
Chapter 79: She is the one

David cursed silently as the idiot trustee, and one of the wealthiest benefactors the hospital ever had, introduced him and Nurse Madison as if the two of them were an item!

The she-Wolf was a damn nuisance! She clung to his arm in her ridiculously low-cut gown like a parasite. The flowery perfume she wore made him want to scrub his nostrils! How the hell did she breathe with that crap on?

Movement to his right had him turning his head. Oh fuck no. Cassiopeia. His Cassie had seen his entrance and heard what this ass-wipe had said! She would think the absolute worst! For fuck's sake!

He moved to chase her, but the she-Wolf tightened her hold and smiled up at him, motioning for him to walk towards the microphone.

"Thank you, ladies and gents, I want to welcome you all here tonight. Please enjoy yourself and remember to drink and drive responsibly! I am sorry, if you will excuse me a moment, I think my real date just walked out the door. Cassie!"