
The Mafia's Omega

'Hello, my name is Alister Chann. I am a 22 year old omega. Now, you maybe wonder 'What's so interesting about that?' Well, let me tell you. Now, I know that you have heard of regular omegas, but have you ever heard of a mafia's omega? "A mafia's omega? What is that?" You may ask. Don't worry, I will tell you. There are few omega's in this world who are fated to be mated by some mafia alpha and I tend to be one of those said few to be mated with one. What makes matters particularly weird is that my mate is an old friend.' Alister Chann, a strong willed omega, marks his new found journey into the mafia world with no other than a strange, but yet familiar, man who likes to call himself Capo, but is named Dante Mantus. Strangely enough, Dante has somewhat the same features and characteristics of his old friend, Aspen Fenris. While he goes into this journey, he is also determined to find out where his old friend is at. Could it be that his old friend is closer than what he thinks, or is it just his imagination?

Black_Jinxed · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Hello, my name is Alister Chann. I am a 22 year old omega. Now, you maybe wonder 'What's so interesting about that?' Well, let me tell you. Now, I know that you have heard of regular omegas, but have you ever heard of a mafia's omega?

"A mafia's omega? What is that?" You may ask. Don't worry, I will tell you.

There are few omega's in this world who are fated to be mated by some mafia alpha and I tend to be one of those said few to be mated with one. What makes matters particularly weird is that my mate is an old friend.

A friend who I've never thought I'd see again. His name? Aspen Fenris.

Aspen... My dearest friend. My first friend to be exact.

I remember our first encounter. It was on a playground almost 15 years ago. I was walking outside to get some fresh air and on my way back home I see him sitting all by himself on the swings. It was almost like it was yesterday.

~ 15 years ago ~

"I'm tired. Maybe I should go back home now." I mumbled to myself as I rested my elbow on my knees as I squatted down slightly.

'I wonder if I get to see Chimpo again.' I thought to myself cheekily. Chimpo was a dog that I always came across whenever I took my walks. He would always let me pet him on the head and licked me on my face when I did it. I grinned just at the thought of it. I once asked my parents if we could have a dog, but they said no since they were expensive and hard to take care of.

I spent a good five minutes walking my way back home, until I came across the playground that was a couple minutes away from my house. I usually come here whenever my parents were away for work. They usually worked long hours since we live in poverty and tried to care for me as best as they could. At this point, I just learned to look after myself.

"Bark Bark!" My eyes lit up.

"Chimpo!" I exclaimed and ran near him as he ran towards me.

"Hey buddy!" I squat down and started petting him gently. He started licking my hand simultaneously. I giggled loudly.

"Good boy." I grinned widely and looked up to look around to see if anyone else was here. Then I spotted a boy sitting by himself on the swings. He looked about my age. He looked kind of sad. I thought to myself for a bit.

'Maybe I should cheer him up.' I slowly walked towards him.

"Hey... Are you okay, man?" I looked at him curiously. I really couldn't see his face since he was looking downwards. He didn't say anything. Just sat there silently. Chimpo came right next to me and sat down staring at the boy too.

"Hmm." I squat down to get closer look at his face. I am not going to lie, but he kind of looked cute. Not in a weird way. Don't take it like that! But his feature, were kind of flawless. He had nice green eyes, messy black hair, fair skin and a button nose. Unlike me who have pale skin, slightly curly light brown hair and blue eyes. Sounds kind of weird since I am Asian American.

"Are you okay?" I asked once again. The boy then looked at me with slight annoyance. I didn't pay any mind.

"Go away..." He muttered silently. He averted his eye then turned his head away so he wouldn't look at me.

"Did someone make you upset?"

"Why is that any of your business.."

"Well I know it is none of my business, but I hate to see someone sad play by themselves." I grinned.

"Do you not have any friends to play with?" I questioned. He stayed silent for a second then shook his head 'no'. My eyebrows furrowed for a second, then I let out a triumphant grin as I stood up.

"Then I'll be your friend!" He finally looked up from the ground and gave me a questionable stare.


"What do you mean 'Why'? Everyone deserves to have a friend in their life." He started giving me trivial stare. I shifted in my spot nervously.

"Bark!" Chimpo pranced up towards the boy and put his front two paws on him, which startled him.

"Uh.." He looked at the dog surprisingly. Chimpo began to lick his face happily.

"Uh! Hey! Stop it!" The boy exclaimed as he tried to move his face from Chimpo's lick attack.

"Looks like Chimpo likes you, too!" I chuckled as I got near him and started petting on his back. I pulled him back some so he could stop.

"Uh.. Yeah." The boy looked at me with a flushed face. Is he embarrassed?

"Anyways, what's your name?"

"Aspen.. Aspen Fenris." He said almost shyly.

"I'm Alister Chann!" I grinned at him. He nodded then looked at Chimpo.

"Is this your dog?"

"No.. I wished. Mom and Dad told me we were too poor to have a dog." I frowned a little.

"Oh.." He started petting Chimpo some. I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was starting to set.

"Ah! Looks like it's time for me go! Hey, promise me you will come back tomorrow so we can play." I smiled as I got ready to leave.

"Uh.. o-okay. I guess I'll head back too" He nodded and got up from the swing.

"Bye bye!" I waved my goodbyes to Chimpo and Aspen as I made my way back home.

Finally, I have another new friend.

~ 15 Years Present ~

Just like that, we became friends quite quickly. To my surprise, Aspen did come back the next day, if I recalled. We played almost everyday until school started for us. Even then, we still saw each other everyday since we started going to the same schools together. I started learning more and more about him as we aged together.

I learned about how his parents fight all the time. How they planned to file for divorce and how his dad was going to take custody, which he did. I always wondered if that ever bothered Aspen as much.

In our teenage year, things began to change for us. More or less, us maturing from 'pups to wolves'. Puberty as we all know it. We all change. Aspen began to act 'different' personality wise. He started becoming more bold and flirtatious, particularly towards me. I was more or less the same, but just kind of fed up with his new founding perverted behavior.

Now after all of that being said, you're probably wondering about Chimpo too, huh? What happened to him during all of this? Well, our great friend died of old age. It was heartbreaking to hear the news from his owners when we found out.

Let's forget about that now. It's not important, because I am pretty sure the one thing you are wondering the most is, how in the world did we split up?

It's a long story, a story where it involves my parents being lost by murder. I don't know how or who did it, but all I remember was that there was blood everywhere and this note. It was from mom and dad moments before they died. I could tell since it had dribbles of blood on it. It told me to go stay with a closer relative that was out of state since they knew at that point they weren't going to have long left to live. That I should run before the killer finds me.

I didn't know anything. My mind was at a blank. The only thing that I could think of was, why would someone do this to my parents. It didn't matter anymore. I had to run. I wanted to tell Aspen, but I knew then I shouldn't get him into this mess. I packed what I had, took the money my parents had on them and took the bus to this address that was shown on the note.

It's been 7 years since that incident. Yes, as far as I am aware, they caught the killer. Yes, I am back at my hometown and I am living quite decently on my own for now.

I hope this little introduction gave you what you needed out of me.