
The Machine Knight

An esoteric secret weapon only known by the highest hierarchy in the military, humanoid machines with immerse strengths created as spies and weapons. They were the bane of many factions. Yet only few were created. One can decimate armies in mere minutes. But there is one, created by a genius, meant to be the apex, but that was not his destiny. The Destruction of the mankind,the war lead to the extinction of the human race. Our machine was abandoned and forgotten, damned to remain in slumber for thousands of centuries. Yet, as if faith and destiny, he was reawaken again after thoundsands of years.The world he knew was changed. Mana Entered the dead world creating new human and other lifeforms. A new adventure awaits for the Machine. Blend in with the new human beings and other species to explore the vast world of Magic. However... Is he truly the only one automaton that was reawakened? [Hello this is my first time writing so there will be a lot of grammartical and spellings error.]

Roger_XD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 0

Inside the dark cave.. covered in metal scraps and dark..a humm sounded.

[Rebooting...1% ... 47%.. 72%..]

[Rebooting Completed]

[`Warning! Low energy level]

[Energy level:13.27%]

[Scanning the surroundings..]

A mechanical head rotates left and right.

[Scanning Completed]

[Detected :

-Undamaged Mini Reactor

-Damaged Cannon

-Slightly Broken Energy Blade

-×23 useful spare parts

-×207 useless scraps]

The machine extended it's arms to the undamaged reactor to replace it's leaking reactor.

It took out it's own reactor from the chest.Normally any machine would stop functioning once it's powersource is cut off.

But this machine can function without it's main energy source for 150 seconds.It doesn't sound a lot but it's enough time for the machine to replace the parts.

[Energy Core replaced:

Current Energy Output:

100-->200 energy per second

Battery Replaced:

Current Energy Level:

13.72%---> 62.32%]

[Self scanning...]

[Self Scanning completed]



Right arm:(Functional)

Left arm:(Broken,need replacement)

Right leg:(Damaged but functional)

Left leg:(Damaged but functional)

Chest:(Damaged,need repairing)

Sound Reciever:(Functional)


Vocalization System:(Damaged)

3D Holographic


Flight Boosters:(Damaged)

Reactor Core:(Functional)

Memory system:(Damaged)


Creating new memroy archieve..]

The Humanoid Machine get up and repair itself using functional parts around the scraps.

Arms,Legs and chest areas are now

repaired up to 89% of it's original.

However Volcalization system is still damaged so it cannot talk or make a sound.

The machine Scanned its surrounding again.. Its seem to be inside a cave.

[Archive Updated]

It will record everything it encounters so it'll help with information in the near future.

The machine grabbed the Energy blade and Barely Function Energy Cannon and explores inside the tunnel to exit cave.

*Clanggg* *Screethhh*

Suddenly it heard a loud noise and move into that direction.

After a while it arrive at the scene.There seem to be a human in medival armor and.. a flying skeleton?with a lot of bones scattered around with scrap swords and shields.

[Archive new files added:

Human,Strange skeletons]