

Emma woke up due to the constant ringing on her phone, she stood up straight placing the phone on speaker.

"boss you're all over social media". her secretary shouted from the other end.

"social media?, what's wrong". Emma asked sounding serious. the secretary told her about her that there was a video of her having fun with one of the managers of the entertainment industry and also a video of her intimately kissing the manager's son.

"what do we do know Miss Cooper". the secretary asked but Emma had hung up. Emma stood up on her feet and strod to the balcony, she knew her imaged had been ruined and she knew who was behind it.


Liam was in his office when Emma Cooper bagged in looking angry.

"long time Miss Cooper, how can I help you". Liam asked formally.

"Mr Russell I didn't come to chit chat with you I only have one request and I'm sure you are going to fulfill it without thinking twice". Emma said and smiled broadly.

"you must be hallucinating Miss Cooper". Liam smirked still not sparing a glance at her.

"I know it was you who posted the video on social media and I want you to help me clarify it as a fraud alert". Emma said sternly but Liam just ignored her and continued his work.

"I'm talking Mr Russell". Emma tapped his table.

"I know but I'm I meant to answer questions from a cheap whore like you". Liam asked raising his head as he gave a smirk.

"you're crossing the line Liam and I will make sure your brother Darien pays for all you are doing". Emma said and picked up her bag and was ready to leave when she heard Liam's voice

"did I just hear you say my brother's name from your mouth you prostitute".Liam asked standing up with blood shed eyes ready to kill anyone who provoked him.

"yes I did". Emma replied bravely that was when Liam lost it and his palm landed on Emma's left cheek.

"aaah!". Emma screamed in pain covering her left cheek which had turned instantly red.

" that's just a warning the next time you come to my office threatening me the whole world will know about your pregnancy with the manager's son". Liam hissed and called his security to take her out. Emma was shocked at Liam's confession her secrets weren't safe anymore her career and life had been ruined and if her parents found out she was pregnant with the manager of their company's son they would disown her for life. Emma cried as she used her hands to wipe her tears.

Isabella's life was back on track and she resumed her work but had not heard anything from Mr Russell which made her relived and also her sister would be discharged that night so she could be more that glad and thankful for the person who paid her fees. At close hour, Isabella closed up and left for the hospital but was suprised to see Liam Russell waiting for her in front of her sister's ward.

"so Miss William have you thought about my offer". Liam winked which sent goosebumps on her skin.

"I'm sorry to tell but I can't be your woman". Isabella said and entered the ward.

"oh really then let your sister decide that". Liam said and kissed her deliberately opening the door for Alice to see. Isabella blushed after she was pulled away but didn't notice her sister was watching.

"sis is that your boyfriend". Alice asked making Isabella to turn around looking at her suprised sister on the bed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Alabi_Titobiloluwacreators' thoughts