

Isabella handed the bowl to Matilda and thanked her. Matilda handed the bowl to the maid beside her and took Isabella upstairs to the guest room and asked her to call if she needed anything. Isabella sat down on the bed observing her surroundings when she suddenly remembered she hadn't called her sister (Alice). Isabella checked her back pocket but couldn't find her phone, then she remembered that she had left her bag behind and her phone was in it. Isabella stood up ready to leave the room, has her hand held the knob of the door, the door opened as she hit her head on a hard solid chest.

"ouch". Isabella wimped

"I'm sorry, are you okay". Liam asked trying to touch her head but Isabella stepped back causing both of them to fall on the bed.

"please can you get of me". Isabella asked angrily.

"I'm sorry". Liam said as he stood up to adjust his clothes so as Isabella.

"here your phone". Liam said handing her the phone and bag.

"so you had it the whole time". Isabella questioned.

"is that the thank you, I'm supposed to hear".Liam said gazing into her eyes but Isabella broke the eye contact.

"yeah thanks so can you take me to see my sister now". Isabella asked looking at Liam waiting for an answer.

"yeah sure, let's go ".Liam said and both of them left. when Liam arrived at the hospital Isabella came down from the car and went in to see her sister. when she got to the ward, she saw her sister and Adam talking. Isabella opened the door as Alice looked up.

"sis you're here". Alice announced.

"yeah how've you been?". Isabella asked as she walked over to her sister's bed and held her hand.

"hi Isabella how've you been".Adam asked

"yeah I'm fine"Isabella said as she broke down into tears and hugged her sister.

"I promise you nothing will happen". Isabella said and hugged her.

"Isabella I need to speak to you". Adam said interrupting the moment between the two sisters.

"what is it". Isabella asked but Adam grabbed her hand and took her outside locking the door from behind.

"the doctor came while you where away". Adam broke the news.

"the doctor!, what did he say". Isabella asked nervously.

"the doctor came to ask if we had the money to pay the bills yet". Adam said

"money, I have no more money left". Isabella cried still holding unto Adam's hand.

"it's okay I promise to help out in anyway possible". Adam said as Isabella hugged him and he patted her back to comfort her. During this lovely episode between two friends someone was trying hard to control his emotions, Liam was so angry, he didn't know why but he wanted to separate the two from each other. Liam angrily left the hospital and drove off.

Hours later after Liam left the hospital Adam also left, Isabella tucked her sister to bed and also left the hospital, she stopped a taxi and got in.

"moxie bar please". Isabella said as she closed the door of the taxi. she needed to drink away all the pain she was feeling right now. As she tears flowed from her eyes, the storm outside grew bigger and bigger.