

"what the mafia," Isabella screamed as Liam quickly used his hand to cover her mouth. The Russell were one of the most dangerous mafia rulers in the city. Everyone feared them and dare not go against them or he or she will be brutally killed without any trace of evidence.

"what do you want from me," Isabella asked with fear in her eyes which Liam saw and he backed away.

"please let me go!". Isabella cried

"let you go?, what if you were sent by my competitor to eliminate me?", Liam said as he ringed the alarm beside his bookshelf next to the wall as two men in black suddenly entered.

"take her back to the dungeon until further investigation", Liam said and sat down flat on his chair as he watched her been driven away but this time she didn't struggle nor scream for help. Kelvin immediately ran into the office as he saw Isabella been taken back to the dungeon.

"But boss...". Kelvin kept quiet when he saw his boss gaze.

"Investigate her and don't come back if you don't". Liam threatened as he stood up and picked up his car keys exiting the office.

A black pbw car stopped in front of a mansion as a man with dark shades came down with a woman in black dress as the maid welcomed them in.

"Mom I'm home" Darien announced and landed on the couch still holding the woman's waist. A woman I her late 40's came rushing down with smiles all over her face.

"My son you're back, how was your trip?" Sara asked hugging her dear son.

"Fine mum, I came her specially to introduce you to my fiancee Emma, Emma meet mom, mom meet Emma, Darien introduced.

"Oh! My son you've made me so happy, how are you dear please seat down, Sara asked as all sat down. Just then liam entered the room as all eyes were on him especially Emma.

"Hey bro you're finally back". Darien said and stood up to hug his brother.

"Babe meet my brother Liam". Darien introduced as Emma blushed extending her hand out expecting a handshake but Liam just ignored her and sat beside Sara which makes Emma flushed will embarrassment.

"Sorry babe forgot to say he doesn't like girls". Darien laughed as he shook his babe's shoulder

"Don't you dare". Liam threatened and Darien immediately kept quiet

"Why don't we have lunch while we get to know my future daughter in law" Sara said breaking the silence between the brothers and everyone stood up and walked towards the dinning where lunch was served chicken soup and salad. Emma watched carefully as Liam sipped his soup, she was quite curious to know more about Liam the cold hearted mafia boss she's always heard.

"He's so hot". She mummered under her breath as she sipped her soup without looking away from his face