

It is a novel about a girl. Who is silly yet brave living an ordinary life..... plot changes when someone kidnaps her by her own silliness and sell her in a black auction, there she was sold to a mafia boss...let's see, if she will be free of captivity or will she be able to survive in a strange surrounding.... let us found it in the journey of her life...

Shalo · Teen
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18 Chs

The conversation

J said those horrified words which made her terrified. She said feeling ashamed, "sorry I didn't mean it". ignoring her apology J said" so when would you like to start your training" she takes a while to answer the question because she was filled with a lot of question then she finally convinced herself to get all the answer from J. so, she said, "can we start tomorrow because after all this mess in my life I need a break" she paused for a while and hesitantly said, "can I ask you some questions too?".

Ms. Molly suddenly rushed into the room and said, "after you fill your stomach dear, aren't you hungry", suddenly a grumbling voice roared in the hall it was her stomach, which was making the grumbling noise. With a red face, she said, "did Ms Molly get, her answer " Ms Molly grabbed her hands gently and take her to the dining room.

She could not believe her eyes she rubbed her eyes, she asked Ms Molly in amazement, "did any celebration is going to happen Ms Molly why are there so many dishes here?" Ms Molly said giggling "no this the 'breakfast' I prepared for you, come sit down".

she sits down still amazed by the site in front of her. she began to eat whatever comes in her hands first. She does not want to make Ms Molly sad by telling her she is a vegetarian so, it was her first time eating a non -vegetarian dish but, to her surprise, it was not that bad as she thought of. She thought that she will throw up. when she eats a meaty dish but to her surprise she did not do it… after the magnificent lunch she told J to show her mention J could not deny it because his jr. master said to him to take care of her so, he nodded his head in yes...to show her the mansion.

The mansion was enormous, it was like a castle, built centuries ago but, now refurbished according to the taste of the owner, which was sophisticated and beautifully designed. J and she was moving towards the library, which was located in the east part of the building. When the door was opened of the library she was stunned, she never saw so many books in her life (extra: she love books) but interestingly, the library seems to be familiar, as she has seen it somewhere, but where?..J look at her curious face then with a smile he said, "you don't have to give your brain this much pressure, you must have seen the exact library in the "Beauty & the creature: the movie" (copyright issue) our little ms was in love with the library in this movie, so much that she asked the senior master to build the same library for her",

" 'Little ms' is it your Jr.master sister?" she asked J curiously. J said immediately answering her in a nodding "yes, our sr. master did not marry so, he adopted children, so like this jr. master and little ms. are brother& sister by law." "Ohh, is that so, did anybody reads the book in here?"

"Amm, ms. Spend her all day here, reading books but after she…" J stopped after thinking something, he again began to say, "jr. master comes here sometimes when he had some time to spare but, now the library, just becomes the part of decoration nothing more" said J, in disappointment.

"If you allow me J, can I come here when I have some free time, please".

"Yaa, you can, if you can get any spare time to kill, then why not", laughing an awkward smile she gets away (how can she forget that she is captivated by someone and this is, not her home!). J showed her every corner of the mention, which was full of beautiful things and luxury. He also showed her the training area, where she will learn the things J will teach her. J ordered her to get up early in the morning, around 5'o clock, for her training session tomorrow. J dropped her at the room which was prepared for her by Ms Molly.

It was already dusk so, she said good night to J and closed the door. she was exhausted because of the horrible day, she just wants all this to be a dream. when she opens her eyes in the morning, she wanted all this to vanish in thin air. She still can not believe that she survived the disastrous thing in her life. She was exhausted but she still can't find herself sleepy. She sat on the bed. She began to remember the happy memories she abides with her family which filled her eyes with tears (she cries because she loves her family very much & can not leave without them) then she remembers, the hug he used to comfort her. She buries her face in a pillow to reduce the embracement. She began to remember every encounter with him until now, then she suddenly remembered him saying about the bull sh*t website, she said to herself grumpily, "how the hell, did he know that I unrolled me into that spam website?" she can't keep her eyes open so, she closed them, then she starts to think about it, deeply but, after a while, she fell asleep ...

hey guys updating after a long guess maybe you all needed it this chapter was kind of filler but it s drama so who care hope you like it and I try my best not make any mistake.

and yaa please comment so I can know what I am writing is liked by you all and i appreciate criticism too cause that makes be want to improve more

peace out...

Shalocreators' thoughts