

"how sure are you". He asked her as she looked up to face him for the first time since the conversation started.

"I've known him for 3 years so he can't harm me". She replied.

"Sir your coffee". She said placing the tray in front of him.

Liam stared at her for a few seconds before he picked up the coffee.

"I'll leave now sir". She said and left without turning back.

"3 years". Liam muttered to himself once she left.

Isabella climbed down stairs and headed to the kitchen when she overheard two maids gossiping about her.

"You can't believe that new maid, I'm sure she only wants to bed the young master". The short one said as she tapped the girl beside her.

"You're right, she's even disobeying the young master". She hissed and then looked up to see Isabella by the stairs, staring at them both.

"What happened, continue your conversation I won't disturb". Isabella said smiling at the two.

"We're sorry". The girl spoke as she nuged the shorter one to apologise.

"So you think I came here to bed your master right". She said as her gaze fell on the short girl.

"But it seems like she's the one who wants to bed him". She said with disgust.

"Hey mind your tone, you're just new and you're already causing trouble". The short one shot back at Isabella.

"Oh real-". Isabella was interrupted by Liam's voice as she turned back to see him staring at the short maid.

"You're fired". He said coldly.

"What". Isabella exclaimed as Liam suddenly turned to face her.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to her". He said pointing to the short maid.

"Return your uniform and vacate this premises within an hour". He ordered as the maid could only open her mouth in awe.

"Young master I'm sorry it won't happen again". She begged but Liam only glanced at his watch and said "58 more minutes".


"Darien, you don't know how happy I am to see you here". Emma hugged him but he just stood still.

"Babe are you okay". She asked but he didn't reply instead he asked another question.

"Is your father home".

"Yes he's in his study". She replied and Darien wasted no time and walked over to the study leaving Emma puzzled.

What's wrong with him?