so much Valentina" Ariel spoke .

" Am so hungry momma . Aunty Ariel what did you cook " Rhett stomach groaned.

" Your favorite, pasta sauce with cupcakes . " Ariel was most likely not to cook but had to .

" Where is Aunty Della " Rhett asked.

He only saw Della when she came to visit in Country 0 when he was 3 years .

" She must be here anytime soon " Ariel answered.

The trio dug into the food.

They ate till they couldn't anymore.

" So how is your new movie going on " Ariel asked sipping on the water.

" They said we are joining collaboration with k- drama's stars to act the movie . " Valentina washed her hands .

Drying it off with the napkin.

" That interesting. Someone is calling you " Ariel saw Valentina phone ringing.

Valentina picked it up .

" Am at your gate come and meet me " the caller said .

" Wait how come " Valentina hurriedly went to her gate.

" Min - Joon aren't you supposed to be in Country O right now . Your mom just died " Valentina let the guy in.

Min Joon is a famous business man across the entire country . He had this cute blue eyes like the ocean . He came well package .

Over the years he hit the gym and the outcome of it could seduce even an old woman.

" I want to spend it with you . Can we go out to the mall " Min Joon asked .

" You just got back from your flight same with me . I think we should rest " Valentina refused.

" Please Valentina you still haven't answered the question l asked you the day before you came here " Min Joon felt hopeless.

" Try to understand. Let go to the mall then " Valentina was in a tight position.

" I will take care of Rhett you two go " Ariel sent the two off.


♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ R̶E̶E̶D̶S̶ M̶A̶L̶L̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎

Joon watched as Valentina jumped as she walked into the mall. Over the years he had watched Valentina cry , Rhett grow up , Valentina take grammies , a whole lot.

Grammie is an award given to actresses and actors.

This made him drawn to her .

" Let get inside this sector. I want to buy a shoe for my next shoot" Valentina pulled Joon into the place.

Remi too was there looking for a shoe for her upcoming movie.

Her hand moved form each shoe to the other till it fell on a red high heel .

Valentina hand fell on it too.

Remi slowly turned to the hand her hand was on.

She was a little bit taken away with a wave of shock.

" You ..." Remi opened her mouth but couldn't find the words

" Hey can you wrap the heels for me " Valentina directed to the shop attendant.

" You think you can afford such heels . It for people with class like me not poor people" Remi mocked

" Okay " Valentina said.

" Is that all you can say dirty girl" Remi took the heels from Valentina.

" Your features and body doesn't go with the heels and well your size it would make you look tasteless" Valentina advised .

Claps of applause came from the door.

" Well , well you really have eyes for fashion must say " Grey clapped.

He was forced to come with Remi after much pressure. Because his meeting was cancelled he came with her.

Valentina caught the voice of the person. She felt a strange feeling of attraction well up in her heart .

The voice sounded familiar.

" Grey baby she was bullying me " Remi looked pitiful crying.

" That not true " Valentina defended herself taking a look at who was this Grey baby Remi was referring to .

She felt electric signals run through her heart

She sighed . He looked familiar to her but she doesn't remember where .

Joon came closer to Valentina circling his hand around her waist.

" Babe what going on here . Who is bullying you " Joon seductively asked .

"It nothing" Valentina looked away

" How come you know Min Joon a multi time billionaire " Remi questioned .

" Prevention is better than cure . Hey wrap the shoe out for my fiancee . We have a son waiting for us at home " Joon kissed Valentina on the cheeks .

Grey clutched his fist as his expression turned dark . His heart was on a race for ownership .

He gazed was set on Joon hand wrapped around Valentina's waist .

He pulled Remi closer to him . He angry squeezed her books.

Remi moaned .

That was not all .

Grey crash his lips onto Remi's....