
The Machine Apocalypse: When all Realms Collapse

He was surrounded by darkness. Trapped in a black world with nothing but dark mist, while blaming anyone he once knew since he woke up. But just as he was about to give up, and lose even the last bit of sanity he had left, a voice saved him and changed his live forever.

Archnaphil · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Reawakening of a King

I was just a normal student.

I had friends close to me, average to good grades and was neither popular nor unpopular. However, I was satisfied with that. But there was one thing which always ruined my live. The fact that I couldn't feel the same amount of fun and ambition like other people had in their lives.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't find something which caught my interest. And so, I gave up and accepted that I would never be able to get rid of this feeling.

But then, when I was on my way home with my friends, my live changed completely.

Our bus crashed with another one, killing all passengers. The last thing I saw were corpses spread all around the bus. Once anything started to turn black, I knew I was going to die. But I wasn't sad about it, I wasn't because I knew I would finally be freed from this cursed feeling, from this bottomless boredom which slowly swallowed me up.

But when the darkness finally devoured my sight, light started to appear again. I immediately looked at me, noticing that my body has been completely healed.

The afterlife?

I thought as I looked around. But when I stood up a screen appeared.

[Do you wish to change your fate?]

I looked at the screen, not knowing what I should think or say.

[You have been given the choice to change your fate]

My fate...

I didn't know what it meant to change my fate, but one thing was sure. This feeling within me, the boredom that kept swallowing me inside it, it wasn't there anymore.

The moment I noticed that my hands started trembling with excitement and my heartbeat went faster than ever before, something I experienced for the first time.

"What does it mean to change my fate?", I managed to ask.

[You whose fate has wronged him, you who lived his live right even though he was wronged, you who has died a needless death. You have been given the chance to be reborn in a new world.]

A new world? Reincarnation?

"What happens if I decline?"

[You will enter heaven and rest for all of eternity]


Something within me despised this word the moment I heard it. Not because I disliked the meaning or the place itself. It was just, that I haven't done anything worthy enough to rest afterwards. I achieved nothing.

"Tell me... This new world, can it stop this boredom I felt my entire live?"





When I read the word on the screen, I felt something I haven't felt in quite a while, Hope.

But not only that, I became curious. My entire live I couldn't feel a thing for anything I tried. Nothing could bring me to the point where I would say, "I want to be the best" or "I want to do that".

But this screen said, this new world could give me that. At this point my entire body started to tremble with excitement. It was hard to hold back the urge to accept and reincarnate. But I first had to ask.

"What is that for a world?"

[The system can't give a detailed explanation of this world, that would be count as unfair help. But the system can give a slight description.]

[The new world, is a fantasy-like world divided into nine realms filled with all sorts of races.]

A fantasy world? Well, I read a couple novels in that genre so it should be fine.

"Will I be reborn as human?"

It wasn't like I wanted to stay human, I was just curious at this point.

[No. Your destiny has already been written. Your soul will be transferred to the body most compatible with you.]

"If everything is already written in destiny, then why should I wish?"

[Maybe on some page it is written as you wish]

I couldn't hide my smile as I looked at the screen, "Then... I chose to reincarnate."

[As you wish]

In one moment, everything became black once again. That was until another screen appeared but this one was different. This one was black and had golden writings.

[Compatible body has been found!]

[Compatibility: 100%]

[Perfect soul has been "Gifted".]

[Soul will now be transferred]


[Soul has been transferred!]

In one moment, I sat on a couch, inside a big room.

"What happened?", As I kept looking around, I noticed that I could see way better than before and even zoom in when I tried to see something far away. Afterwards followed the feeling of something heavy moving around when I moved my head.

"My hair grew...", I looked for a bathroom and quickly found one as I looked around.

But the man standing in the mirror could've never been me.

His face was handsome, and his body looked well build. His black and white hair which was perfectly divided per strand looked much too beautiful as it perfectly matched his white pupils.

But the most amazing thing was that this man was indeed me!

However... Strange lines drove along my body almost as if--

[Protocol: "Birth" will be initiated!]

Everything vanished the moment those words were spoken, and I woke up once again, for the third and last time.

I quickly noticed that I was kept in some kind of giant capsule filled with strange glowing liquid.

[The "King" has been awakened.]

I remained confused until I looked at the room outside the capsule. It was filled with pictures of my body and many components which could be put inside me according to them.

It was clear, I became a machine.

Well to some extent. I still possessed flesh, skin, and the appearance of a human.


[Multiple hostile beings spotted within the kingdom!]

Hostile? Then I should... Get rid of them.

The capsule exploded the second I ended my thought, freeing me.

"Mhm... Moving feels surprisingly good~"

[Hostile beings gathered at this point.]

The screen then showed me a map with multiple glowing points that kept beating in an familiar rhythm.

"I see..."

I could feel a part of me being hesitant to kill these "Hostile beings". But this part kept vanishing with each second, no to be exact it already vanished this second.

"Was that the last bit of my humanity clinging onto me? Whatever. Time to clean up.", with that I vanished.


"Your majesty! Please rethink this!"

"There is nothing to rethink. This nation has no future. We can do nothing but admit that we lost."

The people on the left said became pale as they heard those words while the other side burst out in laughter.

"This is the end of Synthrexia...? Just like that we will vanish from history?", The man mumbling that suddenly fell to his knees.

"Don't worry. We still have some use for you. As slaves that is~", The leader of the enemies said as she smiled.

The king instantly turned around, "What is the meaning of this! I thought with this--"

"Well, I changed my mind.", she said, as she suddenly killed the king by beheading him, "We have no need for an equal civilization that hasn't even reached perfection."

"You bastards! If our "King" were here, then..."

"Then what? You all always praise your King like that even through you haven't even met him.", She suddenly walked towards the man and looked down on him.

"If he's so powerful? Then I want to see what he'll do to me."

"Hoo~ What do you think I'll do to you?", I said standing behind her.

The moment she heard my voice she tried to turn around. But what felt like seconds for her were minutes to me. Minutes in which I could effortlessly raise my hand and crush her inside the wall.

Her soldiers immediately started attacking me once they realized what happened.

[Shall all Synthrexians be linked to the Hive mind?]

What would happen if I allowed it?

[All Synthrexians would unlock their racial abilities and get completed.]

Ah... Then do it.

[As you wish, your majesty]

After one second passed, lights started to appear all over the kingdom and shoot towards the sky.

[All Synthrexians have been linked to the Hive mind!]

[All hail Synthrexia!]

Once another second passed, the room was filled with blood and body parts.

"Hoo~ You're quite strong~"

I said as I looked behind me, seeing my offsprings covered in blood while smiling bright.

"You.... Monster.... What did you--"

"That's none of your concern~ Just know that you are the reason for your race's downfall."

"You bast--", Before she could finish her sentence, I crushed her head with my bare hand.

Hm... I knew it was kill or be killed in this situation. But I expected to feel at least something... Well, even so, I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.

I turned around and looked at the group of five kneeling down to me.

"Your majesty."

"The one we waited so long for."

"The founder and creator of our race."

"The one we will follow to hell if we have to."

"The one we love more than ourselves."

All five continued the sentence until the fifth one finished his.

I just laughed loudly as I looked at them, accepting this new life I have been given with a bright smile, "Listen up, my beloved offspring. Your King has woken up. And so, he asks you.

Are you ready to be stand by my side when I bring destruction upon this world and burn it down to its roots?"