

"She's hanging around with that Adam guy".

"Whose he to her l?".


"Where are you coming from?". Liam asked, immediately he stood up from the couch.

"Mr Russell, I went out with my sister". She replied.

"Oh really! You think I'm a fool right". He shouted at her.

"Mr Russell what are you saying". She asked confused.

"Shut up! Don't say anything". He commanded.

"Get out!".

Isabella who was scared to death ran out and entered the kitchen.

"What's wrong with Mr Russell". Isabella asked the head maid as she poured the coffee into the cup.

"Isabella dear, don't worry about anything just take the coffee to Mr Russell and explain yourself". She said extending the tray for Isabella to take it.

"But...I don't think he wants to see my face. He's angry". Isabella replied.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine". She said as placed her hand lovingly on Isabella's head.

"Thank you".



"Come in". A voice said as the half shattered glass door opened to reveal a sexy lady who was none other than Emma Cooper.

"Miss Cooper, welcome and thank you for honouring my invite". He stated.

"Marry me and give birth to my child". He said.

"What". She exclaimed, taking off her shades.

"Is this some kind of joke".

"No it's not, I want you and my child". He said firmly.

"Honey, who brain washed you". She laughed, taking slow steps towards him.

"Who told you I'm pregnant and that to with your child". She sneered.

"I have proof". He said, raising the envelope Liam gave him.

"It shows that the child which you claim to be Darien Russell's is actually mine". He declared.

"(Laughs) what effontery? You're actually a man? You call yourself a father?". She smirked.

"You're nothing but a fool, nobody will believe you". She replied.

"Not when I have this report". He replied, an evil grin plastered across his face.

"I'll tell everyone if you don't marry me".

"Marry you? You disgusting old man". She spat at him.

"You're nothing but a boy toy". she smirked.

"Shut up". He commanded.

"You better do as I say or else". He threatened.

"Or what? You don't own me, to be honest I gave you everything you own now, broke idiot". She hissed.

"Listen and listen clearly, this child is yours but for the world it belongs to Darien...Darien Russell". She laughed bitterly.