

Isabella got into a cab and after telling the driver her destination she got in.


"has she left". he asks as he climbed down the stairs.

"yes boss, she left few minutes ago". Matilda says.

"fine I'll skip breakfast I need to head to the mansion". he says and walks away.


"Mr Cooper and Mrs Cooper welcome". Sara greets and gestures for them to sit down.

"thank you, how are your son's". he asks.

"they're fine and on their way". she replies.

"okay Mr and Mrs Russell I don't have enough time to waste so I came here to merge an alliance". he says.

"I want your son to take responsibility for what he did to my daughter". he says.

"and what did our son do". Dean asks.

"your son Darien got my daughter Emma pregnant". he says.

"what". both Sara and Dean unisoned.

"yes and I want them married before month's end". he says.

"Emma dear are you sure Darien is the one who got you pregnant". Dean asks.

"yes sir it's Darien". she replies.

"Emma are you really pregnant". a familiar voice from outside says as he came rushing into the room.

"why didn't you tell me". he asks hugging her tightly.

"Darien we broke up so I didn't want to tell you". she says.

"don't say that again, I still love you Emma". he says.

"me too".

"since they still want to be with each other, they can go ahead with the marriage". Maddy says smiling sweetly.


Liam wasn't able to make it to the mansion so his assistant told him all that happened.

"check my schedule, I want to meet with the manager's son". he says as he enters the car.

"okay boss, you're free for the next 1 hour so you could make use of that time". Kelvin says and shut the door.

The car started and sped down the busy streets to the Cooper's company.

"where's your manager's office". a bodyguard asks pointing a gun on her forehead.

"he's office is on the top floor at the left first room". the receptionist says nervously as the bodyguard lowered the gun.

"boss this way". he says.


"sister where were you last night, you didn't come home". Alice says upon seeing Isabella at the door.

"Alice sit down first". she says.

"I got a new job so I couldn't come early yesterday". Isabella said softly.

"but it's my treat since I left you all alone let's go out to the park". Isabella smiles.

"okay let me get my sandals on". Alice says and runs off to wear her sandals.