
The Machine Knight

An esoteric secret weapon only known by the highest hierarchy in the military, humanoid machines with immerse strengths created as spies and weapons. They were the bane of many factions. Yet only few were created. One can decimate armies in mere minutes. But there is one, created by a genius, meant to be the apex, but that was not his destiny. The Destruction of the mankind,the war lead to the extinction of the human race. Our machine was abandoned and forgotten, damned to remain in slumber for thousands of centuries. Yet, as if faith and destiny, he was reawaken again after thoundsands of years.The world he knew was changed. Mana Entered the dead world creating new human and other lifeforms. A new adventure awaits for the Machine. Blend in with the new human beings and other species to explore the vast world of Magic. However... Is he truly the only one automaton that was reawakened? [Hello this is my first time writing so there will be a lot of grammartical and spellings error.]

Roger_XD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 5.Elf girl Alexa

The Knight wandered around the dense forest for a while.

Eventually the evening came and darkness falls upon the forest. Although the knight can see in the dark,his energy is rather low.


Energy level:36.77%

Energy Output:200 energy per second

Remark:The machine need to be Hibernation mode in order to be fully charged for 13hours 54minutes and 32seconds]

Hibernation mode turns off majority of gears and features from the machine like an ultra power saving mode so that the energy gain exceed the energy lost.

The knight finds a relatively safe spot and sat down behind the tree.After a low hum,he went into hibernation mode.



[13hours and 20minutes have passed.

Energy level:97.36%]

After a low hum,the knight woke up once again facing the faint sunlight.

He scanned inside his body again and saw that the snake is still warpping around his chest area underneath the armor seem to be still in hibernation.

The knight once again wandered in the forest.However after a few minutes of walking in the forest,he recieved a life signal.

[Life signal detected similar to human body 67m away from you on the northwest.]

As soon as the knight looked at that direction,An elf jumped out of the tree and placed the dagger at the knight's neck.

''ula ya mesa!'' the elf yelled at the knight.But the knight do not understand what the elf say so he just stood there recording the voice and analyzing it.Juding by the feminine voice,the elf seem to be female.

''Gona es una do!" the elf yelled once again but seeing no reaction from the knight,She backed away and drawing something in the air with her finger.A blue circle formed in the air and shot toward the knight's head forming a crest above the forehear of the knight's helmet.

''Who are you!Do you understand me now!?''The elf yelled again but this time the knight understood what she's saying.''Do you understand me now?'' the elf asked again in fustration.

The knight nodded to answer the elf as his Volcalization system is damaged,he cannot speak.

''Oh thanks god.. what kind of idiot doesn't even know the basic world knowledge.''

''Are you a foreigner?''

the knight nodded.

''Can't you speak?Are you mute?''

The knight once again nodded.

''I see... apologies.. there's a small town over 12miles from here at the North'' the elf said while pointing at the direction. ''However seeing that you don't understand the language of us you need to learn it before the spell wore out.''

Spells?what are these? The knight wondered.

''Come with me i'll teach you the basic language once we reach the town.Of course it's not for free.The Language spell only last for half a day so you better learn it quickly or else the cost will be doubled.''

''As for payment,I'll explain once you learned the language.Oh right! My name is Alexa.'' the elf hopped into the way. "Come on! let's go to the town.''

The knight and the elf set off on the way to the town the elf mentioned.

After a few hours of walking they arrived at the town without encountering any danger.

The town is relatively small but has many buildings made out of wood around with moderate amount of people.

''Looks like a lucky day for you.Normally you would encounter at least one or two wild beasts but we didn't encounter any making the journey to the town faster.''

''Well anyway,come! There's a library there.'' the elf and the knight went to the library while a few people outside glancing at the unknown knight.

As the two went inside the Library they were greeted by an old man.

"Little Alexa!welcome back.You even brought a visitor! is he your friend?'' said the old man with a smile on his face.

''Oh he's a foreign traveller who got lost in the deep forest zone while i was scouting.I had to bring him back here since he don't even know the language of ours.Oh and he's also mute''

''Hahahaha''The old man burst out a laugh. ''That's an interesting odd fellow.I hope you can learn our basic language so that we can talk more later.For now go to the section 3 Row 4.It has everythibg you need about the basic language.''

''Thanks old man''

''Brat! don't call me old man! i'm only 449 years old!'' the librarian then looked at the knight.

''Welcome to the Kastalov Library adventurer knight.My name is Wetson Daemann.Although I'm 449 years old i'm not old enough to be called an old man.haha''

''This naughty brat always keep calling me that''

''You are old!''

''Shut up!''

Alexa laughed at Wetson and then looked at the knight and said ''Come with me i'll accompany you learning the language easier.''

''Well have fun you two.Just call me if you need anything else.I'm always here.'' Wetson said as he continue to do the paperwork on the table.

Alexa and the knight went to the Section 11 to teach the knight the basic Language.They continued for a few hours before the sun sets.

''You're rather a quick learner.I onky said the words one or two times but You completely memorized all the words.''

''It seem like you can learn on your own now.I'll go back to my home or else my dad will hit me on my head again.'' Alexa got up from the chair.

After saying goodbye to the knight,she went home.

The knight continued to record and study the book relating to other language and the geography of the continent for the rest of the night.


[New World Language Updated]

[Elf Archive Updated]

[Elf Alexa:A female elf speaking different language.Very nimble and fast.Able to use bows professionally.

She helped me learn the basic world language helping me earn a lot of information easier.

Threat level:★★


[Elf Wetson Daemonn:A male elf with white hairs.Said to be 449 years old.He has a lot of experience and wisdom but also friendly. He work as a librarian for the Kastalov town.He seem to be well known by others as well.

Threat level: ★
