
The Mafia's Daughter (Part 1 & 2)

aac_tda · Urban
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22 Chs

Part 1: Chapter 11

5 years later

It's my first day of kindergarten for Stevie and Wil and I wanted Ricky and Johnny is take her to school while we watch from the window. We were sitting with her in the back of the car as Max drove us to her school. Just as we pulled up to the school Stevie got out of the car crawling over my lap. Johnny grabbed her hand and she hopped onto the curb. She then turned back and said "Mami, Papi come with me"

"Sweetie we...we can we have to be somewhere" I said to her.

"Oh...okay" she said with a sad expression.

"Damé Me y Papi besos" I said to her in Spanish. She ran up to the car and we both kissed her cheeks. We told her we loved her and Johnny took her hand and guided her to the school. We saw as she got in line with other kids and waited. She looked back to see that we haven't left yet. She waved and blew a kiss, I returned it.


After a long day at the office and the club we just opened. Gloria came up to us and I whispered "Where is Stevie?

"She just went to bed"

"What did you feed her?"

"Well she wanted some cheesecake after school and I made her lasagna. I saved some for y'all too"

"Okay thanks but we ate already."


"You are free to go. Here is your 200" I said before William gave her the money. After she have gone off to the guest room to sleep, Wil and I went to the room and I said to him "Baby...I can't do this anymore"

"Do what?"

"Hide the real us from Stevie. I'm tired of lying to her."

"No, we can't tell her"


"No that's it. My word is final. This is our family secret and we will keep it that way got it?" he said sternly.

"But what if she gets hurt because of us..." my voice started to crack as I continued "I don't want her to relive my past. Baby please?" a few tears came down my cheek. He stepped out of his pants then came to me and cupped his hands on my cheeks wiping away my tears then kissed my lips before saying "Baby she went. As long as we are alive nothing will happen to her." he reassured me and I smiled.

"Now get out of those clothes and come cuddle with me." he said before taking off his shirt and socks then hopping into bed awaiting me. I stripped down to just my panties and bra then got into bed, turning off the light. He wrapped me in his embrace. It always felt good to be safe in his arms. He kissed my head and said "I love you"

"I love you to baby" I gave him a kiss.

In the morning, Johnny took Stevie to school while Wil and I handled some business that we should have yesterday. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where the maid/nanny was. She turned around and smiled saying "Good morning Senora." I put my purse down and fixed my heels before I replied "Gloria. I have a bone to pick with ya ass"

"What I do?" Wil came into the kitchen and yelled at her in Spanish I only picked out a few things I knew he said but he was talking too fast for me to know exactly what he was saying. "¿Por qué nos robas?! Huh (Why did you steal from us?!)

"El Senor yo nunca" (No Mister I would never). She said in fright of Wil's voice because she knows how angry he gets. I don't even wanna hold him back on this one because I remember the last time I did that it ain't end well.

"Tu perra! I know you stole some of my drugs! I can smell it on you!" (You bitch!)

"Lo siento Señor" she said crying. (I'm sorry mister)

"I don't accept sorries you know that now you must pay for the coc you stole from my china cabinet." he yelled louder.

"No no please don't please" she pleaded with him.

"We do this the easy way or the hard way? You pick."

"Either you come with us and dig your grave or we just shoot you right now. Your pick" Wil suggested. She chose to come with us. So, we had another customer that didn't pay us back so he also had to dig his grave. We put the man and Gloria in the middle of a hot ass desert and gave them shovels. Then I said "Start digging. Six feet deep. No seven because hell is where y'all will be going." William and I sat on the back of the truck with a shaded umbrella while Eric and Johnny (bodyguards) watched them two. Fifteen minutes passed and Gloria was not even two feet deep. I groaned and said "William, I'm getting aggravated"


"They taking too fuckin long. Ima but to kill the guy myself"

"You ain't gonna do it."

"Bet." I snatched his gun and marched up to them and said "Yo slow poke, your time is up bitch" Just like that I pulled the trigger on her and she dropped into the one foot and a half hole, that she made. The guy jumped in fright. Then I said "That will be you next if you go any slower. Hurry the fuck up I didn't eat and you're passing me the fuck off!" I yelled before going back to the truck. Wil just stood in shock as I handed him his gun back. The guards covered the two victims up with the dirt and we rolled out.