

It is a novel about a girl. Who is silly yet brave living an ordinary life..... plot changes when someone kidnaps her by her own silliness and sell her in a black auction, there she was sold to a mafia boss...let's see, if she will be free of captivity or will she be able to survive in a strange surrounding.... let us found it in the journey of her life...

Shalo · Teen
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18 Chs

The final goodbye!

He hesitated for a bit. He began to say something while thinking hard to give her a favour or not, but she said first, "thank you", she took a deep breath, "I want to call my family for the last time, can I?". He wanted to say no but looking at her desperate eyes he nodded in yes.

A wonderful smile passed on her lip as she finally could hear the voice of her loving family. In her life, the thing she cherished was her family. Even her mother and father nagged her and both her brother and sister were annoyed but they were her greatest treasure. Which was looted by the unknown pirate. The worst part is that she could not do anything to fight out the fate of her life.

Until now he had not seen her smile so brightly. He asked J to give her the cell phone. She was staring at it, waiting for the magical device to make her last wish come true so she could die for her family in peace, "Is it right to call them?".

She let out a deep breath of nervousness, then move towards to take the phone in J's hands, hesitating she said, "mmm" she wanted to say, to him that she wanted to talk to her family alone because she was afraid that she will not be able to control herself and would cry in front of them.

She does not want to show them her misery, but she knows this request of her would get a "no" from him, that's why she was hesitating but to her surprise when she was about to let that out. He cut her in the middle of the sentence. He already knows what she wants, he knows that she does not like to show her misery to others and this was the thing he liked about her.

He said to J, "J, I want to discuss something important to you, so shall we go to another room."

Understanding the intensity of the situation J nodded. When they were leaving. He turned his face towards her to see her before closing the door. When he looked at her, their eyes met each other, then she tilted her head with a generous smile on her face. It seemed like she was thanking him for the favour he had done for her.

"Thump", he has never seen such an adorable thank you and even without saying the proper words. He closed the door then blushed.

She dialled the numbers with trembling hands. First, she called on her mother's phone. Which was busy as her mother was a busy person, she already knew this would be coming, then she called her father but his phone was switched off. She got worried because her father never forgets to charge his phone. He was an old man who had difficulty adjusting to modern technology but as an old man with a childlike heart, the cell phone was his toy which has become more precious to him than his wife.

*Ring*, *ring*, to her surprise, her mother called back. She immediately picked up the phone but she didn't speak. She wanted to hear her mother's voice first. That gentle and subtle voice of hers. She heard her mother saying, "Hello! Hello!" in a worried voice. ( p.s: now the conversation between the mother & daughter will happen in Hindi but it is an English novel so, they are in English) The voice seemed like her mother was under stress and in great pain. Her mother's nose was running as if she just cried now.

She can't hold it in anymore, she said, "hello! mum, it's me, your Pari (fairy)". A burst of tears happened on both sides of the phone call but she controlled herself not letting her mother know that she was also crying. She wiped her tears with her hands then said, stabbing her voice, "Mom, what happened, why are you crying?". Her mom sniffed then said, "you silly girl where do you go for the whole two days.", sniff, "Why don't you call us? Do you have any ideas? We were so worried about you. Where are you right now? Get back here as fast as you can.''.

She broke her mother's continuous monologue, "Sorry, mom but I will not be able to come back.".

"What do you mean? You will not come back, I know you are on the trip and it will be over in five days then why are you saying you will not come back?".

She wanted to cry and tell her mother all the things she had suffered until now, her kidnapping, her auction and how she got her life messed up because of her foolishness but she did not want to make her terrified by telling her story so she gulped her grief. She said in a hateful voice, "Mom you know when I told you about my boyfriend?".

, "Yes, but you broke up with him?", "No, I am running away with him and getting married to him please don't worry about me." she clenched her hands. "I will be happy with him and I know you would not accept him so, I abandoned you mom. This is my last goodbye to you, father, sister and brother, so don't ever call me again and never try to find me."

By the end of her sentence, she ended the phone call and turned off the mobile phone, so that her family couldn't reach her anymore. She knew the reason that she gave to her mother was not good enough but at last, she could only think of the lame excuse to make her family hate her their entire life. Running away was a sin in India. If a daughter ran away with her lover they would be angry to the point that they would cut off their daughter's name from the family tree.

In India, marriage is a pure act and it is done not only between two people but with two families so, they chose the groom of their daughter wisely. So, that she would be happy, but in all these, they forget about the true happiness she was seeking for even if it's wrong in future but she decided to choose her fate and realize her mistakes not by hating her parents but by herself would be better.

She fell to the ground and began to weep, "Sorry, mom this is not in my hands. Sorry for lying to you, sorry for hurting you.", sniff!.

While she was crying, he heard every bit of their conversation. Even though he can't understand what they are talking about, he surely knows that it was a sorrowful conversation between a mother and daughter. He can feel the grief of her tears. He couldn't control himself. Seeing her weep like that, was making his heartache. He rushed into the office room...

Help me grow more. Hope you are hooked up with the character of the mafia girl. The real journey will begin now. (^_^).

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