

Liam got out of the building and called Kelvin to know the financial status of Isabella.

"I need to also know where Isabella is right now". Liam said and ended the call.

"I'll make you mine at any cost". Liam said determined and hoped into his car.


"yes Kelvin what's it, have you found out where she is". Liam asked.

"yes sir, she's heading towards moxie bar". Kelvin replied.

"thanks".Liam said and rejected the call. the car sped towards moxie bar and when he arrived he saw Isabella about to enter. Liam took a deep breath and went to stop her.


"Mr Russell what's are you doing here". Isabella asked.

"....why don't we go in I have something to tell you".Liam suggested.

"okay". Isabella answered and they both entered the bar and sat down on one of the vacant seats as the waiter came to them.

"we'll have two glasses of ice-tea". Liam said and the waiter left.

"what did you want to say Mr Russell". Isabella asked.

"mmm, how's your sister".Liam asked but immediately he said that Isabella started crying.

"what's wrong". Liam asked.

"my sister she has leukemia and I need money for her surgery". Isabella cried.

"it's okay I will pay for her treatment". Liam said patting her back.

"really thank you Mr Russell I'll pay you once I have the money". Isabella said.

"you do not need to pay me I only have one condition".Liam said still looking at her.

"what is it". Isabella asked also looking at him.

"be my woman I want you to be my woman". Liam said waiting for her expression but Isabella just stared at him.

"I should be your woman, NEVER". Isabella shouted.

"you think I'm that cheap to sell myself to you, wow the rich can never be trusted they take advantage of the weak when the have the opportunity". Isabella's said with teary eyes.

"I don't mean any harm". Liam said trying to touch her shoulder but Isabella slapped his hands of her, stood up and left.

"what have I done". Liam said using his hands to cover his face.


Emma got out of her car and entered her villa, she sat down on the couch as one of her maid brought her a glass of wine.

"what should I do now, if Liam tells Darien what happened everything will be ruined". Emma thought to herself.

"I needed to speak to Liam first thing tomorrow I can't let him tell Darien".Emma said and took a sip of the wine.

The next day, Emma got ready and wore her royal blue gown with silver heels and did her makeup, she got into the car and the driver drove to Liam's office. Liam was in his office working on a file Emma barged in.

"don't you have any manners". Liam asked in a cold voice.

"I'm here to talk to you". Emma asked about to seat when Liam stopped her.

"I didn't ask you to seat stand there"Liam commanded and Emma stood still.

"good so what do you have to say you have 2 minutes". Liam said and continued his work.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. And Merry Christmas, I will try to upload another tomorrow.

Plz also comment about my other books:

Demons,Angels and Humans

High School Romance: The New Girl

Thanks for your support. Love you all

From Titobi

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