
Chapter 51: CAITLIN

It's worst than I thought. My talk with Catalina had opened up a whole new can of worms. Human trafficking isn't something I'm unaware of, they teach us about it in school now as a precautionary. But this is the first time it's ever hit this close to home.

It isn't the same as when she was taken, at least not the way she described, and what had happened to her is bad enough. Daddy's been playing that one off for months but I know there's more to the story than he told us, and she doesn't really remember much of anything from that day.

No one seems to know the real story and except for the whispers around town about a missing pedophile I wouldn't even have known that something of that magnitude had happened to my own little sister. I'm still not sure that the two things are connected, that's how good daddy is at keeping things hidden from us kids.