

"no Alice you misunderstood it, you see I was just whispering something into his ears". Isabella smiled nervously and went to seat by her sister.

"so how are you are you feeling much better?". she asked her sister.

"yeah and I'm ready to go home". Alice wined.

"really then I'm here to pick you up, get ready soon and we'll leave here". Isabella said and smiled.

"but sis who is he". Alice asked curiously.

"Alice his one of my colleagues as what". Isabella said and Liam stood still clenching his hands to fist.

"so I'm just a colleague to her". he fumed and Isabella noticed the change in his behavior and suddenly stood up and held his hand leading him out of the room.

"so I'm just a colleague of yours?". Liam repeated each word coldly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell her you're a mafia she'll hate you". Isabella replied.

"so you're admitting you like me?". he asked with a smirk.

"no I don't like you and I won't like you". Isabella frowned.

"you look so cute when you do that". Liam laughed as Isabella shook her head.


Isabella and Alice arrived home from the hospital and Isabella help sit her down and poured her a glass of water after receiving the water from her sister Alice grabbed her arm and sat her down.

"don't lie to me that guy isn't your colleague right?". Alice asked

"yes he's not". Isabella replied feeling guilty.

"so his he your boyfriend?". Alice asked poking her sister.

"no he's not I don't even know who he is". Isabella explained.

"so how did you two meet?". Alice asked curiously and Isabella told him how she was held hostage for two days and how she was later released but she kept the details of asking her out to herself.

"I think guys this days are something else". Alice said and closed her eyes to rest.

Isabella was still thinking of what to do, she had lost her job but couldn't tell her sister. She needed a job urgently but where would she find one, anywhere she went they didn't accept her and she was sure it was Mr Russell's doing.

Isabella woke up the next day and received an appointment later from her email rejoiced, she told her sister she had to leave early but promised to come back early.

Isabella arrived at the company, she headed to the receptionist office where she was led to the manager office when she arrived she let a deep breath and knocked gently.

"come in". a voice spoke from inside.

Isabella opened the door and entered standing in front of a young man dressed in a black suit and pants.

"good day sir". she greeted and he indicated for her to sit.

"you must be miss William right?".the man asked looking through the file in front of him.

"yes sir".

"so you'll be working as a personal maid to one of my very good clients and I hope you don't disappoint me". the man asked.

"you just have to sign here and the job is yours". he continued handing her a pen.

Isabella grabbed the pen staring at the sheet in front of her. A MAID??. there was nothing she could do she had to accept for her sister's sake and without money they couldn't survive so Isabella gripped the pen tightly putting down her signature on the paper handing it back to the man.

"congrats the job is yours, I'll email the address to you and by tommorow you can start the job". the man said extending his hand and Isabella shaked his hand