
The Mafia's Omega

'Hello, my name is Alister Chann. I am a 22 year old omega. Now, you maybe wonder 'What's so interesting about that?' Well, let me tell you. Now, I know that you have heard of regular omegas, but have you ever heard of a mafia's omega? "A mafia's omega? What is that?" You may ask. Don't worry, I will tell you. There are few omega's in this world who are fated to be mated by some mafia alpha and I tend to be one of those said few to be mated with one. What makes matters particularly weird is that my mate is an old friend.' Alister Chann, a strong willed omega, marks his new found journey into the mafia world with no other than a strange, but yet familiar, man who likes to call himself Capo, but is named Dante Mantus. Strangely enough, Dante has somewhat the same features and characteristics of his old friend, Aspen Fenris. While he goes into this journey, he is also determined to find out where his old friend is at. Could it be that his old friend is closer than what he thinks, or is it just his imagination?

Black_Jinxed · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Finally, got all the shopping I needed done." I sighed to myself as I left the grocery store.

'I wonder if Aspen still lives around here.' I thought to myself. I know it's a useless thought considering it has been seven years since the incident and since I left. I just hope he's not mad that I broke my promise.

I made my way home without paying much mind to where I was going since I was in a deep thought.

"Please don't hurt me!" My senses suddenly snapped back into reality when I hear a cry of fear. I look around and found myself at a dark alley.

'How the hell did I end up here? Wait... What's going on?' I ran towards the desperate cries and stumbled upon something I know I shouldn't be getting involved with. What I encounter upon was a man tied down to the ground with another man pointing a gun at him.

"Please, just let me go! I promise I'll pay my debt by next month, please!" The victim screamed out.

"It's a little too late for that now." The other man sadistically snide. The man chuckled as he began to pull the trigger.

"No!" I screamed out as I dropped my groceries and dashed as fast as I could to push that gun in another direction, saving the man's life.

"What the fuc- Huh?" The man with the mumbled angrily at first, but then stopped after he saw my face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you fucking insane?!" I screamed out at the guy furiously. The guy glared at me.

"Hasn't anyone ever told to you to mind your business. This has nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean it has nothing to do with me?! You almost killed him!" I shouted.

"So what? It wouldn't make any difference to me. Now, get out of my way." The guy flung me back as he pointed his gun at the man and shot him without any remorse. The bullet made a clear shot through his head, leaving the man lifeless in seconds. My eyes widen.

"Well. Since you witnessed all of that, it looks like I'm going to have to kill you next. Especially since you tried to interfere, you naughty little omega." The guy grinned as he pointed his gun to me next. I gritted my teeth. I breathed in his scent. Fucking alpha, huh?

"Then do it." I responded seriously as I glared at him. He laughed as if all of this was entertaining.

"Well aren't you a bold little thing, huh? You intrigue me." He smiled mischievously.

"What are you waiting for? Kill me!"

"Mhmm.. I changed my mind." He put his gun back, still holding that mischievous grin. I stood there dumbfounded and confused by how he changed his mind so quickly.

"I am feeling very generous since you have entertained me quite well for the last few minutes. I say, your behavior reminds me of a good old friend that has left me a few years ago. Seven years to be exact." I looked at him curiously. Seven years? I squinted my eyes to focus on his face considering how dimly lit this alley was. I can see that he had black hair and green eyes, kind of like Aspen's. The only thing was he didn't look like him.

His hair was tidy and kind of slick back and his eyes looked kind of soulless. He was also dressed up, like in a tuxedo. While Aspen's was always messy since he was too lazy to fix it and it always covered his eyes. Also for the fact that Aspen hated dressing up.

"Let's make a deal. I will spare you if you work for me." He put his hands in his pocket as he smirked at me. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What makes you think I would want to work for you after witnessing you killing an innocent man?! Also, what do you mean by 'work'?"

"The business I had with that man had nothing to do with you. You only have two options, omega. Either work for me or die. The choice is yours." He stared at me impatiently as he took a sucker from his pants pocket, unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth. I stared at him deeply, thinking about my answer.

"No need to answer now. I will give you until tomorrow to answer the question." He interrupted my thinking process. Is this man serious?

"Looks like I'll be seeing you very soon. C'ya, Little Omega." He said almost flirtatiously, smirking as he passed by me, handing me some sort of card. It probably have his number on it. I can't be so sure since it is hard to see.

"Wait! You never answered my question!" I called out, just to only turn around and see that he was already gone.

'What the fuck did I get myself into?' I thought to myself as I put the card in my jacket pocket. I looked at the dead man then back at my groceries.

Should I even call the police to report this dead man? I stared at him longer. I shook my head no, only because I know if I did that, that alpha would kill me. I feel helpless knowing I couldn't save his life.

I sighed once more and walked back towards my groceries, picked them up and headed straight home to reflect on everything that just happened.

As I was putting up my groceries, the card the mysterious guy gave me fell out of my jacket pocket.

"Oh.." I looked down at the card then bend down to pick it back up.

"I wonder if it has his name on this card..." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the card thoroughly. Strange enough, there wasn't, but it seems more like a business card.

"Half Moon?" I read the title out loud. Was this some sort of company name or something? I flipped the card and saw that this was actually a loan shark business. That explains why he shot that guy about some debt. Doesn't give him the right to kill him. If he was crazy enough, he'd probably would have gotten back to that man and sold his body parts.

I looked at the number on the card and decided to add it into my contacts and give the phone number a call to see if it's the same guy.

"Hello?" I heard after three rings later.

"Is... this the mystery man I met at the alley?"

"Ahh! It's Little Omega! I never thought you would actually call me." My eyebrow twitched when he called me 'Little Omega'.

"I have a name you know!"

"And what might that be, Little Omega?" He teased at me.

"Alister Chann." I stated confidently. There was a pause of silence until he started talking again.

"Mmm... I like Little Omega more." I rolled my eyes.

"You never even gave me your name or what kind of work I will be doing."

"Eh.. You can just call me Capo for now and as I said before, we will go into those details later. I am expecting to see you tomorrow so let's meet up at that nearby cafe near that grocery store you came from." I furrowed my eyes.

"Wait you mean that fancy cafe, Leblanc?"

"What else could I be talking about? My treat." I sighed. I'm glad he said that because I'm too poor to afford anything in there.

"Okay." Was all I could muster up to say.

"Well then, little omega. I will see you tomorrow at 12pm sharp. Don't be late~." With that he hung up. I stood in my place for a bit just thinking about what just happened. Even though much didn't even happened today, it feels like I just ran a whole marathon in just 1 hour and 30 minutes.