
The Mafia's Lover

Ca_ms · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 1

mitchelle pov

hey my name Is mitchelle Rook,I'm 18yrs old,I live with my grandma.i lost my parents when I was 5years ,they were both murdered,I have no idea why .I'm in my final year in University now

mitchelle: how was the lesson

David : he kept going on and on about how he didn't become a successful business man

meet David he's my crazy best friend,we met in senior high then ended up in the same University

mitchelle:(chuckles)you mean mr Jacob

David :of course, it seems like instead of teaching us, he's trying to make us change courses

mitchelle: don't worry he would probably retire soon

David:I don't think that old man would want to

mitchelle: don't call him that he's an elder

David:I'm starving let's go to your house so ur granny could make us dinner

mitchelle: when did she turn to your chef



Stuart pov

Stuart : (sitting down) (coldly)I'm not here for games

Philip:I know your not (sacred)

Stuart: so where is it

Philip:I don't know how it happened,I had it on me but that night when the cops were after me I bumped into some one it dropped into her purse

Stuart: so you mean that flash containing all those important information is with a complete stranger

Philip:I promise I would find her

Stuart:(pulls out a gun) give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you

Philip: cause I'm the only one who can find this girl and get the flash back

Stuart:I give you 3hours to get that girl here

Philip:thank you (shakes in fear)

Stuart:get lost

Philip (leaves)

Stuart Wayne,a mafia Lord,23yrs old .

mitchelle pov

After the meal with granny, granny informed me that she was short of workers In her restaurant and that she needed me to come help out,I don't want to do it, but granny always wins in this kind of things

The next day

Stuart pov

(looking at a file) Mitchelle Rook,born in California,both parents are late , she lives with her grandmother here in New York.studies at pride rich University,18years ,

Stuart:so she's the one with my flash (smerks) I must say she's really pretty, she looks innocent I like it.you said her parents are dead?

Philip:yes sir ,they were killed by Malcolm's gang

Stuart: really (smerks)

Philip:yes sir but I don't the reason behind it

Stuart:(coldly) you need me to tell you everything before you do right

Philip: sorry sir

Stuart:get lost


Stuart: he's still a little bit useful

black: your right

black; Stuart's assistant ,47yrs old,he was Stuart dad's best friend after Stuart dad died (reasons unknown). black became he's mentor,he introduced him into the mafia group with belong to his dad

black: I know this girl,her granny owns a restaurant downtown, it's a small one anyways, the girl is a really nice, sweet and really beautiful

Stuart: enough with the praises,I need to meet this mitchelle myself,you would take me to this restaurant tomorrow (looks at mitchelle photo and smerks)

mitchelle pov

~in Granny's restaurant~

I must say working here it's not as bad as I thought, it's actually easy, it's actually fun asking people about their desired meals, writing it down and getting the food (smiling) now I hear myself there's nothing fun at all but at least it's easy

just when I was done with an order,a huge car parked in front of the restaurant I had no idea granny got such costumers .a man came down from the driver's seat wearing a suit it looked really expensive.i thought he was the owner of the car but I was wrong,he was just the driver . the owner wore simple clothes as if he wasn't the owner,I must say he's really handsome ,he's eyes are so.....he walked into the restaurant, walking towards me,I can't stop staring at him

Stuart pov

so this mitchelle loves her granny so much,I could take advantage of that to get closer to her and to get my flash back,I need to know what connects her family to Malcolm's family,they can't just kill them for no reason.and I have to find out what

the end of chapter 1

watch out for chapter 2

would Stuart find out what connection she has with the mafia society

would he get his flash back