
The Mafia's Omega

'Hello, my name is Alister Chann. I am a 22 year old omega. Now, you maybe wonder 'What's so interesting about that?' Well, let me tell you. Now, I know that you have heard of regular omegas, but have you ever heard of a mafia's omega? "A mafia's omega? What is that?" You may ask. Don't worry, I will tell you. There are few omega's in this world who are fated to be mated by some mafia alpha and I tend to be one of those said few to be mated with one. What makes matters particularly weird is that my mate is an old friend.' Alister Chann, a strong willed omega, marks his new found journey into the mafia world with no other than a strange, but yet familiar, man who likes to call himself Capo, but is named Dante Mantus. Strangely enough, Dante has somewhat the same features and characteristics of his old friend, Aspen Fenris. While he goes into this journey, he is also determined to find out where his old friend is at. Could it be that his old friend is closer than what he thinks, or is it just his imagination?

Black_Jinxed · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 3

"Well that was just delightful, I must say." Dante sighed as he put down his fork. To clear any confusion, we just finished our 'cafe date'. Not my words, his. We barely spoken any while we ate as well.

"Yeah. The coffee and the food was good." I agreed with a nod.

"Well, I guess we are done here now. I'll take me leave." I got up getting ready to go until I felt a hand on wrist.

"Ah, ah, ah... Little Omega. Didn't you forget you work for me now. You are my personal assistant, technically speaking. While this little date was fun, we need to get business started immediately. I don't like wasting time." He stared at me seriously.

"So... you want me to start working today?" I furrowed my eyebrows in slight disbelief.

"I'm not 'wanting' you to, I am demanding you to. You should learn how to read the fine print on contracts more, because you missed the small detail where it states that I now own you." He said with a sadistic smirk. My eyebrow twitched. I bet he put that there because he knows I couldn't refuse. I let out a small growl. I should put V.C., which stands for Vi Coactus for those who don't know, before putting my name on it.

Dante then stood up from his seat and walked briskly past me.

"Hurry up Little Omega. We don't have a lot of time to waste. I'm set for a meeting in one hour and thirty minutes."

"And you want me to come with you, don't you?" I started following behind him as I sighed with a slight irritation.

"Nah, I want you to come inside my car and start hopping on my dick." He stated sarcastically.

"Of fucking course I want you to come to this meeting Alister."

"What do I even do in there? Wouldn't they be suspicious of me?"

"For the first part of your question, I just need you to take note of important details and marketing numbers. This meeting is solely on the ideals of making a marketing trade with a company who was wanting to start a cooperation with my business. As for the second part of your question, don't worry about that. As long as you look and act a part of my group, they shouldn't be all that suspicious."

"And that means....?" I raised my eyebrow as we carried this conversation to the car.

"Look and act professional. Also, don't say anything unless spoken to." He stated seriously as we simultaneously got in the car. He started up the car then took a good glance at me.

"After this meeting we're going suit shopping for you."

"What... why? What's wrong with my suit." I looked down at my outfit and straightened out.

"It's ugly. I be damned to let you follow me around like a lost pup wearing that." He stated nonchalantly as he backed up from the parking space. I rolled my eyes and just didn't say anything. I rested my elbow on the door, just reflecting on everything that just went on. As I was thinking and reflecting, I started to drifting to sleep because of two of factors. One of them was because I just ate. Food comas are real, don't judge me. The second factor was because the car ride was pretty relaxing.

It didn't take too long for me to officially fall asleep in the car. I don't know how much time passed until I felt Dante shaking me gently.

"Aye, wake up. We're here." I groaned a bit and slowly opened my eyes.

"Huh?" I mumbled as I sat up slightly from my sleeping position.

"I hate repeating myself, you know that right? Now come on, get up. We have 10 minutes to get to the meeting room." He stated bluntly as he stopped the engine of the car and got out. Once he closed the door, he opened the back seat door and picked up a briefcase.

"Oh, right. Shit..." I cussed under my breath as I unbuckled my seatbelt and sluggishly got out of the car.

"There are some files in the backseat. Get them. We'll need them for this meeting."

"Okay." I responded back as I opened the back seat door and saw the files sitting on the floor. I picked them up, closed the door and rushed quickly towards Dante, who was already close to the building.

"Here you go." I panted slightly as I handed him the folder. He quickly glanced at the folder then back at me with a cringe look on his face.

"Documentations and filing is your job, not mine." He scoffed out in irritation.

"Well, what am I supposed to be documenting?"

"I already told you what you're supposed to do. Did you not listen to me when I explained this an hour ago?"


"Save the excuses, Little Omega. We don't have time for that right now. Everything you need to know is in that file. Just write down important information and don't talk unless spoken to." He informed. I nodded and we continued to walk.

It didn't take us long to reach to the meeting room. Dante opened the door and there were six men in there already. There was one suited middle aged man sitting across the table. He had what seem to be dark brown hair and brown eyes. Behind him were five suited men, well groomed too, who looked like they could kill anyone in any minute. My gaze averted towards the man sitting in the chair. I feel like I saw him somewhere before.

"Ugh.. Took you long enough to show up. My time is precious, Mr. Mantus." He uttered out in pure impatience.

"Well I'm here now, aren't I? Let's get this meeting started" Dante stated as he walked towards the table, leaned over slightly to shake this man's hand. The man gracefully and firmly took Dante's hand into his and gave it a firm shake.

"Yes, let's. But first, why not introduce yourself, young lad." The man gave a sly smirk as his eyes met mine. I looked at Dante, who was shooting glares at this man.

"Me?" I hesitantly asked as I pointed at myself slightly.

"Yes you, dear." Suddenly, a strong scent entered my nose. Oh god... He's an alpha too. His pheromones are so strong. Dante began to talk for me.

"This is-" Dante started off just to be interrupted.

"I appreciate the efforts of wanting to introduce him to us yourself, Mr. Mantus, but I want to hear it from him. So tell me what is your name, omega?"

"I am Alister Chann, Mr. Mantus new secretary. Also, please refrain from calling me 'Omega'." I stated professionally with a bit of irritation. The man chuckled.

"Quite bold of you to speak to me in such a way, Mr. Chann. Do you even know who I am?" His harsh gaze burned into the souls of my eyes. I thought for a moment then shook my head no.

"I am CEO Representative Arthur Mikes. I'm sure you've seen me on magazine covers or on tv at some point in your life." My eyes widen. Since you guys don't know, this man is pretty powerful. He owns one of the biggest loan shark companies known to man called Baits and Wages. Half Moon isn't too far behind them with being the second biggest loan shark company.

"Uh... I apologize Sir." I quickly uttered out.

"It's fine. Just don't let that happen again." He chuckled with a wink. I cringed a little bit at the gesture.

"Come now, take a seat you two. We already wasted 5 minutes." Arthur ushered as he gestured us to sit down. Dante then nodded then took a seat with me following his movement not too soon after. I decided by this time to open up the files and take a good look at them.

"Okay then. As you know, I wanted to expand my business and start distributing weapons on my own." Arthur started off.

"Correct." Dante nodded in agreement.

"Did you bring the gun with you, Capo?" He asked curiously, scanning Dante's surroundings. Dante nodded and pulled up the briefcase, setting it on the table gently. I watched everything that was going on. When Dante opened the briefcase, this vintage looking pistol was revealed. I raised one of my eyebrows but didn't question anything of it.

"Ah yes, the T-1800 .45mm vintage pistol I requested. Now here's the deal, I will pay you 2 million dollars for you to make and distribute these to me and with every gun sold, you can have 5% of the cut with every marketing these guns make." He bargained.

"Instead of 5%, make it 10% then I will consider your deal."

"Well then, I don't see a problem with that. Deal." Arthur stated simply.

"Alister, hand me a contract from that file." Dante demanded. I nodded and looked through the file and found the contract he was talking about. It was a lengthy booklet if I do say so myself. I placed it on the table and Dante then took control over everything else.

"Just sign here, here and here. With this contract you agree with everything that has been stated and written in this document. The contract only lasts for 38 months and after the 38 months my pistol should be off your shelves and my expected wages should be paid fully. If you fail to meet those expectations in a week after the contract has expired, there will be blood shed." Dante vocalized very clearly and seriously. Arthur just laughed as he signed the papers.

"Don't worry, Capo. Money is as important to you as to me. If anything, you should be exceeding my expectations with your product." Arthur snided back with a cocky smirk.

"Fair point, Mr. Mikes. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Come now Little Omega, we're done here." Dante announced as he got up from his seat. I looked at Arthur, then Dante as I got up.

"You'll be expecting some calls from me sooner or later Mr.Capo. Don't forget that." He stated. Dante didn't respond back to his statement as he opened the door and left. Of course me being me and not wanting to stay in that room any longer than I have to, I followed right behind him.

That's the end of that.