
The Mafia's Muse

“I own everything in this building, and that includes you. Now, get on your knees,” Lorenzo ordered. Natasha stood her ground, not flinching. “I don't like repeating myself,” he stated. - Indeed, he only spoke once. His actions enunciated volumes, and this Greek God didn't fail to wreak havoc on all who crossed his path. Even if you were the clueless assassin sent to end him, Lorenzo Lizzo would show no mercy. Kill the Ruthless Mafia lord and earn her freedom. Little did Natasha, aka Vera, know that she would fall in love with “her mission”. He was supposed to be just another mission. Not an easy one, but a necessary one that would put an end to her past. Instead, she chose to give up her freedom and fall in love with him. When the truth about Natasha's initial mission is discovered, would Lorenzo, a man from Hell who never forgives, make an exception for the woman he loves? - Note: The picture on the cover is not mine

LanaSteele · Urban
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


"Don't overthink things, Natasha. Focus on your changed life."

"Yeah." They fell silent. The landscape grew wilder, with more trees and larger properties. They passed gate after gate, each more elaborate than the last.

Her nerves were getting the best of her. She fussed with her new coat. Suddenly, Lorenzo's phone began blaring.

Reluctantly, he exhaled and reached for it, answering the caller. "What?" After an inaudible rambling at the other side of the phone, he handed it over to Natasha. "Here. Celine wants to talk to you."

Excitedly, she snatched it from him. Lorenzo gave her a side-eye that warned her not to spill anything. "Hi, baby. What did I miss?"

"The freaking fact that we would up to an empty house and just words from Matteo that you two eloped. Girl, you could have given, mum and me, a heads-up instead of having us worry."

Natasha chuckled. "I am sorry. Everything happened so fast. How are you and Sarah doing?"