

"Mr Russell, this to way please". Kelvin said as he led the way to the manager's office.


The glass door shattered into pieces as Liam Russell walked into the office with blood shed eyes behind the shades he was wearing.

"Master Russell". The manager greeted as he stood up swiftly to welcome him

"Seat Mr Russell". He said as Liam sat down on the chair and Kelvin stood at his back.

"You seat down". He commanded as the manager sat down nervously.

"I'm not here to say much". Liam started.

"You just have to do one thing". He said in a cold tone.

"Get married to Miss Cooper and I mean immediately".

"But Mr Russell she's engaged to someone else". He replied in a calm voice not wanting to get on his bad side.

"So you knew she was engaged and you and your father where having an affair with her". He smirked.

"I give you 24 hours to set things right or else watch everything you've worked so hard for her shattered into pieces". He said snapping his fingers as he pointed to the broken glass door."That's just the tip of an iceberg".

"I'll take my leave". He said as he stood up to leave when Kelvin handed him a white envelope.

"I'm sure you'll do the right thing". Liam said as he placed the envelope on the table and walked away with his assistant.


"Sister we should always go out like this". Alice said as she inhaled the fresh air.


"Sister please get mean an ice cream, strawberry flavour". Alice asked nicely.

"Fine I'll go get it just wait here for me I'll be right back". She said and left to get the ice cream.

"Isabella". A voice called as she got out of the ice cream shop.

"Adams". Isabella waved when he got closer.

"How are you and how's Alice". He asked.

"Everything is fine, so how's work". She asked.

"Work's not been the same without you". He sighed.

"Don't worry". She said as she held both his hands.

"I have gotten a new job and it pays well so there's no need for you to worry about anything".

"What job". He asked eagerly.

"A personal assistant". She smiled anxiously as Adam gave her a hug.


Liam arrived home from work at past 4 as he was welcomed by the head maid.

"Is she back yet". Liam asked checking the time on his watch.

"No sir". She replied and headed back to work.

"Where could she be". He thought as he sat down on the couch as he picked up the remote to check the news when his phone suddenly peeped and to his greatest surprise it revealed a picture of Isabella holding Adam's hand and the other picture showed Adams hugging Isabella.

"So this is what she's been up to". He smirked as he tightened the grip on his phone.