

Isabella woke up from the rays of sunshine from the little window. She tried to stand up but to no avail, her legs and hands had been chained, suddenly she remembered what happened last night as she gasped

" have I been taken hostage", she asked herself

"Nooo! help me!, let me out!", she screamed

Meanwhile in a room with little light painted in colour black with funitures black and white. A man in long trimmed curly hair, black eyes, and broad muscular chest stood up and smashed the flower vase beside him.

"what do you mean you caught the wrong person?", Liam asked as he grabbed his shirt

"I'm sorry boss I didn't know how it happened," the man bowed down his head.

"bring him here right now", Liam demanded

"but boss the person is ...", the man stammered

"the person is what?", Liam shouted

"the person is a lady", the man said shaking vigorously

"I can't believe you can't do your job well what a pity, you should be replaced", Liam scolded

"I'm sorry boss", the man said in a low voice

"fine go and bring her to my office", Liam said and walked over to the little window as he lighted his cigarette

"yes boss", the man replied and down through the halls to the dungeon.

Meanwhile, lsabella was still struggling and screaming for helped until she heard the sound of a lock

"let me out of her or else", Isabella threatened

"or else what", the man whose name was Kelvin replied

"who are you and what do you want?", Isabella asked shouting

"you don't need to know, the boss wants to see you", Kelvin spoke and helped her up and out of the cell.

"boss she's here", Kelvin announced as he threw her to the ground.

"ouch", Isabella whipmed. Immediately Liam turned his head facing the beauty in front of him. Isabella had long blonde covering her face with thin pink lips wearing a black shirt and blue jeans, Liam couldn't take his eyes of her,those eyes there was something familiar with them which he couldn't tell,he had seen it before but where?

"couldn't you be more gentle I'm a woman for goodness sake,"Isabella scolded but Liam just smiled.

What Kelvin was suprised for the past 10 years he walked for his boss he had never seen him smile except he was with his family.

"could my boss be in love? but why her?,"Kelvin asked himself.

"you may leave," Liam said interrupting his thoughts.

"....yes boss,"Kelvin replied and left the office closing the door.

Isabella stood on her feet dusting her clothes trying to maintain her balance.

"why are you keeping me hostage here? ," Isabella asked

"why do I have to answer your question?," Liam asked walking closer to her as she backed away suddenly her back hit the wall and Liam came closer leaving no space in between them.

" I'm innocent please let me go, I promise not to tell anyone about what happen," Isabella replied under his heavy gaze

"do you think I'm afraid of you or anyone else, I'm Liam Russell the king of the underworld," Liam said holding her chin