

The next day, Isabella got up early in other to get ready for her first day. she had received the email last night and when she saw the huge salary she became eager to start work.


Liam had just gotten dressed and ringed the alarm and Matilda came rushing in.

"yes boss". she greeted bowing her head.

"has she arrived". he said wearing his golden cufflinks.

"no sir". she replied.

"then if she isn't here in the next five minutes, tell her she's fired". he replied and walked out of the room.

Just then Isabella arrived at the residence but a sense of deja vu came to her. she'd been here before". she thought but when.

Isabella pressed the door bell and a maid came to open the door for us.

"hello I'm from the company your boss contacted a few days ago". Isabella greeted.

"oh!come in Mrs Williams". the maid greeted.

"how did she know my name". she thought.

"ma please have a seat". the maid urged and went to find her boss.

"this place feels familiar have been here once but when". she thought trying to crack her brain when she heard footsteps she raised her head to meet the person who was coming and it was no other than "LIAM RUSSELL".

"miss William what are you doing in my house?". Liam asked as he sat on the sofa crossing his legs.

"I should be asking you that, what are you doing in my boss's house?". Isabella asked as she stood up to her feet.

"in my house, you've been here before or are you faking it". Liam asked raising a brow.

"but it can't be true". she said helpless.

"it's true you must be the personal maid I requested for". he asked glancing at his watch.

"yes I am". she said holding the hem of her dress.

"Matilda". he called and Matilda immediately rushed forward holding a golden tray and on it lay a maid's uniform.

"here take it and get dressed, you're starting tomorrow and be on time". Liam sneered.

"give her a set of rules and regulations she'll have to follow". Liam said and walked out of the room.

"this way Isabella". she said.

Isabella walked behind Matilda as she told her the rules and regulations of the house and most especially not to go into Mr Russell's room without knocking.

"so you'll start by preparing Mr Russell's bath once his home by 7pm". Matilda stated and led her to the room a few distances away from Liam's room.

"this is your new room". Matilda said Immediately the door was flung open.