
The Mafia's Lover

Ca_ms · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 2

Stuart pov

Stuart:(snapping his fingers in front of her)hello can u hear me

mitchelle:(comes back to reality)yeah sorry, something was on my mind

Stuart: can I get a table please

mitchelle:hm (he sounds nice unlike other rich people)of course please follow me

Stuart (sits down) thanks

mitchelle: sorry we don't have a VIP table here

Stuart:it's fine

I can't believe I just sat down in this disgusting place , the people here are so dirty and words can't even explain

mitchelle: what would you like to have

Stuart:(if I eat anything here I'm sure I won't ever leave the hospital) what do u think is best

mitchelle: well I love every dish my Granny's makes so I can't choose

Stuart:then I want to order everything on the menu

mitchelle: isn't that too much for you

Stuart: well you could have some too , since you like them so much

mitchelle: really you want me to join you

Stuart:any problem with that

mitchelle:I would love too but I have to work,so I'll just go get your order

Stuart:(looks at his watch)hmm I just remembered I got a place to be in, just put the food in takeaways


Stuart: foolish girl

after a while

mitchelle:here the food (holding alot of takeaways bags)

Stuart:help me put them in the car if u don't mind

mitchelle:sure no problem (done)bye then

Stuart:byeee I'm sure we would meet again

~in his car~

Stuart: throw all those junk away ,then wash this car afterwards

driver:yes sir

Stuart: better don't think of eating any of it

driver:yes sir

Stuart:I guess it's time for plan B (smerks)

~2 days later~

Stuart pov

Stuart:(on the phone)all done?

black: she's about to come out

Stuart: hurry,I'm about reaching the location

black: she's out it's time

Stuart:you know what to do (ends the call)(smerks evilly) driver turn left

driver:yes sir

~after a while~

a crash sound,tyres moving with speed, fruits and vegetables laying on the ground in the middle of the road as well as the body of an old lady, she is gathered by a crowd.suddenly a car takes her to the hospital and contacts her family.

Stuart pov

in the hospital

Stuart:where is she

black:at the entrance sir

Stuart: good now leave I don't want her to see you

black:yes sir (leaves)

Stuart: the fun is about to start (smerks)

mitchelle pov

(rushing inside the hospital room) granny!!!(shocked) what happened to her(tears rolls down her eyes)is she going to be okay

doctor: don't worry, she's okay, she fainted due to fear

mitchelle: how did all this happen

doctor:I don't really know but you can ask the person who brought her here

mitchelle:who is the person,I'm hold on how much is the bill

doctor:no need to bother about that,he already paid it


doctor:here he comes

???:(walks into the room)

doctor: I'll take my leave now (leaves)


Stuart:we meet again (smiles) your related to her?

mitchelle: she's my granny, she owns the restaurant

Stuart:(hmm this would be easy) really so she's the owner

mitchelle: how did this happen

Stuart:(well I had black run her over , but I can't tell you that ,I'm supposed to be the hero*smerks*)it was a hit and getaway accident, your granny tried crossing the road when she got hit

mitchelle:oh my gosh

Stuart:but it's okay,it was a good thing I saw her in time

mitchelle:thank you so much Mr...

Stuart: just call me Stuart

mitchelle:Mr Stuart,I mean Stuart

Stuart:it's okay anyone would have done what I did(just to get my flash back)

mitchelle:thank you so much but now I owe you a huge sum of money for the bill

Stuart:(yes you do but don't worry it's part of the plan)it's okay

mitchelle:no it's not,it's a huge sum of money, how can I pay you back

Stuart:(just as planned) okay look why don't you just pay me back by going on a date with me on Saturday

mitchelle:a date??

Stuart: don't get me wrong, just so I could get to know you better

mitchelle: that won't do the money is too much for just a date

Stuart: that's all I need but if you can't it's still fine, just forget about the money

Stuart is about to leave but he's busy counting numbers in his head


mitchelle:I'll do it

Stuart:(..1, right on time) good then it's a date ,if any thing comes up about your grandma just give me a call (gives her his card)bye(leaves)

mitchelle:(looks at the card)

mitchelle pov

I can't believe how nice a person can be,he did all this and he just wants me to go on a date with him , he's rich but isn't a bad person at all

I'm glad I met him and most of all his cute

Stuart pov

(bouncing a tennis ball of the wall) my plan seems to be working out faster than I thought, this girl is such a fool ,I would administer the chemical into her drink which would make her to speak nothing but the truth, then I would get to know where my flash is and this whole nice guy shit would come to an end

the end

watch out for chapter 3